1 #ifndef _R819XU_PHYREG_H
2 #define _R819XU_PHYREG_H
5 #define   RF_DATA				0x1d4					// FW will write RF data in the register.
7 //Register   //duplicate register due to connection: RF_Mode, TRxRN, NumOf L-STF
8 //page 1
9 #define rPMAC_Reset               		0x100
10 #define rPMAC_TxStart             		0x104
11 #define rPMAC_TxLegacySIG         		0x108
12 #define rPMAC_TxHTSIG1            		0x10c
13 #define rPMAC_TxHTSIG2            		0x110
14 #define rPMAC_PHYDebug            		0x114
15 #define rPMAC_TxPacketNum         		0x118
16 #define rPMAC_TxIdle              		0x11c
17 #define rPMAC_TxMACHeader0       	0x120
18 #define rPMAC_TxMACHeader1       	0x124
19 #define rPMAC_TxMACHeader2       	0x128
20 #define rPMAC_TxMACHeader3       	0x12c
21 #define rPMAC_TxMACHeader4       	0x130
22 #define rPMAC_TxMACHeader5       	0x134
23 #define rPMAC_TxDataType          		0x138
24 #define rPMAC_TxRandomSeed      		0x13c
25 #define rPMAC_CCKPLCPPreamble  		0x140
26 #define rPMAC_CCKPLCPHeader     		0x144
27 #define rPMAC_CCKCRC16            		0x148
28 #define rPMAC_OFDMRxCRC32OK  		0x170
29 #define rPMAC_OFDMRxCRC32Er   		0x174
30 #define rPMAC_OFDMRxParityEr    		0x178
31 #define rPMAC_OFDMRxCRC8Er     		0x17c
32 #define rPMAC_CCKCRxRC16Er       		0x180
33 #define rPMAC_CCKCRxRC32Er       		0x184
34 #define rPMAC_CCKCRxRC32OK      		0x188
35 #define rPMAC_TxStatus            		0x18c
37 //page8
38 #define rFPGA0_RFMOD              		0x800  //RF mode & CCK TxSC
39 #define rFPGA0_TxInfo             		0x804
40 #define rFPGA0_PSDFunction        		0x808
41 #define rFPGA0_TxGainStage        		0x80c
42 #define rFPGA0_RFTiming1          		0x810
43 #define rFPGA0_RFTiming2          		0x814
44 //#define rFPGA0_XC_RFTiming        		0x818
45 //#define rFPGA0_XD_RFTiming        		0x81c
46 #define rFPGA0_XA_HSSIParameter1  	0x820
47 #define rFPGA0_XA_HSSIParameter2  	0x824
48 #define rFPGA0_XB_HSSIParameter1  	0x828
49 #define rFPGA0_XB_HSSIParameter2  	0x82c
50 #define rFPGA0_XC_HSSIParameter1  	0x830
51 #define rFPGA0_XC_HSSIParameter2  	0x834
52 #define rFPGA0_XD_HSSIParameter1  	0x838
53 #define rFPGA0_XD_HSSIParameter2  	0x83c
54 #define rFPGA0_XA_LSSIParameter   	0x840
55 #define rFPGA0_XB_LSSIParameter   	0x844
56 #define rFPGA0_XC_LSSIParameter   	0x848
57 #define rFPGA0_XD_LSSIParameter   	0x84c
58 #define rFPGA0_RFWakeUpParameter  	0x850
59 #define rFPGA0_RFSleepUpParameter 	0x854
60 #define rFPGA0_XAB_SwitchControl  	0x858
61 #define rFPGA0_XCD_SwitchControl  	0x85c
62 #define rFPGA0_XA_RFInterfaceOE   	0x860
63 #define rFPGA0_XB_RFInterfaceOE   	0x864
64 #define rFPGA0_XC_RFInterfaceOE   	0x868
65 #define rFPGA0_XD_RFInterfaceOE   	0x86c
66 #define rFPGA0_XAB_RFInterfaceSW  	0x870
67 #define rFPGA0_XCD_RFInterfaceSW  	0x874
68 #define rFPGA0_XAB_RFParameter    	0x878
69 #define rFPGA0_XCD_RFParameter    	0x87c
70 #define rFPGA0_AnalogParameter1   	0x880
71 #define rFPGA0_AnalogParameter2   	0x884
72 #define rFPGA0_AnalogParameter3   	0x888
73 #define rFPGA0_AnalogParameter4   	0x88c
74 #define rFPGA0_XA_LSSIReadBack    	0x8a0
75 #define rFPGA0_XB_LSSIReadBack    	0x8a4
76 #define rFPGA0_XC_LSSIReadBack    	0x8a8
77 #define rFPGA0_XD_LSSIReadBack    	0x8ac
78 #define rFPGA0_PSDReport          		0x8b4
79 #define rFPGA0_XAB_RFInterfaceRB  	0x8e0
80 #define rFPGA0_XCD_RFInterfaceRB  	0x8e4
82 //page 9
83 #define rFPGA1_RFMOD              		0x900  //RF mode & OFDM TxSC
84 #define rFPGA1_TxBlock            		0x904
85 #define rFPGA1_DebugSelect        		0x908
86 #define rFPGA1_TxInfo             		0x90c
88 //page a
89 #define rCCK0_System              		0xa00
90 #define rCCK0_AFESetting          		0xa04
91 #define rCCK0_CCA                 			0xa08
92 #define rCCK0_RxAGC1              		0xa0c  //AGC default value, saturation level
93 #define rCCK0_RxAGC2              		0xa10  //AGC & DAGC
94 #define rCCK0_RxHP                		0xa14
95 #define rCCK0_DSPParameter1       	0xa18  //Timing recovery & Channel estimation threshold
96 #define rCCK0_DSPParameter2       	0xa1c  //SQ threshold
97 #define rCCK0_TxFilter1           		0xa20
98 #define rCCK0_TxFilter2           		0xa24
99 #define rCCK0_DebugPort           		0xa28  //debug port and Tx filter3
100 #define rCCK0_FalseAlarmReport    	0xa2c  //0xa2d
101 #define rCCK0_TRSSIReport         		0xa50
102 #define rCCK0_RxReport            		0xa54  //0xa57
103 #define rCCK0_FACounterLower      	0xa5c  //0xa5b
104 #define rCCK0_FACounterUpper      	0xa58  //0xa5c
106 //page c
107 #define rOFDM0_LSTF               		0xc00
108 #define rOFDM0_TRxPathEnable      	0xc04
109 #define rOFDM0_TRMuxPar           		0xc08
