1 /********************************************************
2 * Header file for eata_dma.c and eata_pio.c		*
3 * Linux EATA SCSI drivers				*
4 * (c) 1993-96 Michael Neuffer                           *
5 *             mike@i-Connect.Net                        *
6 *             neuffer@mail.uni-mainz.de                 *
7 *********************************************************
8 * last change: 96/08/14                                 *
9 ********************************************************/
12 #ifndef _EATA_GENERIC_H
13 #define _EATA_GENERIC_H
17 /*********************************************
18  * Misc. definitions			     *
19  *********************************************/
21 #define R_LIMIT 0x20000
23 #define MAXISA	   4
24 #define MAXEISA	  16
25 #define MAXPCI	  16
26 #define MAXIRQ	  16
27 #define MAXTARGET 16
28 #define MAXCHANNEL 3
30 #define IS_ISA	   'I'
31 #define IS_EISA	   'E'
32 #define IS_PCI	   'P'
34 #define BROKEN_INQUIRY	1
36 #define BUSMASTER       0xff
37 #define PIO             0xfe
39 #define EATA_SIGNATURE	0x45415441     /* BIG ENDIAN coded "EATA" sig.	 */
41 #define DPT_ID1         0x12
42 #define DPT_ID2         0x14
44 #define ATT_ID1         0x06
45 #define ATT_ID2         0x94
46 #define ATT_ID3         0x0
48 #define NEC_ID1         0x38
49 #define NEC_ID2         0xa3
50 #define NEC_ID3         0x82
53 #define EATA_CP_SIZE	 44
55 #define MAX_PCI_DEVICES  32	       /* Maximum # Of Devices Per Bus	 */
56 #define MAX_METHOD_2	 16	       /* Max Devices For Method 2	 */
57 #define MAX_PCI_BUS	 16	       /* Maximum # Of Busses Allowed	 */
59 #define SG_SIZE		 64
60 #define SG_SIZE_BIG	 252	       /* max. 8096 elements, 64k */
62 #define UPPER_DEVICE_QUEUE_LIMIT 64    /* The limit we have to set for the
63 					* device queue to keep the broken
64 					* midlevel SCSI code from producing
65 					* bogus timeouts
66 					*/
68 #define TYPE_DISK_QUEUE  16
69 #define TYPE_TAPE_QUEUE  4
70 #define TYPE_ROM_QUEUE   4
71 #define TYPE_OTHER_QUEUE 2
73 #define FREE	         0
74 #define OK	         0
75 #define NO_TIMEOUT       0
76 #define USED	         1
77 #define TIMEOUT	         2
78 #define RESET	         4
79 #define LOCKED	         8
80 #define ABORTED          16
82 #define READ             0
83 #define WRITE            1
84 #define OTHER            2
86 #define HD(cmd)	 ((hostdata *)&(cmd->device->host->hostdata))
87 #define CD(cmd)	 ((struct eata_ccb *)(cmd->host_scribble))
88 #define SD(host) ((hostdata *)&(host->hostdata))
90 /***********************************************
91  *    EATA Command & Register definitions      *
92  ***********************************************/
93 #define PCI_REG_DPTconfig	 0x40
94 #define PCI_REG_PumpModeAddress	 0x44
95 #define PCI_REG_PumpModeData	 0x48
96 #define PCI_REG_ConfigParam1	 0x50
97 #define PCI_REG_ConfigParam2	 0x54
100 #define EATA_CMD_PIO_SETUPTEST	 0xc6
101 #define EATA_CMD_PIO_READ_CONFIG 0xf0
102 #define EATA_CMD_PIO_SET_CONFIG	 0xf1
103 #define EATA_CMD_PIO_SEND_CP	 0xf2
104 #define EATA_CMD_PIO_RECEIVE_SP	 0xf3
105 #define EATA_CMD_PIO_TRUNC	 0xf4
107 #define EATA_CMD_RESET		 0xf9
108 #define EATA_CMD_IMMEDIATE	 0xfa
110 #define EATA_CMD_DMA_READ_CONFIG 0xfd
111 #define EATA_CMD_DMA_SET_CONFIG	 0xfe
112 #define EATA_CMD_DMA_SEND_CP	 0xff
114 #define ECS_EMULATE_SENSE	 0xd4
116 #define EATA_GENERIC_ABORT       0x00
117 #define EATA_SPECIFIC_RESET      0x01
118 #define EATA_BUS_RESET           0x02
119 #define EATA_SPECIFIC_ABORT      0x03
120 #define EATA_QUIET_INTR          0x04
121 #define EATA_COLD_BOOT_HBA       0x06	   /* Only as a last resort	*/
122 #define EATA_FORCE_IO            0x07
124 #define HA_CTRLREG     0x206       /* control register for HBA    */
125 #define HA_CTRL_DISINT 0x02        /* CTRLREG: disable interrupts */
126 #define HA_CTRL_RESCPU 0x04        /* CTRLREG: reset processor    */
127 #define HA_CTRL_8HEADS 0x08        /* CTRLREG: set for drives with*
128 				    * >=8 heads (WD1003 rudimentary :-) */
130 #define HA_WCOMMAND    0x07	   /* command register offset	*/
