xref: /DragonOS/kernel/src/filesystem/vfs/syscall.rs (revision f79998f626801329580c782fd05e36cb2027f474)
1 use core::ffi::c_void;
2 use core::mem::size_of;
4 use alloc::string::ToString;
5 use alloc::{string::String, sync::Arc, vec::Vec};
6 use log::warn;
7 use system_error::SystemError;
9 use crate::producefs;
10 use crate::{
11     driver::base::{block::SeekFrom, device::device_number::DeviceNumber},
12     filesystem::vfs::{core as Vcore, file::FileDescriptorVec},
13     libs::rwlock::RwLockWriteGuard,
14     mm::{verify_area, VirtAddr},
15     process::ProcessManager,
16     syscall::{
17         user_access::{self, check_and_clone_cstr, UserBufferWriter},
18         Syscall,
19     },
20     time::PosixTimeSpec,
21 };
23 use super::{
24     core::{do_mkdir_at, do_remove_dir, do_unlink_at},
25     fcntl::{AtFlags, FcntlCommand, FD_CLOEXEC},
26     file::{File, FileMode},
27     open::{do_faccessat, do_fchmodat, do_sys_open},
28     utils::{rsplit_path, user_path_at},
29     Dirent, FileType, IndexNode, SuperBlock, FSMAKER, MAX_PATHLEN, ROOT_INODE,
31 };
33 pub const SEEK_SET: u32 = 0;
34 pub const SEEK_CUR: u32 = 1;
35 pub const SEEK_END: u32 = 2;
36 pub const SEEK_MAX: u32 = 3;
38 bitflags! {
39     /// 文件类型和权限
40     #[repr(C)]
41     pub struct ModeType: u32 {
42         /// 掩码
43         const S_IFMT = 0o0_170_000;
44         /// 文件类型
45         const S_IFSOCK = 0o140000;
46         const S_IFLNK = 0o120000;
47         const S_IFREG = 0o100000;
48         const S_IFBLK = 0o060000;
49         const S_IFDIR = 0o040000;
50         const S_IFCHR = 0o020000;
51         const S_IFIFO = 0o010000;
53         const S_ISUID = 0o004000;
54         const S_ISGID = 0o002000;
55         const S_ISVTX = 0o001000;
56         /// 文件用户权限
57         const S_IRWXU = 0o0700;
58         const S_IRUSR = 0o0400;
59         const S_IWUSR = 0o0200;
60         const S_IXUSR = 0o0100;
61         /// 文件组权限
62         const S_IRWXG = 0o0070;
63         const S_IRGRP = 0o0040;
64         const S_IWGRP = 0o0020;
65         const S_IXGRP = 0o0010;
66         /// 文件其他用户权限
67         const S_IRWXO = 0o0007;
68         const S_IROTH = 0o0004;
69         const S_IWOTH = 0o0002;
70         const S_IXOTH = 0o0001;
72         /// 0o777
73         const S_IRWXUGO = Self::S_IRWXU.bits | Self::S_IRWXG.bits | Self::S_IRWXO.bits;
74         /// 0o7777
75         const S_IALLUGO = Self::S_ISUID.bits | Self::S_ISGID.bits | Self::S_ISVTX.bits| Self::S_IRWXUGO.bits;
76         /// 0o444
77         const S_IRUGO = Self::S_IRUSR.bits | Self::S_IRGRP.bits | Self::S_IROTH.bits;
78         /// 0o222
79         const S_IWUGO = Self::S_IWUSR.bits | Self::S_IWGRP.bits | Self::S_IWOTH.bits;
80         /// 0o111
81         const S_IXUGO = Self::S_IXUSR.bits | Self::S_IXGRP.bits | Self::S_IXOTH.bits;
84     }
85 }
87 #[repr(C)]
88 #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
89 /// # 文件信息结构体
90 pub struct PosixKstat {
91     /// 硬件设备ID
92     dev_id: u64,
93     /// inode号
94     inode: u64,
95     /// 硬链接数
96     nlink: u64,
97     /// 文件权限
98     mode: ModeType,
99     /// 所有者用户ID
100     uid: i32,
101     /// 所有者组ID
102     gid: i32,
103     /// 设备ID
104     rdev: i64,
105     /// 文件大小
106     size: i64,
107     /// 文件系统块大小
108     blcok_size: i64,
109     /// 分配的512B块数
110     blocks: u64,
111     /// 最后访问时间
112     atime: PosixTimeSpec,
113     /// 最后修改时间
114     mtime: PosixTimeSpec,
115     /// 最后状态变化时间
116     ctime: PosixTimeSpec,
117     /// 用于填充结构体大小的空白数据
118     pub _pad: [i8; 24],
119 }
120 impl PosixKstat {
121     fn new() -> Self {
122         Self {
123             inode: 0,
124             dev_id: 0,
125             mode: ModeType { bits: 0 },
126             nlink: 0,
127             uid: 0,
128             gid: 0,
129             rdev: 0,
130             size: 0,
131             atime: PosixTimeSpec {
132                 tv_sec: 0,
133                 tv_nsec: 0,
134             },
135             mtime: PosixTimeSpec {
136                 tv_sec: 0,
137                 tv_nsec: 0,
138             },
139             ctime: PosixTimeSpec {
140                 tv_sec: 0,
141                 tv_nsec: 0,
142             },
143             blcok_size: 0,
144             blocks: 0,
145             _pad: Default::default(),
146         }
147     }
148 }
150 #[repr(C)]
151 #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
152 /// # 文件信息结构体X
153 pub struct PosixStatx {
154     /* 0x00 */
155     stx_mask: PosixStatxMask,
156     /// 文件系统块大小
157     stx_blksize: u32,
158     /// Flags conveying information about the file [uncond]
159     stx_attributes: StxAttributes,
160     /* 0x10 */
161     /// 硬链接数
162     stx_nlink: u32,
163     /// 所有者用户ID
164     stx_uid: u32,
165     /// 所有者组ID
166     stx_gid: u32,
167     /// 文件权限
168     stx_mode: ModeType,
170     /* 0x20 */
171     /// inode号
172     stx_inode: u64,
173     /// 文件大小
174     stx_size: i64,
175     /// 分配的512B块数
176     stx_blocks: u64,
177     /// Mask to show what's supported in stx_attributes
178     stx_attributes_mask: StxAttributes,
180     /* 0x40 */
181     /// 最后访问时间
182     stx_atime: PosixTimeSpec,
183     /// 文件创建时间
184     stx_btime: PosixTimeSpec,
185     /// 最后状态变化时间
186     stx_ctime: PosixTimeSpec,
187     /// 最后修改时间
188     stx_mtime: PosixTimeSpec,
190     /* 0x80 */
191     /// 主设备ID
192     stx_rdev_major: u32,
193     /// 次设备ID
194     stx_rdev_minor: u32,
195     /// 主硬件设备ID
196     stx_dev_major: u32,
197     /// 次硬件设备ID
198     stx_dev_minor: u32,
200     /* 0x90 */
201     stx_mnt_id: u64,
202     stx_dio_mem_align: u32,
203     stx_dio_offset_align: u32,
204 }
205 impl PosixStatx {
206     fn new() -> Self {
207         Self {
208             stx_mask: PosixStatxMask::STATX_BASIC_STATS,
209             stx_blksize: 0,
210             stx_attributes: StxAttributes::STATX_ATTR_APPEND,
211             stx_nlink: 0,
212             stx_uid: 0,
213             stx_gid: 0,
214             stx_mode: ModeType { bits: 0 },
215             stx_inode: 0,
216             stx_size: 0,
217             stx_blocks: 0,
218             stx_attributes_mask: StxAttributes::STATX_ATTR_APPEND,
219             stx_atime: PosixTimeSpec {
220                 tv_sec: 0,
221                 tv_nsec: 0,
222             },
223             stx_btime: PosixTimeSpec {
224                 tv_sec: 0,
225                 tv_nsec: 0,
226             },
227             stx_ctime: PosixTimeSpec {
228                 tv_sec: 0,
229                 tv_nsec: 0,
230             },
231             stx_mtime: PosixTimeSpec {
232                 tv_sec: 0,
233                 tv_nsec: 0,
234             },
235             stx_rdev_major: 0,
236             stx_rdev_minor: 0,
237             stx_dev_major: 0,
238             stx_dev_minor: 0,
239             stx_mnt_id: 0,
240             stx_dio_mem_align: 0,
241             stx_dio_offset_align: 0,
242         }
243     }
244 }
246 bitflags! {
247     pub struct PosixStatxMask: u32{
248         ///  Want stx_mode & S_IFMT
249         const STATX_TYPE = 0x00000001;
251         /// Want stx_mode & ~S_IFMT
252         const STATX_MODE = 0x00000002;
254         /// Want stx_nlink
255         const STATX_NLINK = 0x00000004;
257         /// Want stx_uid
258         const STATX_UID = 0x00000008;
260         /// Want stx_gid
261         const STATX_GID = 0x00000010;
263         /// Want stx_atime
264         const STATX_ATIME = 0x00000020;
266         /// Want stx_mtime
267         const STATX_MTIME = 0x00000040;
269         /// Want stx_ctime
270         const STATX_CTIME = 0x00000080;
272         /// Want stx_ino
273         const STATX_INO = 0x00000100;
275         /// Want stx_size
276         const STATX_SIZE = 0x00000200;
278         /// Want stx_blocks
279         const STATX_BLOCKS = 0x00000400;
281         /// [All of the above]
282         const STATX_BASIC_STATS = 0x000007ff;
284         /// Want stx_btime
285         const STATX_BTIME = 0x00000800;
287         /// The same as STATX_BASIC_STATS | STATX_BTIME.