110 #define rOFDM0_TRSWIsolation      		0xc0c
111 #define rOFDM0_XARxAFE            		0xc10  //RxIQ DC offset, Rx digital filter, DC notch filter
112 #define rOFDM0_XARxIQImbalance    	0xc14  //RxIQ imblance matrix
113 #define rOFDM0_XBRxAFE            		0xc18
114 #define rOFDM0_XBRxIQImbalance    	0xc1c
115 #define rOFDM0_XCRxAFE            		0xc20
116 #define rOFDM0_XCRxIQImbalance    	0xc24
117 #define rOFDM0_XDRxAFE            		0xc28
118 #define rOFDM0_XDRxIQImbalance    	0xc2c
119 #define rOFDM0_RxDetector1        		0xc30  //PD,BW & SBD
120 #define rOFDM0_RxDetector2        		0xc34  //SBD & Fame Sync.
121 #define rOFDM0_RxDetector3        		0xc38  //Frame Sync.
122 #define rOFDM0_RxDetector4        		0xc3c  //PD, SBD, Frame Sync & Short-GI
123 #define rOFDM0_RxDSP              		0xc40  //Rx Sync Path
124 #define rOFDM0_CFOandDAGC         	0xc44  //CFO & DAGC
125 #define rOFDM0_CCADropThreshold   	0xc48 //CCA Drop threshold
126 #define rOFDM0_ECCAThreshold      	0xc4c // energy CCA
127 #define rOFDM0_XAAGCCore1         	0xc50
128 #define rOFDM0_XAAGCCore2         	0xc54
129 #define rOFDM0_XBAGCCore1         	0xc58
130 #define rOFDM0_XBAGCCore2         	0xc5c
131 #define rOFDM0_XCAGCCore1         	0xc60
132 #define rOFDM0_XCAGCCore2         	0xc64
133 #define rOFDM0_XDAGCCore1         	0xc68
134 #define rOFDM0_XDAGCCore2         	0xc6c
135 #define rOFDM0_AGCParameter1      	0xc70
136 #define rOFDM0_AGCParameter2      	0xc74
137 #define rOFDM0_AGCRSSITable       	0xc78
138 #define rOFDM0_HTSTFAGC           		0xc7c
139 #define rOFDM0_XATxIQImbalance   	0xc80
140 #define rOFDM0_XATxAFE            		0xc84
141 #define rOFDM0_XBTxIQImbalance    	0xc88
142 #define rOFDM0_XBTxAFE            		0xc8c
143 #define rOFDM0_XCTxIQImbalance    	0xc90
144 #define rOFDM0_XCTxAFE            		0xc94
145 #define rOFDM0_XDTxIQImbalance    	0xc98
146 #define rOFDM0_XDTxAFE            		0xc9c
147 #define rOFDM0_RxHPParameter      	0xce0
148 #define rOFDM0_TxPseudoNoiseWgt   	0xce4
149 #define rOFDM0_FrameSync          		0xcf0
150 #define rOFDM0_DFSReport          		0xcf4
151 #define rOFDM0_TxCoeff1           		0xca4
152 #define rOFDM0_TxCoeff2           		0xca8
153 #define rOFDM0_TxCoeff3           		0xcac
154 #define rOFDM0_TxCoeff4           		0xcb0
155 #define rOFDM0_TxCoeff5           		0xcb4
156 #define rOFDM0_TxCoeff6           		0xcb8
159 //page d
160 #define rOFDM1_LSTF               		0xd00
161 #define rOFDM1_TRxPathEnable      	0xd04
162 #define rOFDM1_CFO                		0xd08
163 #define rOFDM1_CSI1               		0xd10
164 #define rOFDM1_SBD                		0xd14
165 #define rOFDM1_CSI2               		0xd18
166 #define rOFDM1_CFOTracking        		0xd2c
167 #define rOFDM1_TRxMesaure1        	0xd34
168 #define rOFDM1_IntfDet            		0xd3c
169 #define rOFDM1_PseudoNoiseStateAB 0xd50
170 #define rOFDM1_PseudoNoiseStateCD 0xd54
171 #define rOFDM1_RxPseudoNoiseWgt   0xd58
172 #define rOFDM_PHYCounter1         		0xda0  //cca, parity fail
173 #define rOFDM_PHYCounter2         		0xda4  //rate illegal, crc8 fail
174 #define rOFDM_PHYCounter3         		0xda8  //MCS not support
175 #define rOFDM_ShortCFOAB          		0xdac
176 #define rOFDM_ShortCFOCD          		0xdb0
177 #define rOFDM_LongCFOAB           		0xdb4
178 #define rOFDM_LongCFOCD           		0xdb8
179 #define rOFDM_TailCFOAB           		0xdbc
180 #define rOFDM_TailCFOCD           		0xdc0
181 #define rOFDM_PWMeasure1          	0xdc4
182 #define rOFDM_PWMeasure2          	0xdc8
183 #define rOFDM_BWReport            		0xdcc
184 #define rOFDM_AGCReport           		0xdd0
185 #define rOFDM_RxSNR               		0xdd4
186 #define rOFDM_RxEVMCSI            		0xdd8
187 #define rOFDM_SIGReport           		0xddc
189 //page e
190 #define rTxAGC_Rate18_06			0xe00
191 #define rTxAGC_Rate54_24			0xe04
192 #define rTxAGC_CCK_Mcs32			0xe08
193 #define rTxAGC_Mcs03_Mcs00			0xe10
194 #define rTxAGC_Mcs07_Mcs04			0xe14
195 #define rTxAGC_Mcs11_Mcs08			0xe18
196 #define rTxAGC_Mcs15_Mcs12			0xe1c
199 //RF
200 //Zebra1
201 #define rZebra1_HSSIEnable            	0x0
202 #define rZebra1_TRxEnable1            	0x1
203 #define rZebra1_TRxEnable2           	0x2
204 #define rZebra1_AGC                   		0x4
205 #define rZebra1_ChargePump            	0x5
206 #define rZebra1_Channel               		0x7
207 #define rZebra1_TxGain               		0x8
208 #define rZebra1_TxLPF                 		0x9
209 #define rZebra1_RxLPF                 		0xb
210 #define rZebra1_RxHPFCorner           	0xc
212 //Zebra4
213 #define rGlobalCtrl                   		0
214 #define rRTL8256_TxLPF                		19
215 #define rRTL8256_RxLPF                		11
