xref: /DragonOS/kernel/src/process/exit.rs (revision 2eab6dd743e94a86a685f1f3c01e599adf86610a)
1 use core::intrinsics::likely;
3 use alloc::sync::Arc;
4 use log::warn;
5 use system_error::SystemError;
7 use crate::{
8     arch::{
9         ipc::signal::{SigChildCode, Signal},
10         CurrentIrqArch,
11     },
12     exception::InterruptArch,
13     sched::{schedule, SchedMode},
14     syscall::user_access::UserBufferWriter,
15 };
17 use super::{
18     abi::WaitOption, pid::PidType, resource::RUsage, Pid, ProcessControlBlock, ProcessManager,
19     ProcessState,
20 };
22 /// 内核wait4时的参数
23 #[derive(Debug)]
24 pub struct KernelWaitOption<'a> {
25     pub pid_type: PidType,
26     pub pid: Pid,
27     pub options: WaitOption,
28     pub ret_status: i32,
29     pub ret_info: Option<WaitIdInfo>,
30     pub ret_rusage: Option<&'a mut RUsage>,
31     pub no_task_error: Option<SystemError>,
32 }
34 #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
35 pub struct WaitIdInfo {
36     pub pid: Pid,
37     pub status: i32,
38     pub cause: i32,
39 }
41 impl<'a> KernelWaitOption<'a> {
42     pub fn new(pid_type: PidType, pid: Pid, options: WaitOption) -> Self {
43         Self {
44             pid_type,
45             pid,
46             options,
47             ret_status: 0,
48             ret_info: None,
49             ret_rusage: None,
50             no_task_error: None,
51         }
52     }
53 }
55 pub fn kernel_wait4(
56     mut pid: i64,
57     wstatus_buf: Option<UserBufferWriter<'_>>,
58     options: WaitOption,
59     rusage_buf: Option<&mut RUsage>,
60 ) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
61     // i64::MIN is not defined
62     if pid == i64::MIN {
63         return Err(SystemError::ESRCH);
64     }
66     // 判断pid类型
67     let pidtype: PidType;
69     if pid == -1 {
70         pidtype = PidType::MAX;
71     } else if pid < 0 {
72         pidtype = PidType::PGID;
73         warn!("kernel_wait4: currently not support pgid, default to wait for pid\n");
74         pid = -pid;
75     } else if pid == 0 {
76         pidtype = PidType::PGID;
77         warn!("kernel_wait4: currently not support pgid, default to wait for pid\n");
78         pid = ProcessManager::current_pcb().pid().data() as i64;
79     } else {
80         pidtype = PidType::PID;
81     }
83     let pid = Pid(pid as usize);
85     // 构造参数
86     let mut kwo = KernelWaitOption::new(pidtype, pid, options);
88     kwo.options.insert(WaitOption::WEXITED);
89     kwo.ret_rusage = rusage_buf;
91     // 调用do_wait,执行等待
92     let r = do_wait(&mut kwo)?;
94     // 如果有wstatus_buf,则将wstatus写入用户空间
95     if let Some(mut wstatus_buf) = wstatus_buf {
96         let wstatus = if let Some(ret_info) = &kwo.ret_info {
97             ret_info.status
98         } else {
99             kwo.ret_status
100         };
101         wstatus_buf.copy_one_to_user(&wstatus, 0)?;
102     }
104     return Ok(r);
105 }
107 /// 参考 https://code.dragonos.org.cn/xref/linux-6.1.9/kernel/exit.c#1573
108 fn do_wait(kwo: &mut KernelWaitOption) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
109     let mut retval: Result<usize, SystemError>;
110     // todo: 在signal struct里面增加等待队列,并在这里初始化子进程退出的回调,使得子进程退出时,能唤醒当前进程。
112     loop {
113         kwo.no_task_error = Some(SystemError::ECHILD);
114         let child_pcb = ProcessManager::find(kwo.pid).ok_or(SystemError::ECHILD);
115         if kwo.pid_type != PidType::MAX && child_pcb.is_err() {
116             if let Some(err) = &kwo.no_task_error {
117                 retval = Err(err.clone());
118             } else {
119                 retval = Ok(0);
120             }
122             if !kwo.options.contains(WaitOption::WNOHANG) {
123                 retval = Err(SystemError::ERESTARTSYS);
124                 if !ProcessManager::current_pcb()
125                     .sig_info_irqsave()
126                     .sig_pending()
127                     .has_pending()
128                 {
129                     // todo: 增加子进程退出的回调后,这里可以直接等待在自身的child_wait等待队列上。
130                     continue;
131                 } else {
132                     break;
133                 }
134             } else {
135                 break;
136             }
137         }
139         if kwo.pid_type == PidType::PID {
140             let child_pcb = child_pcb.unwrap();
141             // 获取weak引用,以便于在do_waitpid中能正常drop pcb