288         /// It is deprecated and should not be used.
289         const STATX_ALL = 0x00000fff;
291         /// Want stx_mnt_id (since Linux 5.8)
292         const STATX_MNT_ID = 0x00001000;
294         /// Want stx_dio_mem_align and stx_dio_offset_align
295         /// (since Linux 6.1; support varies by filesystem)
296         const STATX_DIOALIGN = 0x00002000;
298         /// Reserved for future struct statx expansion
299         const STATX_RESERVED = 0x80000000;
300     }
301 }
303 bitflags! {
304     pub struct StxAttributes: u64 {
305         /// 文件被文件系统压缩
306         const STATX_ATTR_COMPRESSED = 0x00000004;
307         /// 文件被标记为不可修改
308         const STATX_ATTR_IMMUTABLE = 0x00000010;
309         /// 文件是只追加写入的
310         const STATX_ATTR_APPEND = 0x00000020;
311         /// 文件不会被备份
312         const STATX_ATTR_NODUMP = 0x00000040;
313         /// 文件需要密钥才能在文件系统中解密
314         const STATX_ATTR_ENCRYPTED = 0x00000800;
315         /// 目录是自动挂载触发器
316         const STATX_ATTR_AUTOMOUNT = 0x00001000;
317         /// 目录是挂载点的根目录
318         const STATX_ATTR_MOUNT_ROOT = 0x00002000;
319         /// 文件受到 Verity 保护
320         const STATX_ATTR_VERITY = 0x00100000;
321         /// 文件当前处于 DAX 状态 CPU直接访问
322         const STATX_ATTR_DAX = 0x00200000;
323     }
324 }
326 #[repr(C)]
327 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
328 pub struct PosixStatfs {
329     f_type: u64,
330     f_bsize: u64,
331     f_blocks: u64,
332     f_bfree: u64,
333     f_bavail: u64,
334     f_files: u64,
335     f_ffree: u64,
336     f_fsid: u64,
337     f_namelen: u64,
338     f_frsize: u64,
339     f_flags: u64,
340     f_spare: [u64; 4],
341 }
343 impl From<SuperBlock> for PosixStatfs {
344     fn from(super_block: SuperBlock) -> Self {
345         Self {
346             f_type: super_block.magic.bits,
347             f_bsize: super_block.bsize,
348             f_blocks: super_block.blocks,
349             f_bfree: super_block.bfree,
350             f_bavail: super_block.bavail,
351             f_files: super_block.files,
352             f_ffree: super_block.ffree,
353             f_fsid: super_block.fsid,
354             f_namelen: super_block.namelen,
355             f_frsize: super_block.frsize,
356             f_flags: super_block.flags,
357             f_spare: [0u64; 4],
358         }
359     }
360 }
361 ///
362 ///  Arguments for how openat2(2) should open the target path. If only @flags and
363 ///  @mode are non-zero, then openat2(2) operates very similarly to openat(2).
364 ///
365 ///  However, unlike openat(2), unknown or invalid bits in @flags result in
366 ///  -EINVAL rather than being silently ignored. @mode must be zero unless one of
367 ///  {O_CREAT, O_TMPFILE} are set.
368 ///
369 /// ## 成员变量
370 ///
371 /// - flags: O_* flags.
372 /// - mode: O_CREAT/O_TMPFILE file mode.
373 /// - resolve: RESOLVE_* flags.
374 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
375 #[repr(C)]
376 pub struct PosixOpenHow {
377     pub flags: u64,
378     pub mode: u64,
379     pub resolve: u64,
380 }
382 impl PosixOpenHow {
383     #[allow(dead_code)]
384     pub fn new(flags: u64, mode: u64, resolve: u64) -> Self {
385         Self {
386             flags,
387             mode,
388             resolve,
389         }
390     }
391 }
393 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
394 pub struct OpenHow {
395     pub o_flags: FileMode,
396     pub mode: ModeType,
397     pub resolve: OpenHowResolve,
398 }
400 impl OpenHow {
401     pub fn new(mut o_flags: FileMode, mut mode: ModeType, resolve: OpenHowResolve) -> Self {
402         if !o_flags.contains(FileMode::O_CREAT) {
403             mode = ModeType::empty();
404         }
406         if o_flags.contains(FileMode::O_PATH) {
407             o_flags = o_flags.intersection(FileMode::O_PATH_FLAGS);
408         }
410         Self {
411             o_flags,
412             mode,
413             resolve,
414         }
415     }
416 }
418 impl From<PosixOpenHow> for OpenHow {
419     fn from(posix_open_how: PosixOpenHow) -> Self {
420         let o_flags = FileMode::from_bits_truncate(posix_open_how.flags as u32);
421         let mode = ModeType::from_bits_truncate(posix_open_how.mode as u32);
422         let resolve = OpenHowResolve::from_bits_truncate(posix_open_how.resolve);
423         return Self::new(o_flags, mode, resolve);
424     }
425 }
427 bitflags! {
428     pub struct OpenHowResolve: u64{
429         /// Block mount-point crossings
430         ///     (including bind-mounts).
431         const RESOLVE_NO_XDEV = 0x01;
433         /// Block traversal through procfs-style
434         ///     "magic-links"
435         const RESOLVE_NO_MAGICLINKS = 0x02;
437         /// Block traversal through all symlinks
438         ///     (implies OEXT_NO_MAGICLINKS)
439         const RESOLVE_NO_SYMLINKS = 0x04;
440         /// Block "lexical" trickery like
441         ///     "..", symlinks, and absolute
442         const RESOLVE_BENEATH = 0x08;
443         /// Make all jumps to "/" and ".."
444         ///     be scoped inside the dirfd
445         ///     (similar to chroot(2)).
446         const RESOLVE_IN_ROOT = 0x10;
447         // Only complete if resolution can be
448         // 			completed through cached lookup. May
449         // 			return -EAGAIN if that's not
450         // 			possible.