217 //RTL8258
218 #define rRTL8258_TxLPF                		0x11
219 #define rRTL8258_RxLPF                		0x13
220 #define rRTL8258_RSSILPF              	0xa
222 //Bit Mask
223 //page-1
224 #define bBBResetB                 			0x100
225 #define bGlobalResetB             		0x200
226 #define bOFDMTxStart              		0x4
227 #define bCCKTxStart               			0x8
228 #define bCRC32Debug               		0x100
229 #define bPMACLoopback             		0x10
230 #define bTxLSIG                   			0xffffff
231 #define bOFDMTxRate               		0xf
232 #define bOFDMTxReserved           		0x10
233 #define bOFDMTxLength             		0x1ffe0
234 #define bOFDMTxParity             		0x20000
235 #define bTxHTSIG1                 			0xffffff
236 #define bTxHTMCSRate              		0x7f
237 #define bTxHTBW                   			0x80
238 #define bTxHTLength               		0xffff00
239 #define bTxHTSIG2                 			0xffffff
240 #define bTxHTSmoothing            		0x1
241 #define bTxHTSounding             		0x2
242 #define bTxHTReserved             		0x4
243 #define bTxHTAggreation           		0x8
244 #define bTxHTSTBC                 			0x30
245 #define bTxHTAdvanceCoding        		0x40
246 #define bTxHTShortGI              		0x80
247 #define bTxHTNumberHT_LTF         		0x300
248 #define bTxHTCRC8                 			0x3fc00
249 #define bCounterReset             		0x10000
250 #define bNumOfOFDMTx              		0xffff
251 #define bNumOfCCKTx               		0xffff0000
252 #define bTxIdleInterval           			0xffff
253 #define bOFDMService              		0xffff0000
254 #define bTxMACHeader              		0xffffffff
255 #define bTxDataInit               			0xff
256 #define bTxHTMode                 		0x100
257 #define bTxDataType               		0x30000
258 #define bTxRandomSeed             		0xffffffff
259 #define bCCKTxPreamble           		0x1
260 #define bCCKTxSFD                 			0xffff0000
261 #define bCCKTxSIG                 			0xff
262 #define bCCKTxService             		0xff00
263 #define bCCKLengthExt             		0x8000
264 #define bCCKTxLength              		0xffff0000
265 #define bCCKTxCRC16               		0xffff
266 #define bCCKTxStatus              		0x1
267 #define bOFDMTxStatus             		0x2
269 //page-8
270 #define bRFMOD                    			0x1
271 #define bJapanMode                		0x2
272 #define bCCKTxSC                  			0x30
273 #define bCCKEn                    			0x1000000
274 #define bOFDMEn                   			0x2000000
275 #define bOFDMRxADCPhase           		0x10000
276 #define bOFDMTxDACPhase           		0x40000
277 #define bXATxAGC                  			0x3f
278 #define bXBTxAGC                  			0xf00
279 #define bXCTxAGC                  			0xf000
280 #define bXDTxAGC                  			0xf0000
281 #define bPAStart                  			0xf0000000
282 #define bTRStart                  			0x00f00000
283 #define bRFStart                  			0x0000f000
284 #define bBBStart                  			0x000000f0
285 #define bBBCCKStart               		0x0000000f
286 #define bPAEnd                    			0xf          //Reg0x814
287 #define bTREnd                    			0x0f000000
288 #define bRFEnd                    			0x000f0000
289 #define bCCAMask                  			0x000000f0   //T2R
290 #define bR2RCCAMask               		0x00000f00
291 #define bHSSI_R2TDelay            		0xf8000000
292 #define bHSSI_T2RDelay            		0xf80000
293 #define bContTxHSSI               		0x400     //chane gain at continue Tx
294 #define bIGFromCCK                		0x200
295 #define bAGCAddress               		0x3f
296 #define bRxHPTx                   			0x7000
297 #define bRxHPT2R                  			0x38000
298 #define bRxHPCCKIni               		0xc0000
299 #define bAGCTxCode                		0xc00000
300 #define bAGCRxCode                		0x300000
301 #define b3WireDataLength          		0x800
302 #define b3WireAddressLength       		0x400
303 #define b3WireRFPowerDown         		0x1
304 //#define bHWSISelect               		0x8
305 #define b5GPAPEPolarity           		0x40000000
306 #define b2GPAPEPolarity           		0x80000000
307 #define bRFSW_TxDefaultAnt        		0x3
308 #define bRFSW_TxOptionAnt         		0x30
309 #define bRFSW_RxDefaultAnt        		0x300
310 #define bRFSW_RxOptionAnt         		0x3000
311 #define bRFSI_3WireData           		0x1
312 #define bRFSI_3WireClock          		0x2
313 #define bRFSI_3WireLoad           		0x4
314 #define bRFSI_3WireRW             		0x8
315 #define bRFSI_3Wire               			0xf  //3-wire total control
316 #define bRFSI_RFENV               		0x10
317 #define bRFSI_TRSW                		0x20