131 #define HA_WIFC        0x06	   /* immediate command offset  */
132 #define HA_WCODE       0x05
133 #define HA_WCODE2      0x04
134 #define HA_WDMAADDR    0x02	   /* DMA address LSB offset	*/
135 #define HA_RAUXSTAT    0x08	   /* aux status register offset*/
136 #define HA_RSTATUS     0x07	   /* status register offset	*/
137 #define HA_RDATA       0x00	   /* data register (16bit)	*/
138 #define HA_WDATA       0x00	   /* data register (16bit)	*/
140 #define HA_ABUSY       0x01	   /* aux busy bit		*/
141 #define HA_AIRQ	       0x02	   /* aux IRQ pending bit	*/
142 #define HA_SERROR      0x01	   /* pr. command ended in error*/
143 #define HA_SMORE       0x02	   /* more data soon to come	*/
144 #define HA_SCORR       0x04	   /* data corrected		*/
145 #define HA_SDRQ	       0x08	   /* data request active	*/
146 #define HA_SSC	       0x10	   /* seek complete		*/
147 #define HA_SFAULT      0x20	   /* write fault		*/
148 #define HA_SREADY      0x40	   /* drive ready		*/
149 #define HA_SBUSY       0x80	   /* drive busy		*/
152 /**********************************************
153  * Message definitions			      *
154  **********************************************/
156 #define HA_NO_ERROR	 0x00	/* No Error				*/
157 #define HA_ERR_SEL_TO	 0x01	/* Selection Timeout			*/
158 #define HA_ERR_CMD_TO	 0x02	/* Command Timeout			*/
159 #define HA_BUS_RESET	 0x03	/* SCSI Bus Reset Received		*/
160 #define HA_INIT_POWERUP	 0x04	/* Initial Controller Power-up		*/
161 #define HA_UNX_BUSPHASE	 0x05	/* Unexpected Bus Phase			*/
162 #define HA_UNX_BUS_FREE	 0x06	/* Unexpected Bus Free			*/
163 #define HA_BUS_PARITY	 0x07	/* Bus Parity Error			*/
164 #define HA_SCSI_HUNG	 0x08	/* SCSI Hung				*/
165 #define HA_UNX_MSGRJCT	 0x09	/* Unexpected Message Rejected		*/
166 #define HA_RESET_STUCK	 0x0a	/* SCSI Bus Reset Stuck			*/
167 #define HA_RSENSE_FAIL	 0x0b	/* Auto Request-Sense Failed		*/
168 #define HA_PARITY_ERR	 0x0c	/* Controller Ram Parity Error		*/
169 #define HA_CP_ABORT_NA	 0x0d	/* Abort Message sent to non-active cmd */
170 #define HA_CP_ABORTED	 0x0e	/* Abort Message sent to active cmd	*/
171 #define HA_CP_RESET_NA	 0x0f	/* Reset Message sent to non-active cmd */
172 #define HA_CP_RESET	 0x10	/* Reset Message sent to active cmd	*/
173 #define HA_ECC_ERR	 0x11	/* Controller Ram ECC Error		*/
174 #define HA_PCI_PARITY	 0x12	/* PCI Parity Error			*/
175 #define HA_PCI_MABORT	 0x13	/* PCI Master Abort			*/
176 #define HA_PCI_TABORT	 0x14	/* PCI Target Abort			*/
177 #define HA_PCI_STABORT	 0x15	/* PCI Signaled Target Abort		*/
179 /**********************************************
180  *  Other  definitions			      *
181  **********************************************/
183 struct reg_bit {      /* reading this one will clear the interrupt    */
184     __u8 error:1;     /* previous command ended in an error	      */
185     __u8 more:1;      /* more DATA coming soon, poll BSY & DRQ (PIO)  */
186     __u8 corr:1;      /* data read was successfully corrected with ECC*/
187     __u8 drq:1;	      /* data request active  */
188     __u8 sc:1;	      /* seek complete	      */
189     __u8 fault:1;     /* write fault	      */
190     __u8 ready:1;     /* drive ready	      */
191     __u8 busy:1;      /* controller busy      */
192 };
194 struct reg_abit {     /* reading this won't clear the interrupt */
195     __u8 abusy:1;     /* auxiliary busy				*/
196     __u8 irq:1;	      /* set when drive interrupt is asserted	*/
197     __u8 dummy:6;
198 };
200 struct eata_register {	    /* EATA register set */
201     __u8 data_reg[2];	    /* R, couldn't figure this one out		*/
202     __u8 cp_addr[4];	    /* W, CP address register			*/
203     union {
204 	__u8 command;	    /* W, command code: [read|set] conf, send CP*/
205 	struct reg_bit status;	/* R, see register_bit1			*/
206 	__u8 statusbyte;
207     } ovr;
208     struct reg_abit aux_stat; /* R, see register_bit2			*/
209 };
211 struct get_conf {	      /* Read Configuration Array		*/