451         const RESOLVE_CACHED = 0x20;
452     }
453 }
455 bitflags! {
456     pub struct UmountFlag: i32 {
457         const DEFAULT = 0;          /* Default call to umount. */
458         const MNT_FORCE = 1;        /* Force unmounting.  */
459         const MNT_DETACH = 2;       /* Just detach from the tree.  */
460         const MNT_EXPIRE = 4;       /* Mark for expiry.  */
461         const UMOUNT_NOFOLLOW = 8;  /* Don't follow symlink on umount.  */
462     }
463 }
465 impl Syscall {
466     /// @brief 为当前进程打开一个文件
467     ///
468     /// @param path 文件路径
469     /// @param o_flags 打开文件的标志位
470     ///
471     /// @return 文件描述符编号,或者是错误码
472     pub fn open(
473         path: *const u8,
474         o_flags: u32,
475         mode: u32,
476         follow_symlink: bool,
477     ) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
478         let path = check_and_clone_cstr(path, Some(MAX_PATHLEN))?;
479         let open_flags: FileMode = FileMode::from_bits(o_flags).ok_or(SystemError::EINVAL)?;
480         let mode = ModeType::from_bits(mode).ok_or(SystemError::EINVAL)?;
481         return do_sys_open(
482             AtFlags::AT_FDCWD.bits(),
483             &path,
484             open_flags,
485             mode,
486             follow_symlink,
487         );
488     }
490     pub fn openat(
491         dirfd: i32,
492         path: *const u8,
493         o_flags: u32,
494         mode: u32,
495         follow_symlink: bool,
496     ) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
497         let path = check_and_clone_cstr(path, Some(MAX_PATHLEN))?;
498         let open_flags: FileMode = FileMode::from_bits(o_flags).ok_or(SystemError::EINVAL)?;
499         let mode = ModeType::from_bits(mode).ok_or(SystemError::EINVAL)?;
500         return do_sys_open(dirfd, &path, open_flags, mode, follow_symlink);
501     }
503     /// @brief 关闭文件
504     ///
505     /// @param fd 文件描述符编号
506     ///
507     /// @return 成功返回0,失败返回错误码
508     pub fn close(fd: usize) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
509         let binding = ProcessManager::current_pcb().fd_table();
510         let mut fd_table_guard = binding.write();
512         fd_table_guard.drop_fd(fd as i32).map(|_| 0)
513     }
515     /// @brief 发送命令到文件描述符对应的设备,
516     ///
517     /// @param fd 文件描述符编号
518     /// @param cmd 设备相关的请求类型
519     ///
520     /// @return Ok(usize) 成功返回0
521     /// @return Err(SystemError) 读取失败,返回posix错误码
522     pub fn ioctl(fd: usize, cmd: u32, data: usize) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
523         let binding = ProcessManager::current_pcb().fd_table();
524         let fd_table_guard = binding.read();
526         let file = fd_table_guard
527             .get_file_by_fd(fd as i32)
528             .ok_or(SystemError::EBADF)?;
530         // drop guard 以避免无法调度的问题
531         drop(fd_table_guard);
532         let r = file.inode().ioctl(cmd, data, &file.private_data.lock());
533         return r;
534     }
536     /// @brief 根据文件描述符,读取文件数据。尝试读取的数据长度与buf的长度相同。
537     ///
538     /// @param fd 文件描述符编号
539     /// @param buf 输出缓冲区
540     ///
541     /// @return Ok(usize) 成功读取的数据的字节数
542     /// @return Err(SystemError) 读取失败,返回posix错误码
543     pub fn read(fd: i32, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
544         let binding = ProcessManager::current_pcb().fd_table();
545         let fd_table_guard = binding.read();
547         let file = fd_table_guard.get_file_by_fd(fd);
548         if file.is_none() {
549             return Err(SystemError::EBADF);
550         }
551         // drop guard 以避免无法调度的问题
552         drop(fd_table_guard);
553         let file = file.unwrap();
555         return file.read(buf.len(), buf);
556     }
558     /// @brief 根据文件描述符,向文件写入数据。尝试写入的数据长度与buf的长度相同。
559     ///
560     /// @param fd 文件描述符编号
561     /// @param buf 输入缓冲区
562     ///
563     /// @return Ok(usize) 成功写入的数据的字节数
564     /// @return Err(SystemError) 写入失败,返回posix错误码
565     pub fn write(fd: i32, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
566         let binding = ProcessManager::current_pcb().fd_table();
567         let fd_table_guard = binding.read();
569         let file = fd_table_guard
570             .get_file_by_fd(fd)
571             .ok_or(SystemError::EBADF)?;
573         // drop guard 以避免无法调度的问题
574         drop(fd_table_guard);
575         return file.write(buf.len(), buf);
576     }
578     /// @brief 调整文件操作指针的位置
579     ///
580     /// @param fd 文件描述符编号
581     /// @param seek 调整的方式
582     ///
583     /// @return Ok(usize) 调整后,文件访问指针相对于文件头部的偏移量
584     /// @return Err(SystemError) 调整失败,返回posix错误码
585     pub fn lseek(fd: i32, offset: i64, seek: u32) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
586         let seek = match seek {
587             SEEK_SET => Ok(SeekFrom::SeekSet(offset)),
588             SEEK_CUR => Ok(SeekFrom::SeekCurrent(offset)),
589             SEEK_END => Ok(SeekFrom::SeekEnd(offset)),
590             SEEK_MAX => Ok(SeekFrom::SeekEnd(0)),
591             _ => Err(SystemError::EINVAL),
592         }?;
594         let binding = ProcessManager::current_pcb().fd_table();
595         let fd_table_guard = binding.read();
596         let file = fd_table_guard
597             .get_file_by_fd(fd)
598             .ok_or(SystemError::EBADF)?;
600         // drop guard 以避免无法调度的问题
601         drop(fd_table_guard);
602         return file.lseek(seek);
603     }
605     /// # sys_pread64 系统调用的实际执行函数
606     ///
607     /// ## 参数
608     /// - `fd`: 文件描述符
609     /// - `buf`: 读出缓冲区
610     /// - `len`: 要读取的字节数
611     /// - `offset`: 文件偏移量
612     pub fn pread(fd: i32, buf: &mut [u8], len: usize, offset: usize) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
613         let binding = ProcessManager::current_pcb().fd_table();
614         let fd_table_guard = binding.read();
616         let file = fd_table_guard.get_file_by_fd(fd);
617         if file.is_none() {
618             return Err(SystemError::EBADF);
619         }
620         // drop guard 以避免无法调度的问题
621         drop(fd_table_guard);
622         let file = file.unwrap();
624         return file.pread(offset, len, buf);
625     }
627     /// # sys_pwrite64 系统调用的实际执行函数
628     ///
629     /// ## 参数
630     /// - `fd`: 文件描述符
631     /// - `buf`: 写入缓冲区
632     /// - `len`: 要写入的字节数
633     /// - `offset`: 文件偏移量
634     pub fn pwrite(fd: i32, buf: &[u8], len: usize, offset: usize) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
635         let binding = ProcessManager::current_pcb().fd_table();
636         let fd_table_guard = binding.read();
638         let file = fd_table_guard.get_file_by_fd(fd);
639         if file.is_none() {
640             return Err(SystemError::EBADF);
641         }
642         // drop guard 以避免无法调度的问题
643         drop(fd_table_guard);
644         let file = file.unwrap();
646         return file.pwrite(offset, len, buf);
647     }
649     /// @brief 切换工作目录
650     ///
651     /// @param dest_path 目标路径
652     ///
653     /// @return   返回码  描述
654     ///      0       |          成功
655     ///
656     ///   EACCESS    |        权限不足
657     ///
658     ///    ELOOP     | 解析path时遇到路径循环
659     ///
660     /// ENAMETOOLONG |       路径名过长
661     ///
662     ///    ENOENT    |  目标文件或目录不存在
663     ///
664     ///    ENODIR    |  检索期间发现非目录项
665     ///
666     ///    ENOMEM    |      系统内存不足
667     ///
668     ///    EFAULT    |       错误的地址
669     ///
670     /// ENAMETOOLONG |        路径过长
671     pub fn chdir(path: *const u8) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
672         if path.is_null() {
673             return Err(SystemError::EFAULT);
674         }
676         let path = check_and_clone_cstr(path, Some(MAX_PATHLEN))?;
677         let proc = ProcessManager::current_pcb();
678         // Copy path to kernel space to avoid some security issues
679         let mut new_path = String::from("");
680         if !path.is_empty() {
681             let cwd = match path.as_bytes()[0] {
682                 b'/' => String::from("/"),
683                 _ => proc.basic().cwd(),
684             };
685             let mut cwd_vec: Vec<_> = cwd.split('/').filter(|&x| !x.is_empty()).collect();
686             let path_split = path.split('/').filter(|&x| !x.is_empty());
687             for seg in path_split {
688                 if seg == ".." {
689                     cwd_vec.pop();
690                 } else if seg == "." {
691                     // 当前目录
692                 } else {
693                     cwd_vec.push(seg);
694                 }
695             }
696             //proc.basic().set_path(String::from(""));
697             for seg in cwd_vec {
698                 new_path.push('/');
699                 new_path.push_str(seg);
700             }
701             if new_path.is_empty() {
702                 new_path = String::from("/");
703             }
704         }
705         let inode =
706             match ROOT_INODE().lookup_follow_symlink(&new_path, VFS_MAX_FOLLOW_SYMLINK_TIMES) {
707                 Err(_) => {
708                     return Err(SystemError::ENOENT);
709                 }
710                 Ok(i) => i,
711             };
712         let metadata = inode.metadata()?;
713         if metadata.file_type == FileType::Dir {
714             proc.basic_mut().set_cwd(new_path);
715             return Ok(0);
716         } else {
717             return Err(SystemError::ENOTDIR);
718         }
719     }
721     /// @brief 获取当前进程的工作目录路径
722     ///
723     /// @param buf 指向缓冲区的指针
724     /// @param size 缓冲区的大小
725     ///
726     /// @return 成功,返回的指针指向包含工作目录路径的字符串
727     /// @return 错误,没有足够的空间
728     pub fn getcwd(buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<VirtAddr, SystemError> {
729         let proc = ProcessManager::current_pcb();
730         let cwd = proc.basic().cwd();
732         let cwd_bytes = cwd.as_bytes();
733         let cwd_len = cwd_bytes.len();
734         if cwd_len + 1 > buf.len() {
735             return Err(SystemError::ENOMEM);
736         }
737         buf[..cwd_len].copy_from_slice(cwd_bytes);
738         buf[cwd_len] = 0;
740         return Ok(VirtAddr::new(buf.as_ptr() as usize));
741     }
743     /// @brief 获取目录中的数据
744     ///
745     /// TODO: 这个函数的语义与Linux不一致,需要修改!!!
