1 /*
2  */
4 #ifndef __H8_H__
5 #define __H8_H__
7 /*
8  * Register address and offsets
9  */
10 #define H8_BASE_ADDR                   0x170            /* default */
11 #define H8_IRQ			       9                /* default */
12 #define H8_STATUS_REG_OFF              0x4
13 #define H8_CMD_REG_OFF                 0x4
14 #define H8_DATA_REG_OFF                0x0
17 /* H8 register bit definitions */
18 /* status register */
19 #define H8_OFULL                       0x1              /* output data register full */
20 #define H8_IFULL                       0x2              /* input data register full */
21 #define H8_CMD                         0x8              /* command / not data */
23 #define H8_INTR                        0xfa
24 #define H8_NACK                        0xfc
25 #define H8_BYTE_LEVEL_ACK              0xfd
26 #define H8_CMD_ACK                     0xfe
27 #define H8_SYNC_BYTE                   0x99
29 /*
30  * H8 command definitions
31  */
32 /* System info commands */
33 #define H8_SYNC                         0x0
34 #define H8_RD_SN                        0x1
35 #define H8_RD_ENET_ADDR                 0x2
36 #define H8_RD_HW_VER                    0x3
37 #define H8_RD_MIC_VER                   0x4
38 #define H8_RD_MAX_TEMP                  0x5
39 #define H8_RD_MIN_TEMP                  0x6
40 #define H8_RD_CURR_TEMP                 0x7
41 #define H8_RD_SYS_VARIENT               0x8
42 #define H8_RD_PWR_ON_CYCLES             0x9
43 #define H8_RD_PWR_ON_SECS               0xa
44 #define H8_RD_RESET_STATUS              0xb
45 #define H8_RD_PWR_DN_STATUS             0xc
46 #define H8_RD_EVENT_STATUS              0xd
47 #define H8_RD_ROM_CKSM                  0xe
48 #define H8_RD_EXT_STATUS                0xf
49 #define H8_RD_USER_CFG                  0x10
50 #define H8_RD_INT_BATT_VOLT             0x11
51 #define H8_RD_DC_INPUT_VOLT             0x12
52 #define H8_RD_HORIZ_PTR_VOLT            0x13
53 #define H8_RD_VERT_PTR_VOLT             0x14
54 #define H8_RD_EEPROM_STATUS             0x15
55 #define H8_RD_ERR_STATUS                0x16
56 #define H8_RD_NEW_BUSY_SPEED            0x17
57 #define H8_RD_CONFIG_INTERFACE          0x18
58 #define H8_RD_INT_BATT_STATUS           0x19
59 #define H8_RD_EXT_BATT_STATUS           0x1a
60 #define H8_RD_PWR_UP_STATUS             0x1b
61 #define H8_RD_EVENT_STATUS_MASK         0x56
63 /* Read/write/modify commands */
64 #define H8_CTL_EMU_BITPORT              0x32
65 #define H8_DEVICE_CONTROL               0x21
66 #define H8_CTL_TFT_BRT_DC               0x22
67 #define H8_CTL_WATCHDOG                 0x23
68 #define H8_CTL_MIC_PROT                 0x24
69 #define H8_CTL_INT_BATT_CHG             0x25
70 #define H8_CTL_EXT_BATT_CHG             0x26
71 #define H8_CTL_MARK_SPACE               0x27
72 #define H8_CTL_MOUSE_SENSITIVITY        0x28
73 #define H8_CTL_DIAG_MODE                0x29
74 #define H8_CTL_IDLE_AND_BUSY_SPDS       0x2a
75 #define H8_CTL_TFT_BRT_BATT             0x2b
76 #define H8_CTL_UPPER_TEMP               0x2c
77 #define H8_CTL_LOWER_TEMP               0x2d
78 #define H8_CTL_TEMP_CUTOUT              0x2e
79 #define H8_CTL_WAKEUP                   0x2f
80 #define H8_CTL_CHG_THRESHOLD            0x30
81 #define H8_CTL_TURBO_MODE               0x31
82 #define H8_SET_DIAG_STATUS              0x40
83 #define H8_SOFTWARE_RESET               0x41
84 #define H8_RECAL_PTR                    0x42
85 #define H8_SET_INT_BATT_PERCENT         0x43
86 #define H8_WRT_CFG_INTERFACE_REG        0x45
87 #define H8_WRT_EVENT_STATUS_MASK        0x57
88 #define H8_ENTER_POST_MODE              0x46
89 #define H8_EXIT_POST_MODE               0x47
91 /* Block transfer commands */
92 #define H8_RD_EEPROM                    0x50
93 #define H8_WRT_EEPROM                   0x51
94 #define H8_WRT_TO_STATUS_DISP           0x52
95 #define H8_DEFINE_SPC_CHAR              0x53
97 /* Generic commands */
98 #define H8_DEFINE_TABLE_STRING_ENTRY    0x60
100 /* Battery control commands */
101 #define H8_PERFORM_EMU_CMD              0x70
102 #define H8_EMU_RD_REG                   0x71
103 #define H8_EMU_WRT_REG                  0x72
104 #define H8_EMU_RD_RAM                   0x73
105 #define H8_EMU_WRT_RAM                  0x74
106 #define H8_BQ_RD_REG                    0x75
107 #define H8_BQ_WRT_REG                   0x76
109 /* System admin commands */
110 #define H8_PWR_OFF                      0x80
112 /*
113  * H8 command related definitions
114  */
116 /* device control argument bits */
117 #define H8_ENAB_EXTSMI                  0x1
118 #define H8_DISAB_IRQ                    0x2
119 #define H8_ENAB_FLASH_WRT               0x4
120 #define H8_ENAB_THERM                   0x8
121 #define H8_ENAB_INT_PTR                 0x10
122 #define H8_ENAB_LOW_SPD_IND             0x20
123 #define H8_ENAB_EXT_PTR                 0x40