318 #define bRFSI_TRSWB               		0x40
319 #define bRFSI_ANTSW               		0x100
320 #define bRFSI_ANTSWB              		0x200
321 #define bRFSI_PAPE                			0x400
322 #define bRFSI_PAPE5G              		0x800
323 #define bBandSelect               			0x1
324 #define bHTSIG2_GI                			0x80
325 #define bHTSIG2_Smoothing         		0x01
326 #define bHTSIG2_Sounding          		0x02
327 #define bHTSIG2_Aggreaton         		0x08
328 #define bHTSIG2_STBC              		0x30
329 #define bHTSIG2_AdvCoding         		0x40
330 #define bHTSIG2_NumOfHTLTF        	0x300
331 #define bHTSIG2_CRC8              		0x3fc
332 #define bHTSIG1_MCS               		0x7f
333 #define bHTSIG1_BandWidth         		0x80
334 #define bHTSIG1_HTLength          		0xffff
335 #define bLSIG_Rate                			0xf
336 #define bLSIG_Reserved            		0x10
337 #define bLSIG_Length              		0x1fffe
338 #define bLSIG_Parity              			0x20
339 #define bCCKRxPhase               		0x4
340 #define bLSSIReadAddress          		0x3f000000   //LSSI "Read" Address
341 #define bLSSIReadEdge             		0x80000000   //LSSI "Read" edge signal
342 #define bLSSIReadBackData         		0xfff
343 #define bLSSIReadOKFlag           		0x1000
344 #define bCCKSampleRate            		0x8       //0: 44MHz, 1:88MHz
346 #define bRegulator0Standby        		0x1
347 #define bRegulatorPLLStandby      		0x2
348 #define bRegulator1Standby        		0x4
349 #define bPLLPowerUp               		0x8
350 #define bDPLLPowerUp              		0x10
351 #define bDA10PowerUp              		0x20
352 #define bAD7PowerUp               		0x200
353 #define bDA6PowerUp               		0x2000
354 #define bXtalPowerUp              		0x4000
355 #define b40MDClkPowerUP           		0x8000
356 #define bDA6DebugMode             		0x20000
357 #define bDA6Swing                 			0x380000
358 #define bADClkPhase               		0x4000000
359 #define b80MClkDelay              		0x18000000
360 #define bAFEWatchDogEnable        		0x20000000
361 #define bXtalCap                			0x0f000000
362 #define bIntDifClkEnable          		0x400
363 #define bExtSigClkEnable         		0x800
364 #define bBandgapMbiasPowerUp      	0x10000
365 #define bAD11SHGain               		0xc0000
366 #define bAD11InputRange           		0x700000
367 #define bAD11OPCurrent            		0x3800000
368 #define bIPathLoopback            		0x4000000
369 #define bQPathLoopback            		0x8000000
370 #define bAFELoopback              		0x10000000
371 #define bDA10Swing                		0x7e0
372 #define bDA10Reverse              		0x800
373 #define bDAClkSource              		0x1000
374 #define bAD7InputRange            		0x6000
375 #define bAD7Gain                  			0x38000
376 #define bAD7OutputCMMode          		0x40000
377 #define bAD7InputCMMode           		0x380000
378 #define bAD7Current               			0xc00000
379 #define bRegulatorAdjust          		0x7000000
380 #define bAD11PowerUpAtTx          		0x1
381 #define bDA10PSAtTx               		0x10
382 #define bAD11PowerUpAtRx          		0x100
383 #define bDA10PSAtRx               		0x1000
385 #define bCCKRxAGCFormat           		0x200
387 #define bPSDFFTSamplepPoint       		0xc000
388 #define bPSDAverageNum            		0x3000
389 #define bIQPathControl            		0xc00
390 #define bPSDFreq                  			0x3ff
391 #define bPSDAntennaPath           		0x30
392 #define bPSDIQSwitch              		0x40
393 #define bPSDRxTrigger             		0x400000
394 #define bPSDTxTrigger             		0x80000000
395 #define bPSDSineToneScale        		0x7f000000
396 #define bPSDReport                			0xffff
398 //page-9
399 #define bOFDMTxSC                 		0x30000000
400 #define bCCKTxOn                  			0x1
401 #define bOFDMTxOn                 		0x2
402 #define bDebugPage                		0xfff  //reset debug page and also HWord, LWord
403 #define bDebugItem                		0xff   //reset debug page and LWord
404 #define bAntL              			0x10
405 #define bAntNonHT           				0x100
406 #define bAntHT1               			0x1000
407 #define bAntHT2                   			0x10000
408 #define bAntHT1S1                 			0x100000
409 #define bAntNonHTS1               		0x1000000
411 //page-a
412 #define bCCKBBMode                		0x3
413 #define bCCKTxPowerSaving         		0x80
414 #define bCCKRxPowerSaving         		0x40
415 #define bCCKSideBand              		0x10
416 #define bCCKScramble              		0x8
417 #define bCCKAntDiversity    			0x8000
418 #define bCCKCarrierRecovery   		0x4000
419 #define bCCKTxRate           			0x3000
420 #define bCCKDCCancel             		0x0800