746     ///
747     /// @param fd 文件描述符号
748     /// @param buf 输出缓冲区
749     ///
750     /// @return 成功返回读取的字节数,失败返回错误码
751     pub fn getdents(fd: i32, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
752         let dirent =
753             unsafe { (buf.as_mut_ptr() as *mut Dirent).as_mut() }.ok_or(SystemError::EFAULT)?;
755         if fd < 0 || fd as usize > FileDescriptorVec::PROCESS_MAX_FD {
756             return Err(SystemError::EBADF);
757         }
759         // 获取fd
760         let binding = ProcessManager::current_pcb().fd_table();
761         let fd_table_guard = binding.read();
762         let file = fd_table_guard
763             .get_file_by_fd(fd)
764             .ok_or(SystemError::EBADF)?;
766         // drop guard 以避免无法调度的问题
767         drop(fd_table_guard);
769         let res = file.readdir(dirent).map(|x| x as usize);
771         return res;
772     }
774     /// @brief 创建文件夹
775     ///
776     /// @param path(r8) 路径 / mode(r9) 模式
777     ///
778     /// @return uint64_t 负数错误码 / 0表示成功
779     pub fn mkdir(path: *const u8, mode: usize) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
780         let path = check_and_clone_cstr(path, Some(MAX_PATHLEN))?;
781         do_mkdir_at(
782             AtFlags::AT_FDCWD.bits(),
783             &path,
784             FileMode::from_bits_truncate(mode as u32),
785         )?;
786         return Ok(0);
787     }
789     /// **创建硬连接的系统调用**
790     ///
791     /// ## 参数
792     ///
793     /// - 'oldfd': 用于解析源文件路径的文件描述符
794     /// - 'old': 源文件路径
795     /// - 'newfd': 用于解析新文件路径的文件描述符
796     /// - 'new': 新文件将创建的路径
797     /// - 'flags': 标志位,仅以位或方式包含AT_EMPTY_PATH和AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW
798     ///
799     ///
800     pub fn do_linkat(
801         oldfd: i32,
802         old: &str,
803         newfd: i32,
804         new: &str,
805         flags: AtFlags,
806     ) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
807         // flag包含其他未规定值时返回EINVAL
808         if !(AtFlags::AT_EMPTY_PATH | AtFlags::AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW).contains(flags) {
809             return Err(SystemError::EINVAL);
810         }
811         // TODO AT_EMPTY_PATH标志启用时,进行调用者CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH或相似的检查
812         let symlink_times = if flags.contains(AtFlags::AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW) {
813             0_usize
814         } else {
816         };
817         let pcb = ProcessManager::current_pcb();
819         // 得到源路径的inode
820         let old_inode: Arc<dyn IndexNode> = if old.is_empty() {
821             if flags.contains(AtFlags::AT_EMPTY_PATH) {
822                 // 在AT_EMPTY_PATH启用时,old可以为空,old_inode实际为oldfd所指文件,但该文件不能为目录。
823                 let binding = pcb.fd_table();
824                 let fd_table_guard = binding.read();
825                 let file = fd_table_guard
826                     .get_file_by_fd(oldfd)
827                     .ok_or(SystemError::EBADF)?;
828                 let old_inode = file.inode();
829                 old_inode
830             } else {
831                 return Err(SystemError::ENONET);
832             }
833         } else {
834             let (old_begin_inode, old_remain_path) = user_path_at(&pcb, oldfd, old)?;
835             old_begin_inode.lookup_follow_symlink(&old_remain_path, symlink_times)?
836         };
838         // old_inode为目录时返回EPERM
839         if old_inode.metadata().unwrap().file_type == FileType::Dir {
840             return Err(SystemError::EPERM);
841         }
843         // 得到新创建节点的父节点
844         let (new_begin_inode, new_remain_path) = user_path_at(&pcb, newfd, new)?;
845         let (new_name, new_parent_path) = rsplit_path(&new_remain_path);
846         let new_parent =
847             new_begin_inode.lookup_follow_symlink(new_parent_path.unwrap_or("/"), symlink_times)?;
849         // 被调用者利用downcast_ref判断两inode是否为同一文件系统
850         return new_parent.link(new_name, &old_inode).map(|_| 0);
851     }
853     pub fn link(old: *const u8, new: *const u8) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
854         let get_path = |cstr: *const u8| -> Result<String, SystemError> {
855             let res = check_and_clone_cstr(cstr, Some(MAX_PATHLEN))?;
856             if res.len() >= MAX_PATHLEN {
857                 return Err(SystemError::ENAMETOOLONG);
858             }
859             if res.is_empty() {
860                 return Err(SystemError::ENOENT);
861             }
862             Ok(res)
863         };
864         let old = get_path(old)?;
865         let new = get_path(new)?;
866         return Self::do_linkat(
867             AtFlags::AT_FDCWD.bits(),
868             &old,
869             AtFlags::AT_FDCWD.bits(),
870             &new,
871             AtFlags::empty(),
872         );
873     }
875     pub fn linkat(
876         oldfd: i32,
877         old: *const u8,
878         newfd: i32,
879         new: *const u8,
880         flags: i32,
881     ) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
882         let old = check_and_clone_cstr(old, Some(MAX_PATHLEN))?;
883         let new = check_and_clone_cstr(new, Some(MAX_PATHLEN))?;
884         if old.len() >= MAX_PATHLEN || new.len() >= MAX_PATHLEN {
885             return Err(SystemError::ENAMETOOLONG);
886         }
887         // old 根据flags & AtFlags::AT_EMPTY_PATH判空
888         if new.is_empty() {
889             return Err(SystemError::ENOENT);
890         }
891         let flags = AtFlags::from_bits(flags).ok_or(SystemError::EINVAL)?;
892         Self::do_linkat(oldfd, &old, newfd, &new, flags)
893     }
895     /// **删除文件夹、取消文件的链接、删除文件的系统调用**
896     ///
897     /// ## 参数
898     ///
899     /// - `dirfd`:文件夹的文件描述符.目前暂未实现
900     /// - `pathname`:文件夹的路径
901     /// - `flags`:标志位
902     ///
903     ///
904     pub fn unlinkat(dirfd: i32, path: *const u8, flags: u32) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
905         let flags = AtFlags::from_bits(flags as i32).ok_or(SystemError::EINVAL)?;
907         let path = check_and_clone_cstr(path, Some(MAX_PATHLEN))?;
909         if flags.contains(AtFlags::AT_REMOVEDIR) {
910             // debug!("rmdir");
911             match do_remove_dir(dirfd, &path) {
912                 Err(err) => {
913                     return Err(err);
914                 }
915                 Ok(_) => {
916                     return Ok(0);
917                 }
918             }
919         }
921         match do_unlink_at(dirfd, &path) {
922             Err(err) => {
923                 return Err(err);
924             }
925             Ok(_) => {
926                 return Ok(0);
927             }
928         }
929     }
931     pub fn rmdir(path: *const u8) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
932         let path = check_and_clone_cstr(path, Some(MAX_PATHLEN))?;
933         return do_remove_dir(AtFlags::AT_FDCWD.bits(), &path).map(|v| v as usize);
934     }
936     pub fn unlink(path: *const u8) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
937         let path = check_and_clone_cstr(path, Some(MAX_PATHLEN))?;
938         return do_unlink_at(AtFlags::AT_FDCWD.bits(), &path).map(|v| v as usize);
939     }