124 #define H8_DISAB_PWR_OFF_SW             0x80
125 #define H8_POWER_OFF			0x80
127 /* H8 read event status bits */
128 #define H8_DC_CHANGE                    0x1
129 #define H8_INT_BATT_LOW                 0x2
130 #define H8_INT_BATT_CHARGE_THRESHOLD    0x4
131 #define H8_INT_BATT_CHARGE_STATE        0x8
132 #define H8_INT_BATT_STATUS              0x10
133 #define H8_EXT_BATT_CHARGE_STATE        0x20
134 #define H8_EXT_BATT_LOW                 0x40
135 #define H8_EXT_BATT_STATUS              0x80
136 #define H8_THERMAL_THRESHOLD            0x100
137 #define H8_WATCHDOG                     0x200
138 #define H8_DOCKING_STATION_STATUS       0x400
139 #define H8_EXT_MOUSE_OR_CASE_SWITCH     0x800
140 #define H8_KEYBOARD                     0x1000
141 #define H8_BATT_CHANGE_OVER             0x2000
142 #define H8_POWER_BUTTON                 0x4000
143 #define H8_SHUTDOWN                     0x8000
145 /* H8 control idle and busy speeds */
146 #define H8_SPEED_LOW                    0x1
147 #define H8_SPEED_MED                    0x2
148 #define H8_SPEED_HI                     0x3
149 #define H8_SPEED_LOCKED                 0x80
151 #define H8_MAX_CMD_SIZE                 18
152 #define H8_Q_ALLOC_AMOUNT               10
154 /* H8 state field values */
155 #define H8_IDLE                         1
156 #define H8_XMIT                         2
157 #define H8_RCV                          3
158 #define H8_RESYNC                       4
159 #define H8_INTR_MODE                    5
161 /* Mask values for control functions */
162 #define UTH_HYSTERESIS                  5
164 #define H8_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL		30
165 #define H8_RUN                          4
167 #define H8_GET_MAX_TEMP                 0x1
168 #define H8_GET_CURR_TEMP                0x2
169 #define H8_GET_UPPR_THRMAL_THOLD        0x4
170 #define H8_GET_ETHERNET_ADDR            0x8
171 #define H8_SYNC_OP                      0x10
172 #define H8_SET_UPPR_THRMAL_THOLD        0x20
173 #define H8_GET_INT_BATT_STAT            0x40
174 #define H8_GET_CPU_SPD                  0x80
175 #define H8_MANAGE_UTHERM                0x100
176 #define H8_MANAGE_LTHERM                0x200
177 #define H8_HALT                         0x400
178 #define H8_CRASH                        0x800
179 #define H8_GET_EXT_STATUS               0x10000
180 #define H8_MANAGE_QUIET                 0x20000
181 #define H8_MANAGE_SPEEDUP               0x40000
182 #define H8_MANAGE_BATTERY               0x80000
183 #define H8_SYSTEM_DELAY_TEST            0x100000
184 #define H8_POWER_SWITCH_TEST            0x200000
186 /* CPU speeds and clock divisor values */
187 #define MHZ_14                           5
188 #define MHZ_28                           4
189 #define MHZ_57                           3
190 #define MHZ_115                          2
191 #define MHZ_230                          0
193 /*
194  * H8 data
195  */
196 struct h8_data {
197         u_int           ser_num;
198         u_char          ether_add[6];
199         u_short         hw_ver;
200         u_short         mic_ver;
201         u_short         max_tmp;
202         u_short         min_tmp;
203         u_short         cur_tmp;
204         u_int           sys_var;
205         u_int           pow_on;
206         u_int           pow_on_secs;
207         u_char          reset_status;
208         u_char          pwr_dn_status;
209         u_short         event_status;
210         u_short         rom_cksm;
211         u_short         ext_status;
212         u_short         u_cfg;
213         u_char          ibatt_volt;
214         u_char          dc_volt;
215         u_char          ptr_horiz;
216         u_char          ptr_vert;
217         u_char          eeprom_status;
218         u_char          error_status;
219         u_char          new_busy_speed;
220         u_char          cfg_interface;
221         u_short         int_batt_status;
222         u_short         ext_batt_status;
223         u_char          pow_up_status;
224         u_char          event_status_mask;
225 };
228 /*
229  * H8 command buffers
230  */
231 typedef struct h8_cmd_q {
232         struct list_head link;          /* double linked list */
233         int             ncmd;           /* number of bytes in command */
234         int             nrsp;           /* number of bytes in response */
235         int             cnt;            /* number of bytes sent/received */
236         int             nacks;          /* number of byte level acks */
237         u_char          cmdbuf[H8_MAX_CMD_SIZE]; /* buffer to store command */
238         u_char          rcvbuf[H8_MAX_CMD_SIZE]; /* buffer to store response */
239 } h8_cmd_q_t;
241 union   intr_buf {
242         u_char  byte[2];
243         u_int   word;
244 };
246 #endif /* __H8_H_ */