421 #define bCCKISICancel             		0x0400
422 #define bCCKMatchFilter           		0x0200
423 #define bCCKEqualizer             		0x0100
424 #define bCCKPreambleDetect       		0x800000
425 #define bCCKFastFalseCCA          		0x400000
426 #define bCCKChEstStart            		0x300000
427 #define bCCKCCACount              		0x080000
428 #define bCCKcs_lim                			0x070000
429 #define bCCKBistMode              		0x80000000
430 #define bCCKCCAMask             		0x40000000
431 #define bCCKTxDACPhase         		0x4
432 #define bCCKRxADCPhase         		0x20000000   //r_rx_clk
433 #define bCCKr_cp_mode0         		0x0100
434 #define bCCKTxDCOffset           		0xf0
435 #define bCCKRxDCOffset           		0xf
436 #define bCCKCCAMode              		0xc000
437 #define bCCKFalseCS_lim           		0x3f00
438 #define bCCKCS_ratio              		0xc00000
439 #define bCCKCorgBit_sel           		0x300000
440 #define bCCKPD_lim                			0x0f0000
441 #define bCCKNewCCA                		0x80000000
442 #define bCCKRxHPofIG              		0x8000
443 #define bCCKRxIG                  			0x7f00
444 #define bCCKLNAPolarity           		0x800000
445 #define bCCKRx1stGain             		0x7f0000
446 #define bCCKRFExtend              		0x20000000 //CCK Rx Iinital gain polarity
447 #define bCCKRxAGCSatLevel        		0x1f000000
448 #define bCCKRxAGCSatCount       		0xe0
449 #define bCCKRxRFSettle            		0x1f       //AGCsamp_dly
450 #define bCCKFixedRxAGC           		0x8000
451 //#define bCCKRxAGCFormat         		0x4000   //remove to HSSI register 0x824
452 #define bCCKAntennaPolarity      		0x2000
453 #define bCCKTxFilterType          		0x0c00
454 #define bCCKRxAGCReportType   		0x0300
455 #define bCCKRxDAGCEn              		0x80000000
456 #define bCCKRxDAGCPeriod        		0x20000000
457 #define bCCKRxDAGCSatLevel     		0x1f000000
458 #define bCCKTimingRecovery       		0x800000
459 #define bCCKTxC0                  			0x3f0000
460 #define bCCKTxC1                  			0x3f000000
461 #define bCCKTxC2                  			0x3f
462 #define bCCKTxC3                  			0x3f00
463 #define bCCKTxC4                  			0x3f0000
464 #define bCCKTxC5                  			0x3f000000
465 #define bCCKTxC6                  			0x3f
466 #define bCCKTxC7                  			0x3f00
467 #define bCCKDebugPort             		0xff0000
468 #define bCCKDACDebug              		0x0f000000
469 #define bCCKFalseAlarmEnable      		0x8000
470 #define bCCKFalseAlarmRead        		0x4000
471 #define bCCKTRSSI                 			0x7f
472 #define bCCKRxAGCReport           		0xfe
473 #define bCCKRxReport_AntSel       		0x80000000
474 #define bCCKRxReport_MFOff        		0x40000000
475 #define bCCKRxRxReport_SQLoss     	0x20000000
476 #define bCCKRxReport_Pktloss      		0x10000000
477 #define bCCKRxReport_Lockedbit    	0x08000000
478 #define bCCKRxReport_RateError    	0x04000000
479 #define bCCKRxReport_RxRate       		0x03000000
480 #define bCCKRxFACounterLower      	0xff
481 #define bCCKRxFACounterUpper      	0xff000000
482 #define bCCKRxHPAGCStart          		0xe000
483 #define bCCKRxHPAGCFinal          		0x1c00
485 #define bCCKRxFalseAlarmEnable    	0x8000
486 #define bCCKFACounterFreeze       		0x4000
488 #define bCCKTxPathSel             		0x10000000
489 #define bCCKDefaultRxPath         		0xc000000
490 #define bCCKOptionRxPath          		0x3000000
492 //page c
493 #define bNumOfSTF                			0x3
494 #define bShift_L                 			0xc0
495 #define bGI_TH                   			0xc
496 #define bRxPathA                 			0x1
497 #define bRxPathB                 			0x2
498 #define bRxPathC                 			0x4
499 #define bRxPathD                 			0x8
500 #define bTxPathA                 			0x1
501 #define bTxPathB                 			0x2
502 #define bTxPathC                 			0x4
503 #define bTxPathD                 			0x8
504 #define bTRSSIFreq               			0x200
505 #define bADCBackoff              			0x3000
506 #define bDFIRBackoff             			0xc000
507 #define bTRSSILatchPhase         		0x10000
508 #define bRxIDCOffset             			0xff
509 #define bRxQDCOffset             			0xff00
510 #define bRxDFIRMode              		0x1800000
511 #define bRxDCNFType              		0xe000000
512 #define bRXIQImb_A               			0x3ff
513 #define bRXIQImb_B               			0xfc00
514 #define bRXIQImb_C               			0x3f0000
515 #define bRXIQImb_D               			0xffc00000
516 #define bDC_dc_Notch             		0x60000
517 #define bRxNBINotch              			0x1f000000
518 #define bPD_TH                   			0xf
519 #define bPD_TH_Opt2              		0xc000