941     /// # 修改文件名
942     ///
943     ///
944     /// ## 参数
945     ///
946     /// - oldfd: 源文件夹文件描述符
947     /// - filename_from: 源文件路径
948     /// - newfd: 目标文件夹文件描述符
949     /// - filename_to: 目标文件路径
950     /// - flags: 标志位
951     ///
952     ///
953     /// ## 返回值
954     /// - Ok(返回值类型): 返回值的说明
955     /// - Err(错误值类型): 错误的说明
956     ///
957     pub fn do_renameat2(
958         oldfd: i32,
959         filename_from: *const u8,
960         newfd: i32,
961         filename_to: *const u8,
962         _flags: u32,
963     ) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
964         let filename_from = check_and_clone_cstr(filename_from, Some(MAX_PATHLEN)).unwrap();
965         let filename_to = check_and_clone_cstr(filename_to, Some(MAX_PATHLEN)).unwrap();
966         // 文件名过长
967         if filename_from.len() > MAX_PATHLEN || filename_to.len() > MAX_PATHLEN {
968             return Err(SystemError::ENAMETOOLONG);
969         }
971         //获取pcb,文件节点
972         let pcb = ProcessManager::current_pcb();
973         let (_old_inode_begin, old_remain_path) = user_path_at(&pcb, oldfd, &filename_from)?;
974         let (_new_inode_begin, new_remain_path) = user_path_at(&pcb, newfd, &filename_to)?;
975         //获取父目录
976         let (old_filename, old_parent_path) = rsplit_path(&old_remain_path);
977         let old_parent_inode = ROOT_INODE()
978             .lookup_follow_symlink(old_parent_path.unwrap_or("/"), VFS_MAX_FOLLOW_SYMLINK_TIMES)?;
979         let (new_filename, new_parent_path) = rsplit_path(&new_remain_path);
980         let new_parent_inode = ROOT_INODE()
981             .lookup_follow_symlink(new_parent_path.unwrap_or("/"), VFS_MAX_FOLLOW_SYMLINK_TIMES)?;
982         old_parent_inode.move_to(old_filename, &new_parent_inode, new_filename)?;
983         return Ok(0);
984     }
986     /// @brief 根据提供的文件描述符的fd,复制对应的文件结构体,并返回新复制的文件结构体对应的fd
987     pub fn dup(oldfd: i32) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
988         let binding = ProcessManager::current_pcb().fd_table();
989         let mut fd_table_guard = binding.write();
991         let old_file = fd_table_guard
992             .get_file_by_fd(oldfd)
993             .ok_or(SystemError::EBADF)?;
995         let new_file = old_file.try_clone().ok_or(SystemError::EBADF)?;
996         // dup默认非cloexec
997         new_file.set_close_on_exec(false);
998         // 申请文件描述符,并把文件对象存入其中
999         let res = fd_table_guard.alloc_fd(new_file, None).map(|x| x as usize);
1000         return res;
1001     }
1003     /// 根据提供的文件描述符的fd,和指定新fd,复制对应的文件结构体,
1004     /// 并返回新复制的文件结构体对应的fd.
1005     /// 如果新fd已经打开,则会先关闭新fd.
1006     ///
1007     /// ## 参数
1008     ///
1009     /// - `oldfd`:旧文件描述符
1010     /// - `newfd`:新文件描述符
1011     ///
1012     /// ## 返回值
1013     ///
1014     /// - 成功:新文件描述符
1015     /// - 失败:错误码
1016     pub fn dup2(oldfd: i32, newfd: i32) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
1017         let binding = ProcessManager::current_pcb().fd_table();
1018         let mut fd_table_guard = binding.write();
1019         return Self::do_dup2(oldfd, newfd, &mut fd_table_guard);
1020     }
1022     pub fn dup3(oldfd: i32, newfd: i32, flags: u32) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
1023         let flags = FileMode::from_bits_truncate(flags);
1024         if (flags.bits() & !FileMode::O_CLOEXEC.bits()) != 0 {
1025             return Err(SystemError::EINVAL);
1026         }
1028         if oldfd == newfd {
1029             return Err(SystemError::EINVAL);
1030         }
1032         let binding = ProcessManager::current_pcb().fd_table();
1033         let mut fd_table_guard = binding.write();
1034         return Self::do_dup3(oldfd, newfd, flags, &mut fd_table_guard);
1035     }
1037     fn do_dup2(
1038         oldfd: i32,
1039         newfd: i32,
1040         fd_table_guard: &mut RwLockWriteGuard<'_, FileDescriptorVec>,
1041     ) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
1042         Self::do_dup3(oldfd, newfd, FileMode::empty(), fd_table_guard)
1043     }
1045     fn do_dup3(
1046         oldfd: i32,
1047         newfd: i32,
1048         flags: FileMode,
1049         fd_table_guard: &mut RwLockWriteGuard<'_, FileDescriptorVec>,
1050     ) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
1051         // 确认oldfd, newid是否有效
1052         if !(FileDescriptorVec::validate_fd(oldfd) && FileDescriptorVec::validate_fd(newfd)) {
1053             return Err(SystemError::EBADF);
1054         }
1056         if oldfd == newfd {
1057             // 若oldfd与newfd相等
1058             return Ok(newfd as usize);
1059         }
1060         let new_exists = fd_table_guard.get_file_by_fd(newfd).is_some();
1061         if new_exists {
1062             // close newfd
1063             if fd_table_guard.drop_fd(newfd).is_err() {
1064                 // An I/O error occurred while attempting to close fildes2.
1065                 return Err(SystemError::EIO);
1066             }
1067         }
1069         let old_file = fd_table_guard
1070             .get_file_by_fd(oldfd)
1071             .ok_or(SystemError::EBADF)?;
1072         let new_file = old_file.try_clone().ok_or(SystemError::EBADF)?;
1074         if flags.contains(FileMode::O_CLOEXEC) {
1075             new_file.set_close_on_exec(true);
1076         } else {
1077             new_file.set_close_on_exec(false);
1078         }
1079         // 申请文件描述符,并把文件对象存入其中
1080         let res = fd_table_guard
1081             .alloc_fd(new_file, Some(newfd))
1082             .map(|x| x as usize);
1083         return res;
1084     }
1086     /// # fcntl
1087     ///
1088     /// ## 参数
1089     ///
1090     /// - `fd`:文件描述符
1091     /// - `cmd`:命令
1092     /// - `arg`:参数
1093     pub fn fcntl(fd: i32, cmd: FcntlCommand, arg: i32) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
1094         // debug!("fcntl ({cmd:?}) fd: {fd}, arg={arg}");
1095         match cmd {
1096             FcntlCommand::DupFd | FcntlCommand::DupFdCloexec => {
1097                 if arg < 0 || arg as usize >= FileDescriptorVec::PROCESS_MAX_FD {
1098                     return Err(SystemError::EBADF);
1099                 }
1100                 let arg = arg as usize;
1101                 for i in arg..FileDescriptorVec::PROCESS_MAX_FD {
1102                     let binding = ProcessManager::current_pcb().fd_table();
1103                     let mut fd_table_guard = binding.write();
1104                     if fd_table_guard.get_file_by_fd(i as i32).is_none() {
1105                         if cmd == FcntlCommand::DupFd {
1106                             return Self::do_dup2(fd, i as i32, &mut fd_table_guard);
1107                         } else {
1108                             return Self::do_dup3(
1109                                 fd,
1110                                 i as i32,
1111                                 FileMode::O_CLOEXEC,
1112                                 &mut fd_table_guard,
1113                             );
1114                         }
1115                     }
1116                 }
1117                 return Err(SystemError::EMFILE);
1118             }
1119             FcntlCommand::GetFd => {
1120                 // Get file descriptor flags.