142             let child_weak = Arc::downgrade(&child_pcb);
143             let r = do_waitpid(child_pcb, kwo);
144             if let Some(r) = r {
145                 return r;
146             } else {
147                 child_weak.upgrade().unwrap().wait_queue.sleep();
148             }
149         } else if kwo.pid_type == PidType::MAX {
150             // 等待任意子进程
151             // todo: 这里有问题!如果正在for循环的过程中,子进程退出了,可能会导致父进程永远等待。
152             let current_pcb = ProcessManager::current_pcb();
153             let rd_childen = current_pcb.children.read();
154             let irq_guard = unsafe { CurrentIrqArch::save_and_disable_irq() };
155             for pid in rd_childen.iter() {
156                 let pcb = ProcessManager::find(*pid).ok_or(SystemError::ECHILD)?;
157                 let state = pcb.sched_info().inner_lock_read_irqsave().state();
158                 if state.is_exited() {
159                     kwo.ret_status = state.exit_code().unwrap() as i32;
160                     drop(pcb);
161                     unsafe { ProcessManager::release(*pid) };
162                     return Ok((*pid).into());
163                 } else {
164                     unsafe { pcb.wait_queue.sleep_without_schedule() };
165                 }
166             }
167             drop(irq_guard);
168             schedule(SchedMode::SM_NONE);
169         } else {
170             // todo: 对于pgid的处理
171             warn!("kernel_wait4: currently not support {:?}", kwo.pid_type);
172             return Err(SystemError::EINVAL);
173         }
174     }
176     return retval;
177 }
179 fn do_waitpid(
180     child_pcb: Arc<ProcessControlBlock>,
181     kwo: &mut KernelWaitOption,
182 ) -> Option<Result<usize, SystemError>> {
183     let state = child_pcb.sched_info().inner_lock_read_irqsave().state();
184     // 获取退出码
185     match state {
186         ProcessState::Runnable => {
187             if kwo.options.contains(WaitOption::WNOHANG)
188                 || kwo.options.contains(WaitOption::WNOWAIT)
189             {
190                 if let Some(info) = &mut kwo.ret_info {
191                     *info = WaitIdInfo {
192                         pid: child_pcb.pid(),
193                         status: Signal::SIGCONT as i32,
194                         cause: SigChildCode::Continued.into(),
195                     };
196                 } else {
197                     kwo.ret_status = 0xffff;
198                 }
200                 return Some(Ok(0));
201             }
202         }
203         ProcessState::Blocked(_) | ProcessState::Stopped => {
204             // todo: 在stopped里面,添加code字段,表示停止的原因
205             let exitcode = 0;
206             // 由于目前不支持ptrace,因此这个值为false
207             let ptrace = false;
209             if (!ptrace) && (!kwo.options.contains(WaitOption::WUNTRACED)) {
210                 kwo.ret_status = 0;
211                 return Some(Ok(0));
212             }
214             if likely(!(kwo.options.contains(WaitOption::WNOWAIT))) {
215                 kwo.ret_status = (exitcode << 8) | 0x7f;
216             }
217             if let Some(infop) = &mut kwo.ret_info {
218                 *infop = WaitIdInfo {
219                     pid: child_pcb.pid(),
220                     status: exitcode,
221                     cause: SigChildCode::Stopped.into(),
222                 };
223             }
225             return Some(Ok(child_pcb.pid().data()));
226         }
227         ProcessState::Exited(status) => {
228             let pid = child_pcb.pid();
229             // debug!("wait4: child exited, pid: {:?}, status: {status}\n", pid);
231             if likely(!kwo.options.contains(WaitOption::WEXITED)) {
232                 return None;
233             }
235             // todo: 增加对线程组的group leader的处理
237             if let Some(infop) = &mut kwo.ret_info {
238                 *infop = WaitIdInfo {
239                     pid,
240                     status: status as i32,
241                     cause: SigChildCode::Exited.into(),
242                 };
243             }
245             kwo.ret_status = status as i32;
247             drop(child_pcb);
248             // debug!("wait4: to release {pid:?}");
249             unsafe { ProcessManager::release(pid) };
250             return Some(Ok(pid.into()));
251         }
252     };
254     return None;
255 }