520 #define bPWED_TH                 			0x700
521 #define bIfMF_Win_L              			0x800
522 #define bPD_Option               			0x1000
523 #define bMF_Win_L                			0xe000
524 #define bBW_Search_L             		0x30000
525 #define bwin_enh_L               			0xc0000
526 #define bBW_TH                   			0x700000
527 #define bED_TH2                  			0x3800000
528 #define bBW_option               			0x4000000
529 #define bRatio_TH                			0x18000000
530 #define bWindow_L                			0xe0000000
531 #define bSBD_Option              			0x1
532 #define bFrame_TH                			0x1c
533 #define bFS_Option               			0x60
534 #define bDC_Slope_check          		0x80
535 #define bFGuard_Counter_DC_L     		0xe00
536 #define bFrame_Weight_Short      		0x7000
537 #define bSub_Tune                			0xe00000
538 #define bFrame_DC_Length         		0xe000000
539 #define bSBD_start_offset        		0x30000000
540 #define bFrame_TH_2              		0x7
541 #define bFrame_GI2_TH            		0x38
542 #define bGI2_Sync_en             		0x40
543 #define bSarch_Short_Early       		0x300
544 #define bSarch_Short_Late        		0xc00
545 #define bSarch_GI2_Late          		0x70000
546 #define bCFOAntSum               		0x1
547 #define bCFOAcc                  			0x2
548 #define bCFOStartOffset          		0xc
549 #define bCFOLookBack             		0x70
550 #define bCFOSumWeight            		0x80
551 #define bDAGCEnable              			0x10000
552 #define bTXIQImb_A               			0x3ff
553 #define bTXIQImb_B               			0xfc00
554 #define bTXIQImb_C               			0x3f0000
555 #define bTXIQImb_D               			0xffc00000
556 #define bTxIDCOffset             			0xff
557 #define bTxQDCOffset             			0xff00
558 #define bTxDFIRMode              		0x10000
559 #define bTxPesudoNoiseOn         		0x4000000
560 #define bTxPesudoNoise_A         		0xff
561 #define bTxPesudoNoise_B         		0xff00
562 #define bTxPesudoNoise_C         		0xff0000
563 #define bTxPesudoNoise_D         		0xff000000
564 #define bCCADropOption           		0x20000
565 #define bCCADropThres            		0xfff00000
566 #define bEDCCA_H                 			0xf
567 #define bEDCCA_L                 			0xf0
568 #define bLambda_ED               0x300
569 #define bRxInitialGain           0x7f
570 #define bRxAntDivEn              0x80
571 #define bRxAGCAddressForLNA      0x7f00
572 #define bRxHighPowerFlow         0x8000
573 #define bRxAGCFreezeThres        0xc0000
574 #define bRxFreezeStep_AGC1       0x300000
575 #define bRxFreezeStep_AGC2       0xc00000
576 #define bRxFreezeStep_AGC3       0x3000000
577 #define bRxFreezeStep_AGC0       0xc000000
578 #define bRxRssi_Cmp_En           0x10000000
579 #define bRxQuickAGCEn            0x20000000
580 #define bRxAGCFreezeThresMode    0x40000000
581 #define bRxOverFlowCheckType     0x80000000
582 #define bRxAGCShift              0x7f
583 #define bTRSW_Tri_Only           0x80
584 #define bPowerThres              0x300
585 #define bRxAGCEn                 0x1
586 #define bRxAGCTogetherEn         0x2
587 #define bRxAGCMin                0x4
588 #define bRxHP_Ini                0x7
589 #define bRxHP_TRLNA              0x70
590 #define bRxHP_RSSI               0x700
591 #define bRxHP_BBP1               0x7000
592 #define bRxHP_BBP2               0x70000
593 #define bRxHP_BBP3               0x700000
594 #define bRSSI_H                  0x7f0000     //the threshold for high power
595 #define bRSSI_Gen                0x7f000000   //the threshold for ant diversity
596 #define bRxSettle_TRSW           0x7
597 #define bRxSettle_LNA            0x38
598 #define bRxSettle_RSSI           0x1c0
599 #define bRxSettle_BBP            0xe00
600 #define bRxSettle_RxHP           0x7000
601 #define bRxSettle_AntSW_RSSI     0x38000
602 #define bRxSettle_AntSW          0xc0000
603 #define bRxProcessTime_DAGC      0x300000
604 #define bRxSettle_HSSI           0x400000
605 #define bRxProcessTime_BBPPW     0x800000
606 #define bRxAntennaPowerShift     0x3000000
607 #define bRSSITableSelect         0xc000000
608 #define bRxHP_Final              0x7000000
609 #define bRxHTSettle_BBP          0x7
610 #define bRxHTSettle_HSSI         0x8
611 #define bRxHTSettle_RxHP         0x70
612 #define bRxHTSettle_BBPPW        0x80
613 #define bRxHTSettle_Idle         0x300
614 #define bRxHTSettle_Reserved     0x1c00
615 #define bRxHTRxHPEn              0x8000
616 #define bRxHTAGCFreezeThres      0x30000
617 #define bRxHTAGCTogetherEn       0x40000
618 #define bRxHTAGCMin              0x80000
619 #define bRxHTAGCEn               0x100000
620 #define bRxHTDAGCEn              0x200000