1121                 let binding = ProcessManager::current_pcb().fd_table();
1122                 let fd_table_guard = binding.read();
1124                 if let Some(file) = fd_table_guard.get_file_by_fd(fd) {
1125                     // drop guard 以避免无法调度的问题
1126                     drop(fd_table_guard);
1128                     if file.close_on_exec() {
1129                         return Ok(FD_CLOEXEC as usize);
1130                     } else {
1131                         return Ok(0);
1132                     }
1133                 }
1134                 return Err(SystemError::EBADF);
1135             }
1136             FcntlCommand::SetFd => {
1137                 // Set file descriptor flags.
1138                 let binding = ProcessManager::current_pcb().fd_table();
1139                 let fd_table_guard = binding.write();
1141                 if let Some(file) = fd_table_guard.get_file_by_fd(fd) {
1142                     // drop guard 以避免无法调度的问题
1143                     drop(fd_table_guard);
1144                     let arg = arg as u32;
1145                     if arg & FD_CLOEXEC != 0 {
1146                         file.set_close_on_exec(true);
1147                     } else {
1148                         file.set_close_on_exec(false);
1149                     }
1150                     return Ok(0);
1151                 }
1152                 return Err(SystemError::EBADF);
1153             }
1155             FcntlCommand::GetFlags => {
1156                 // Get file status flags.
1157                 let binding = ProcessManager::current_pcb().fd_table();
1158                 let fd_table_guard = binding.read();
1160                 if let Some(file) = fd_table_guard.get_file_by_fd(fd) {
1161                     // drop guard 以避免无法调度的问题
1162                     drop(fd_table_guard);
1163                     return Ok(file.mode().bits() as usize);
1164                 }
1166                 return Err(SystemError::EBADF);
1167             }
1168             FcntlCommand::SetFlags => {
1169                 // Set file status flags.
1170                 let binding = ProcessManager::current_pcb().fd_table();
1171                 let fd_table_guard = binding.write();
1173                 if let Some(file) = fd_table_guard.get_file_by_fd(fd) {
1174                     let arg = arg as u32;
1175                     let mode = FileMode::from_bits(arg).ok_or(SystemError::EINVAL)?;
1176                     // drop guard 以避免无法调度的问题
1177                     drop(fd_table_guard);
1178                     file.set_mode(mode)?;
1179                     return Ok(0);
1180                 }
1182                 return Err(SystemError::EBADF);
1183             }
1184             _ => {
1185                 // TODO: unimplemented
1186                 // 未实现的命令,返回0,不报错。
1188                 warn!("fcntl: unimplemented command: {:?}, defaults to 0.", cmd);
1189                 return Err(SystemError::ENOSYS);
1190             }
1191         }
1192     }
1194     /// # ftruncate
1195     ///
1196     /// ## 描述
1197     ///
1198     /// 改变文件大小.
1199     /// 如果文件大小大于原来的大小,那么文件的内容将会被扩展到指定的大小,新的空间将会用0填充.
1200     /// 如果文件大小小于原来的大小,那么文件的内容将会被截断到指定的大小.
1201     ///
1202     /// ## 参数
1203     ///
1204     /// - `fd`:文件描述符
1205     /// - `len`:文件大小
1206     ///
1207     /// ## 返回值
1208     ///
1209     /// 如果成功,返回0,否则返回错误码.
1210     pub fn ftruncate(fd: i32, len: usize) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
1211         let binding = ProcessManager::current_pcb().fd_table();
1212         let fd_table_guard = binding.read();
1214         if let Some(file) = fd_table_guard.get_file_by_fd(fd) {
1215             // drop guard 以避免无法调度的问题
1216             drop(fd_table_guard);
1217             let r = file.ftruncate(len).map(|_| 0);
1218             return r;
1219         }
1221         return Err(SystemError::EBADF);
1222     }
1224     fn do_fstat(fd: i32) -> Result<PosixKstat, SystemError> {
1225         let binding = ProcessManager::current_pcb().fd_table();
1226         let fd_table_guard = binding.read();
1227         let file = fd_table_guard
1228             .get_file_by_fd(fd)
1229             .ok_or(SystemError::EBADF)?;
1230         // drop guard 以避免无法调度的问题
1231         drop(fd_table_guard);
1233         let mut kstat = PosixKstat::new();
1234         // 获取文件信息
1235         let metadata = file.metadata()?;
1236         kstat.size = metadata.size;
1237         kstat.dev_id = metadata.dev_id as u64;
1238         kstat.inode = metadata.inode_id.into() as u64;
1239         kstat.blcok_size = metadata.blk_size as i64;
1240         kstat.blocks = metadata.blocks as u64;
1242         kstat.atime.tv_sec = metadata.atime.tv_sec;
1243         kstat.atime.tv_nsec = metadata.atime.tv_nsec;
1244         kstat.mtime.tv_sec = metadata.mtime.tv_sec;
1245         kstat.mtime.tv_nsec = metadata.mtime.tv_nsec;
1246         kstat.ctime.tv_sec = metadata.ctime.tv_sec;
1247         kstat.ctime.tv_nsec = metadata.ctime.tv_nsec;
1249         kstat.nlink = metadata.nlinks as u64;
1250         kstat.uid = metadata.uid as i32;
1251         kstat.gid = metadata.gid as i32;
1252         kstat.rdev = metadata.raw_dev.data() as i64;
1253         kstat.mode = metadata.mode;
1254         match file.file_type() {
1255             FileType::File => kstat.mode.insert(ModeType::S_IFREG),
1256             FileType::Dir => kstat.mode.insert(ModeType::S_IFDIR),
1257             FileType::BlockDevice => kstat.mode.insert(ModeType::S_IFBLK),
1258             FileType::CharDevice => kstat.mode.insert(ModeType::S_IFCHR),
1259             FileType::SymLink => kstat.mode.insert(ModeType::S_IFLNK),
1260             FileType::Socket => kstat.mode.insert(ModeType::S_IFSOCK),
1261             FileType::Pipe => kstat.mode.insert(ModeType::S_IFIFO),
1262             FileType::KvmDevice => kstat.mode.insert(ModeType::S_IFCHR),
1263             FileType::FramebufferDevice => kstat.mode.insert(ModeType::S_IFCHR),
1264         }
1266         return Ok(kstat);
1267     }
1269     pub fn fstat(fd: i32, usr_kstat: *mut PosixKstat) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
1270         let mut writer = UserBufferWriter::new(usr_kstat, size_of::<PosixKstat>(), true)?;
1271         let kstat = Self::do_fstat(fd)?;
1273         writer.copy_one_to_user(&kstat, 0)?;
1274         return Ok(0);
1275     }
1277     pub fn stat(path: *const u8, user_kstat: *mut PosixKstat) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
1278         let fd = Self::open(
1279             path,
1280             FileMode::O_RDONLY.bits(),
1281             ModeType::empty().bits(),
1282             true,
1283         )?;
1284         let r = Self::fstat(fd as i32, user_kstat);
1285         Self::close(fd).ok();
1286         return r;
1287     }
1289     pub fn lstat(path: *const u8, user_kstat: *mut PosixKstat) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
1290         let fd = Self::open(
1291             path,
1292             FileMode::O_RDONLY.bits(),
1293             ModeType::empty().bits(),
1294             false,
1295         )?;
1296         let r = Self::fstat(fd as i32, user_kstat);
1297         Self::close(fd).ok();
1298         return r;
1299     }
1301     pub fn statfs(path: *const u8, user_statfs: *mut PosixStatfs) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
1302         let mut writer = UserBufferWriter::new(user_statfs, size_of::<PosixStatfs>(), true)?;
1303         let fd = Self::open(
1304             path,
1305             FileMode::O_RDONLY.bits(),
1306             ModeType::empty().bits(),
1307             true,
1308         )?;
1309         let path = check_and_clone_cstr(path, Some(MAX_PATHLEN)).unwrap();
1310         let pcb = ProcessManager::current_pcb();
1311         let (_inode_begin, remain_path) = user_path_at(&pcb, fd as i32, &path)?;
1312         let inode = ROOT_INODE().lookup_follow_symlink(&remain_path, MAX_PATHLEN)?;
1313         let statfs = PosixStatfs::from(inode.fs().super_block());
1314         writer.copy_one_to_user(&statfs, 0)?;
1315         return Ok(0);
1316     }
1318     pub fn fstatfs(fd: i32, user_statfs: *mut PosixStatfs) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
1319         let mut writer = UserBufferWriter::new(user_statfs, size_of::<PosixStatfs>(), true)?;
1320         let binding = ProcessManager::current_pcb().fd_table();
1321         let fd_table_guard = binding.read();
1322         let file = fd_table_guard
1323             .get_file_by_fd(fd)
1324             .ok_or(SystemError::EBADF)?;
1325         drop(fd_table_guard);
1326         let statfs = PosixStatfs::from(file.inode().fs().super_block());
1327         writer.copy_one_to_user(&statfs, 0)?;
1328         return Ok(0);
1329     }
1331     pub fn do_statx(
1332         fd: i32,
1333         path: *const u8,
1334         flags: u32,
1335         mask: u32,
1336         usr_kstat: *mut PosixStatx,
1337     ) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
1338         if usr_kstat.is_null() {
1339             return Err(SystemError::EFAULT);
1340         }
1342         let mask = PosixStatxMask::from_bits_truncate(mask);
1344         if mask.contains(PosixStatxMask::STATX_RESERVED) {
1345             return Err(SystemError::ENAVAIL);
1346         }
1348         let flags = FileMode::from_bits_truncate(flags);
1349         let ofd = Self::open(path, flags.bits(), ModeType::empty().bits, true)?;
1351         let binding = ProcessManager::current_pcb().fd_table();
1352         let fd_table_guard = binding.read();
1353         let file = fd_table_guard
1354             .get_file_by_fd(ofd as i32)
1355             .ok_or(SystemError::EBADF)?;
1356         // drop guard 以避免无法调度的问题
1357         drop(fd_table_guard);
1358         let mut writer = UserBufferWriter::new(usr_kstat, size_of::<PosixStatx>(), true)?;
1359         let mut tmp: PosixStatx = PosixStatx::new();
1360         // 获取文件信息
1361         let metadata = file.metadata()?;
1363         tmp.stx_mask |= PosixStatxMask::STATX_BASIC_STATS;
1364         tmp.stx_blksize = metadata.blk_size as u32;
1365         if mask.contains(PosixStatxMask::STATX_MODE) || mask.contains(PosixStatxMask::STATX_TYPE) {
1366             tmp.stx_mode = metadata.mode;
1367         }
1368         if mask.contains(PosixStatxMask::STATX_NLINK) {
1369             tmp.stx_nlink = metadata.nlinks as u32;
1370         }
1371         if mask.contains(PosixStatxMask::STATX_UID) {
1372             tmp.stx_uid = metadata.uid as u32;
1373         }
1374         if mask.contains(PosixStatxMask::STATX_GID) {
1375             tmp.stx_gid = metadata.gid as u32;
1376         }
1377         if mask.contains(PosixStatxMask::STATX_ATIME) {
1378             tmp.stx_atime.tv_sec = metadata.atime.tv_sec;
1379             tmp.stx_atime.tv_nsec = metadata.atime.tv_nsec;
1380         }
1381         if mask.contains(PosixStatxMask::STATX_MTIME) {
1382             tmp.stx_mtime.tv_sec = metadata.ctime.tv_sec;
1383             tmp.stx_mtime.tv_nsec = metadata.ctime.tv_nsec;
1384         }
1385         if mask.contains(PosixStatxMask::STATX_CTIME) {
1386             // ctime是文件上次修改状态的时间
1387             tmp.stx_ctime.tv_sec = metadata.mtime.tv_sec;
1388             tmp.stx_ctime.tv_nsec = metadata.mtime.tv_nsec;
1389         }
1390         if mask.contains(PosixStatxMask::STATX_INO) {
1391             tmp.stx_inode = metadata.inode_id.into() as u64;
1392         }
1393         if mask.contains(PosixStatxMask::STATX_SIZE) {
1394             tmp.stx_size = metadata.size;
1395         }
1396         if mask.contains(PosixStatxMask::STATX_BLOCKS) {
1397             tmp.stx_blocks = metadata.blocks as u64;
1398         }
1400         if mask.contains(PosixStatxMask::STATX_BTIME) {
1401             // btime是文件创建时间
1402             tmp.stx_btime.tv_sec = metadata.ctime.tv_sec;
1403             tmp.stx_btime.tv_nsec = metadata.ctime.tv_nsec;
1404         }
1405         if mask.contains(PosixStatxMask::STATX_ALL) {
1406             tmp.stx_attributes = StxAttributes::STATX_ATTR_APPEND;
1407             tmp.stx_attributes_mask |=
1408                 StxAttributes::STATX_ATTR_AUTOMOUNT | StxAttributes::STATX_ATTR_DAX;
1409             tmp.stx_dev_major = metadata.dev_id as u32;
1410             tmp.stx_dev_minor = metadata.dev_id as u32; //
1411             tmp.stx_rdev_major = metadata.raw_dev.data();
1412             tmp.stx_rdev_minor = metadata.raw_dev.data();
1413         }
1414         if mask.contains(PosixStatxMask::STATX_MNT_ID) {
1415             tmp.stx_mnt_id = 0;
1416         }
1417         if mask.contains(PosixStatxMask::STATX_DIOALIGN) {
1418             tmp.stx_dio_mem_align = 0;
1419             tmp.stx_dio_offset_align = 0;
1420         }
1422         match file.file_type() {
1423             FileType::File => tmp.stx_mode.insert(ModeType::S_IFREG),
1424             FileType::Dir => tmp.stx_mode.insert(ModeType::S_IFDIR),
1425             FileType::BlockDevice => tmp.stx_mode.insert(ModeType::S_IFBLK),
1426             FileType::CharDevice => tmp.stx_mode.insert(ModeType::S_IFCHR),
1427             FileType::SymLink => tmp.stx_mode.insert(ModeType::S_IFLNK),
1428             FileType::Socket => tmp.stx_mode.insert(ModeType::S_IFSOCK),
1429             FileType::Pipe => tmp.stx_mode.insert(ModeType::S_IFIFO),
1430             FileType::KvmDevice => tmp.stx_mode.insert(ModeType::S_IFCHR),
1431             FileType::FramebufferDevice => tmp.stx_mode.insert(ModeType::S_IFCHR),
1432         }
1434         writer.copy_one_to_user(&tmp, 0)?;
1435         Self::close(fd as usize).ok();
1436         return Ok(0);
1437     }
1439     pub fn mknod(
1440         path: *const u8,
1441         mode: ModeType,
1442         dev_t: DeviceNumber,
1443     ) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
1444         let path = check_and_clone_cstr(path, Some(MAX_PATHLEN))?;
1445         let path = path.as_str().trim();
1447         let inode: Result<Arc<dyn IndexNode>, SystemError> =
1448             ROOT_INODE().lookup_follow_symlink(path, VFS_MAX_FOLLOW_SYMLINK_TIMES);
1450         if inode.is_ok() {
1451             return Err(SystemError::EEXIST);
1452         }
1454         let (filename, parent_path) = rsplit_path(path);
1456         // 查找父目录
1457         let parent_inode: Arc<dyn IndexNode> = ROOT_INODE()
1458             .lookup_follow_symlink(parent_path.unwrap_or("/"), VFS_MAX_FOLLOW_SYMLINK_TIMES)?;
1459         // 创建nod
1460         parent_inode.mknod(filename, mode, dev_t)?;
1462         return Ok(0);
1463     }
1465     pub fn writev(fd: i32, iov: usize, count: usize) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
1466         // IoVecs会进行用户态检验
1467         let iovecs = unsafe { IoVecs::from_user(iov as *const IoVec, count, false) }?;
1469         let data = iovecs.gather();
1471         Self::write(fd, &data)
1472     }
1474     pub fn readv(fd: i32, iov: usize, count: usize) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
1475         // IoVecs会进行用户态检验
1476         let mut iovecs = unsafe { IoVecs::from_user(iov as *const IoVec, count, true) }?;
1478         let mut data = vec![0; iovecs.0.iter().map(|x| x.len()).sum()];
1480         let len = Self::read(fd, &mut data)?;
1482         iovecs.scatter(&data[..len]);
1484         return Ok(len);
1485     }
1487     pub fn readlink_at(
1488         dirfd: i32,
1489         path: *const u8,
1490         user_buf: *mut u8,
1491         buf_size: usize,
1492     ) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
1493         let path = check_and_clone_cstr(path, Some(MAX_PATHLEN))?;