621 #define bRxHTRxHP_BBP            0x1c00000
622 #define bRxHTRxHP_Final          0xe0000000
623 #define bRxPWRatioTH             0x3
624 #define bRxPWRatioEn             0x4
625 #define bRxMFHold                0x3800
626 #define bRxPD_Delay_TH1          0x38
627 #define bRxPD_Delay_TH2          0x1c0
628 #define bRxPD_DC_COUNT_MAX       0x600
629 //#define bRxMF_Hold               0x3800
630 #define bRxPD_Delay_TH           0x8000
631 #define bRxProcess_Delay         0xf0000
632 #define bRxSearchrange_GI2_Early 0x700000
633 #define bRxFrame_Guard_Counter_L 0x3800000
634 #define bRxSGI_Guard_L           0xc000000
635 #define bRxSGI_Search_L          0x30000000
636 #define bRxSGI_TH                0xc0000000
637 #define bDFSCnt0                 0xff
638 #define bDFSCnt1                 0xff00
639 #define bDFSFlag                 0xf0000
641 #define bMFWeightSum             0x300000
642 #define bMinIdxTH                0x7f000000
644 #define bDAFormat                0x40000
646 #define bTxChEmuEnable           0x01000000
648 #define bTRSWIsolation_A         0x7f
649 #define bTRSWIsolation_B         0x7f00
650 #define bTRSWIsolation_C         0x7f0000
651 #define bTRSWIsolation_D         0x7f000000
653 #define bExtLNAGain              0x7c00
655 //page d
656 #define bSTBCEn                  0x4
657 #define bAntennaMapping          0x10
658 #define bNss                     0x20
659 #define bCFOAntSumD              0x200
660 #define bPHYCounterReset         0x8000000
661 #define bCFOReportGet            0x4000000
662 #define bOFDMContinueTx          0x10000000
663 #define bOFDMSingleCarrier       0x20000000
664 #define bOFDMSingleTone          0x40000000
665 //#define bRxPath1                 0x01
666 //#define bRxPath2                 0x02
667 //#define bRxPath3                 0x04
668 //#define bRxPath4                 0x08
669 //#define bTxPath1                 0x10
670 //#define bTxPath2                 0x20
671 #define bHTDetect                0x100
672 #define bCFOEn                   0x10000
673 #define bCFOValue                0xfff00000
674 #define bSigTone_Re              0x3f
675 #define bSigTone_Im              0x7f00
676 #define bCounter_CCA             0xffff
677 #define bCounter_ParityFail      0xffff0000
678 #define bCounter_RateIllegal     0xffff
679 #define bCounter_CRC8Fail        0xffff0000
680 #define bCounter_MCSNoSupport    0xffff
681 #define bCounter_FastSync        0xffff
682 #define bShortCFO                0xfff
683 #define bShortCFOTLength         12   //total
684 #define bShortCFOFLength         11   //fraction
685 #define bLongCFO                 0x7ff
686 #define bLongCFOTLength          11
687 #define bLongCFOFLength          11
688 #define bTailCFO                 0x1fff
689 #define bTailCFOTLength          13
690 #define bTailCFOFLength          12
692 #define bmax_en_pwdB             0xffff
693 #define bCC_power_dB             0xffff0000
694 #define bnoise_pwdB              0xffff
695 #define bPowerMeasTLength        10
696 #define bPowerMeasFLength        3
697 #define bRx_HT_BW                0x1
698 #define bRxSC                    0x6
699 #define bRx_HT                   0x8
701 #define bNB_intf_det_on          0x1
702 #define bIntf_win_len_cfg        0x30
703 #define bNB_Intf_TH_cfg          0x1c0
705 #define bRFGain                  0x3f
706 #define bTableSel                0x40
707 #define bTRSW                    0x80
709 #define bRxSNR_A                 0xff
710 #define bRxSNR_B                 0xff00
711 #define bRxSNR_C                 0xff0000
712 #define bRxSNR_D                 0xff000000
713 #define bSNREVMTLength           8
714 #define bSNREVMFLength           1
716 #define bCSI1st                  0xff
717 #define bCSI2nd                  0xff00
718 #define bRxEVM1st                0xff0000
719 #define bRxEVM2nd                0xff000000
721 #define bSIGEVM                  0xff
722 #define bPWDB                    0xff00
723 #define bSGIEN                   0x10000
725 #define bSFactorQAM1             0xf
726 #define bSFactorQAM2             0xf0
727 #define bSFactorQAM3             0xf00
728 #define bSFactorQAM4             0xf000
729 #define bSFactorQAM5             0xf0000
730 #define bSFactorQAM6             0xf0000
731 #define bSFactorQAM7             0xf00000
732 #define bSFactorQAM8             0xf000000
733 #define bSFactorQAM9             0xf0000000
734 #define bCSIScheme               0x100000
736 #define bNoiseLvlTopSet          0x3
737 #define bChSmooth                0x4
738 #define bChSmoothCfg1            0x38
739 #define bChSmoothCfg2            0x1c0