1494         let path = path.as_str().trim();
1495         let mut user_buf = UserBufferWriter::new(user_buf, buf_size, true)?;
1497         let (inode, path) = user_path_at(&ProcessManager::current_pcb(), dirfd, path)?;
1499         let inode = inode.lookup(path.as_str())?;
1500         if inode.metadata()?.file_type != FileType::SymLink {
1501             return Err(SystemError::EINVAL);
1502         }
1504         let ubuf = user_buf.buffer::<u8>(0).unwrap();
1506         let file = File::new(inode, FileMode::O_RDONLY)?;
1508         let len = file.read(buf_size, ubuf)?;
1510         return Ok(len);
1511     }
1513     pub fn readlink(
1514         path: *const u8,
1515         user_buf: *mut u8,
1516         buf_size: usize,
1517     ) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
1518         return Self::readlink_at(AtFlags::AT_FDCWD.bits(), path, user_buf, buf_size);
1519     }
1521     pub fn access(pathname: *const u8, mode: u32) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
1522         return do_faccessat(
1523             AtFlags::AT_FDCWD.bits(),
1524             pathname,
1525             ModeType::from_bits(mode).ok_or(SystemError::EINVAL)?,
1526             0,
1527         );
1528     }
1530     pub fn faccessat2(
1531         dirfd: i32,
1532         pathname: *const u8,
1533         mode: u32,
1534         flags: u32,
1535     ) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
1536         return do_faccessat(
1537             dirfd,
1538             pathname,
1539             ModeType::from_bits(mode).ok_or(SystemError::EINVAL)?,
1540             flags,
1541         );
1542     }
1544     pub fn chmod(pathname: *const u8, mode: u32) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
1545         return do_fchmodat(
1546             AtFlags::AT_FDCWD.bits(),
1547             pathname,
1548             ModeType::from_bits(mode).ok_or(SystemError::EINVAL)?,
1549         );
1550     }
1552     pub fn fchmodat(dirfd: i32, pathname: *const u8, mode: u32) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
1553         return do_fchmodat(
1554             dirfd,
1555             pathname,
1556             ModeType::from_bits(mode).ok_or(SystemError::EINVAL)?,
1557         );
1558     }
1560     pub fn fchmod(fd: i32, mode: u32) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
1561         let _mode = ModeType::from_bits(mode).ok_or(SystemError::EINVAL)?;
1562         let binding = ProcessManager::current_pcb().fd_table();
1563         let fd_table_guard = binding.read();
1564         let _file = fd_table_guard
1565             .get_file_by_fd(fd)
1566             .ok_or(SystemError::EBADF)?;
1568         // fchmod没完全实现,因此不修改文件的权限
1569         // todo: 实现fchmod
1570         warn!("fchmod not fully implemented");
1571         return Ok(0);
1572     }
1573     /// #挂载文件系统
1574     ///
1575     /// 用于挂载文件系统,目前仅支持ramfs挂载
1576     ///
1577     /// ## 参数:
1578     ///
1579     /// - source       挂载设备(暂时不支持)
1580     /// - target       挂载目录
1581     /// - filesystemtype   文件系统
1582     /// - mountflags     挂载选项(暂未实现)
1583     /// - data        带数据挂载
1584     ///
1585     /// ## 返回值
1586     /// - Ok(0): 挂载成功
1587     /// - Err(SystemError) :挂载过程中出错
1588     pub fn mount(
1589         _source: *const u8,
1590         target: *const u8,
1591         filesystemtype: *const u8,
1592         _mountflags: usize,
1593         _data: *const c_void,
1594     ) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
1595         let target = user_access::check_and_clone_cstr(target, Some(MAX_PATHLEN))?;
1597         let filesystemtype = user_access::check_and_clone_cstr(filesystemtype, Some(MAX_PATHLEN))?;
1599         let filesystemtype = producefs!(FSMAKER, filesystemtype)?;
1601         Vcore::do_mount(filesystemtype, target.to_string().as_str())?;
1603         return Ok(0);
1604     }
1606     // 想法:可以在VFS中实现一个文件系统分发器,流程如下:
1607     // 1. 接受从上方传来的文件类型字符串
1608     // 2. 将传入值与启动时准备好的字符串数组逐个比较(probe)
1609     // 3. 直接在函数内调用构造方法并直接返回文件系统对象
1611     /// src/linux/mount.c `umount` & `umount2`
1612     ///
1613     /// [umount(2) — Linux manual page](https://www.man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/umount.2.html)
1614     pub fn umount2(target: *const u8, flags: i32) -> Result<(), SystemError> {
1615         let target = user_access::check_and_clone_cstr(target, Some(MAX_PATHLEN))?;
1616         Vcore::do_umount2(
1617             AtFlags::AT_FDCWD.bits(),
1618             &target,
1619             UmountFlag::from_bits(flags).ok_or(SystemError::EINVAL)?,
1620         )?;
1621         return Ok(());
1622     }
1623 }
1625 #[repr(C)]
1626 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
1627 pub struct IoVec {
1628     /// 缓冲区的起始地址
1629     pub iov_base: *mut u8,
1630     /// 缓冲区的长度
1631     pub iov_len: usize,
1632 }
1634 /// 用于存储多个来自用户空间的IoVec
1635 ///
1636 /// 由于目前内核中的文件系统还不支持分散读写,所以暂时只支持将用户空间的IoVec聚合成一个缓冲区,然后进行操作。
1637 /// TODO:支持分散读写
1638 #[derive(Debug)]
1639 pub struct IoVecs(Vec<&'static mut [u8]>);
1641 impl IoVecs {
1642     /// 从用户空间的IoVec中构造IoVecs
1643     ///
1644     /// @param iov 用户空间的IoVec
1645     /// @param iovcnt 用户空间的IoVec的数量
1646     /// @param readv 是否为readv系统调用
1647     ///
1648     /// @return 构造成功返回IoVecs,否则返回错误码
1649     pub unsafe fn from_user(
1650         iov: *const IoVec,
1651         iovcnt: usize,
1652         _readv: bool,
1653     ) -> Result<Self, SystemError> {
1654         // 检查iov指针所在空间是否合法
1655         verify_area(
1656             VirtAddr::new(iov as usize),
1657             iovcnt * core::mem::size_of::<IoVec>(),
1658         )
1659         .map_err(|_| SystemError::EFAULT)?;
1661         // 将用户空间的IoVec转换为引用(注意:这里的引用是静态的,因为用户空间的IoVec不会被释放)
1662         let iovs: &[IoVec] = core::slice::from_raw_parts(iov, iovcnt);
1664         let mut slices: Vec<&mut [u8]> = vec![];
1665         slices.reserve(iovs.len());
1667         for iov in iovs.iter() {
1668             if iov.iov_len == 0 {
1669                 continue;
1670             }
1672             verify_area(
1673                 VirtAddr::new(iov.iov_base as usize),
1674                 iovcnt * core::mem::size_of::<IoVec>(),
1675             )
1676             .map_err(|_| SystemError::EFAULT)?;
1678             slices.push(core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(iov.iov_base, iov.iov_len));
1679         }
1681         return Ok(Self(slices));
1682     }
1684     /// @brief 将IoVecs中的数据聚合到一个缓冲区中
1685     ///
1686     /// @return 返回聚合后的缓冲区
1687     pub fn gather(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
1688         let mut buf = Vec::new();
1689         for slice in self.0.iter() {
1690             buf.extend_from_slice(slice);
1691         }
1692         return buf;
1693     }
1695     /// @brief 将给定的数据分散写入到IoVecs中
1696     pub fn scatter(&mut self, data: &[u8]) {
1697         let mut data: &[u8] = data;
1698         for slice in self.0.iter_mut() {
1699             let len = core::cmp::min(slice.len(), data.len());
1700             if len == 0 {
1701                 continue;
1702             }
1704             slice[..len].copy_from_slice(&data[..len]);
1705             data = &data[len..];
1706         }
1707     }
1709     /// @brief 创建与IoVecs等长的缓冲区
1710     ///
1711     /// @param set_len 是否设置返回的Vec的len。
1712     /// 如果为true,则返回的Vec的len为所有IoVec的长度之和;
1713     /// 否则返回的Vec的len为0,capacity为所有IoVec的长度之和.
1714     ///
1715     /// @return 返回创建的缓冲区
1716     pub fn new_buf(&self, set_len: bool) -> Vec<u8> {
1717         let total_len: usize = self.0.iter().map(|slice| slice.len()).sum();
1718         let mut buf: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(total_len);
1720         if set_len {
1721             buf.resize(total_len, 0);
1722         }
1723         return buf;
1724     }
1725 }