740 #define bChSmoothCfg3            0xe00
741 #define bChSmoothCfg4            0x7000
742 #define bMRCMode                 0x800000
743 #define bTHEVMCfg                0x7000000
745 #define bLoopFitType             0x1
746 #define bUpdCFO                  0x40
747 #define bUpdCFOOffData           0x80
748 #define bAdvUpdCFO               0x100
749 #define bAdvTimeCtrl             0x800
750 #define bUpdClko                 0x1000
751 #define bFC                      0x6000
752 #define bTrackingMode            0x8000
753 #define bPhCmpEnable             0x10000
754 #define bUpdClkoLTF              0x20000
755 #define bComChCFO                0x40000
756 #define bCSIEstiMode             0x80000
757 #define bAdvUpdEqz               0x100000
758 #define bUChCfg                  0x7000000
759 #define bUpdEqz                  0x8000000
761 //page e
762 #define bTxAGCRate18_06			0x7f7f7f7f
763 #define bTxAGCRate54_24			0x7f7f7f7f
764 #define bTxAGCRateMCS32		0x7f
765 #define bTxAGCRateCCK			0x7f00
766 #define bTxAGCRateMCS3_MCS0	0x7f7f7f7f
767 #define bTxAGCRateMCS7_MCS4	0x7f7f7f7f
768 #define bTxAGCRateMCS11_MCS8	0x7f7f7f7f
769 #define bTxAGCRateMCS15_MCS12	0x7f7f7f7f
772 //Rx Pseduo noise
773 #define bRxPesudoNoiseOn         0x20000000
774 #define bRxPesudoNoise_A         0xff
775 #define bRxPesudoNoise_B         0xff00
776 #define bRxPesudoNoise_C         0xff0000
777 #define bRxPesudoNoise_D         0xff000000
778 #define bPesudoNoiseState_A      0xffff
779 #define bPesudoNoiseState_B      0xffff0000
780 #define bPesudoNoiseState_C      0xffff
781 #define bPesudoNoiseState_D      0xffff0000
783 //RF
784 //Zebra1
785 #define bZebra1_HSSIEnable        0x8
786 #define bZebra1_TRxControl        0xc00
787 #define bZebra1_TRxGainSetting    0x07f
788 #define bZebra1_RxCorner          0xc00
789 #define bZebra1_TxChargePump      0x38
790 #define bZebra1_RxChargePump      0x7
791 #define bZebra1_ChannelNum        0xf80
792 #define bZebra1_TxLPFBW           0x400
793 #define bZebra1_RxLPFBW           0x600
795 //Zebra4
796 #define bRTL8256RegModeCtrl1      0x100
797 #define bRTL8256RegModeCtrl0      0x40
798 #define bRTL8256_TxLPFBW          0x18
799 #define bRTL8256_RxLPFBW          0x600
801 //RTL8258
802 #define bRTL8258_TxLPFBW          0xc
803 #define bRTL8258_RxLPFBW          0xc00
804 #define bRTL8258_RSSILPFBW        0xc0
806 //byte endable for sb_write
807 #define bByte0                    0x1
808 #define bByte1                    0x2
809 #define bByte2                    0x4
810 #define bByte3                    0x8
811 #define bWord0                    0x3
812 #define bWord1                    0xc
813 #define bDWord                    0xf
815 //for PutRegsetting & GetRegSetting BitMask
816 #define bMaskByte0                0xff
817 #define bMaskByte1                0xff00
818 #define bMaskByte2                0xff0000
819 #define bMaskByte3                0xff000000
820 #define bMaskHWord                0xffff0000
821 #define bMaskLWord                0x0000ffff
822 #define bMaskDWord                0xffffffff
824 //for PutRFRegsetting & GetRFRegSetting BitMask
825 #define bMask12Bits               0xfff
827 #define bEnable                   0x1
828 #define bDisable                  0x0
830 #define LeftAntenna               0x0
831 #define RightAntenna              0x1
833 #define tCheckTxStatus            500   //500ms
834 #define tUpdateRxCounter          100   //100ms
836 #define rateCCK     0
837 #define rateOFDM    1
838 #define rateHT      2
840 //define Register-End
841 #define bPMAC_End                 0x1ff
842 #define bFPGAPHY0_End             0x8ff
843 #define bFPGAPHY1_End             0x9ff
844 #define bCCKPHY0_End              0xaff
845 #define bOFDMPHY0_End             0xcff
846 #define bOFDMPHY1_End             0xdff
848 //define max debug item in each debug page
849 //#define bMaxItem_FPGA_PHY0        0x9
850 //#define bMaxItem_FPGA_PHY1        0x3
851 //#define bMaxItem_PHY_11B          0x16
852 //#define bMaxItem_OFDM_PHY0        0x29
853 //#define bMaxItem_OFDM_PHY1        0x0
855 #define bPMACControl              0x0
856 #define bWMACControl              0x1
857 #define bWNICControl              0x2
859 #define PathA                     0x0
860 #define PathB                     0x1
861 #define PathC                     0x2
862 #define PathD                     0x3
864 #define	rRTL8256RxMixerPole		0xb
865 #define 	bZebraRxMixerPole		0x6
866 #define 	rRTL8256TxBBOPBias        0x9
867 #define 	bRTL8256TxBBOPBias       0x400
868 #define 	rRTL8256TxBBBW             19
869 #define 	bRTL8256TxBBBW            	0x18
871 #endif	//__INC_HAL8190PCIPHYREG_H