212     __u32  len;		      /* Should return 0x22, 0x24, etc		*/
213     __u32 signature;	      /* Signature MUST be "EATA"		*/
214     __u8    version2:4,
215 	     version:4;	      /* EATA Version level			*/
216     __u8 OCS_enabled:1,	      /* Overlap Command Support enabled	*/
217 	 TAR_support:1,	      /* SCSI Target Mode supported		*/
218 	      TRNXFR:1,	      /* Truncate Transfer Cmd not necessary	*
219 			       * Only used in PIO Mode			*/
220 	MORE_support:1,	      /* MORE supported (only PIO Mode)		*/
221 	 DMA_support:1,	      /* DMA supported Driver uses only		*
222 			       * this mode				*/
223 	   DMA_valid:1,	      /* DRQ value in Byte 30 is valid		*/
224 		 ATA:1,	      /* ATA device connected (not supported)	*/
225 	   HAA_valid:1;	      /* Hostadapter Address is valid		*/
227     __u16 cppadlen;	      /* Number of pad bytes send after CD data *
228 			       * set to zero for DMA commands		*/
229     __u8 scsi_id[4];	      /* SCSI ID of controller 2-0 Byte 0 res.	*
230 			       * if not, zero is returned		*/
231     __u32  cplen;	      /* CP length: number of valid cp bytes	*/
232     __u32  splen;	      /* Number of bytes returned after		*
233 			       * Receive SP command			*/
234     __u16 queuesiz;	      /* max number of queueable CPs		*/
235     __u16 dummy;
236     __u16 SGsiz;	      /* max number of SG table entries		*/
237     __u8    IRQ:4,	      /* IRQ used this HA			*/
238 	 IRQ_TR:1,	      /* IRQ Trigger: 0=edge, 1=level		*/
239 	 SECOND:1,	      /* This is a secondary controller		*/
240     DMA_channel:2;	      /* DRQ index, DRQ is 2comp of DRQX	*/
241     __u8 sync;		      /* device at ID 7 tru 0 is running in	*
242 			       * synchronous mode, this will disappear	*/
243     __u8   DSBLE:1,	      /* ISA i/o addressing is disabled		*/
244 	 FORCADR:1,	      /* i/o address has been forced		*/
245 	  SG_64K:1,
246 	  SG_UAE:1,
247 		:4;
248     __u8  MAX_ID:5,	      /* Max number of SCSI target IDs		*/
249 	MAX_CHAN:3;	      /* Number of SCSI busses on HBA		*/
250     __u8 MAX_LUN;	      /* Max number of LUNs			*/
251     __u8	:3,
252 	 AUTOTRM:1,
253 	 M1_inst:1,
254 	 ID_qest:1,	      /* Raidnum ID is questionable		*/
255 	  is_PCI:1,	      /* HBA is PCI				*/
256 	 is_EISA:1;	      /* HBA is EISA				*/
257     __u8 RAIDNUM;             /* unique HBA identifier                  */
258     __u8 unused[474];
259 };
261 struct eata_sg_list
262 {
263     __u32 data;
264     __u32 len;
265 };
267 struct eata_ccb {	      /* Send Command Packet structure	    */
269     __u8 SCSI_Reset:1,	      /* Cause a SCSI Bus reset on the cmd	*/
270 	   HBA_Init:1,	      /* Cause Controller to reinitialize	*/
271        Auto_Req_Sen:1,	      /* Do Auto Request Sense on errors	*/
272 	    scatter:1,	      /* Data Ptr points to a SG Packet		*/
273 	     Resrvd:1,	      /* RFU					*/
274 	  Interpret:1,	      /* Interpret the SCSI cdb of own use	*/
275 	    DataOut:1,	      /* Data Out phase with command		*/
276 	     DataIn:1;	      /* Data In phase with command		*/
277     __u8 reqlen;	      /* Request Sense Length			*
278 			       * Valid if Auto_Req_Sen=1		*/
279     __u8 unused[3];
280     __u8  FWNEST:1,	      /* send cmd to phys RAID component	*/
281 	 unused2:7;
282     __u8 Phsunit:1,	      /* physical unit on mirrored pair		*/
283 	    I_AT:1,	      /* inhibit address translation		*/
284 	 I_HBA_C:1,	      /* HBA inhibit caching			*/
285 	 unused3:5;
287     __u8     cp_id:5,	      /* SCSI Device ID of target		*/
288 	cp_channel:3;	      /* SCSI Channel # of HBA			*/
289     __u8    cp_lun:3,
290 		  :2,
291 	 cp_luntar:1,	      /* CP is for target ROUTINE		*/
292 	 cp_dispri:1,	      /* Grant disconnect privilege		*/
293        cp_identify:1;	      /* Always TRUE				*/
294     __u8 cp_msg1;	      /* Message bytes 0-3			*/
295     __u8 cp_msg2;
296     __u8 cp_msg3;
297     __u8 cp_cdb[12];	      /* Command Descriptor Block		*/
298     __u32 cp_datalen;	      /* Data Transfer Length			*
299 			       * If scatter=1 len of sg package		*/
300     void *cp_viraddr;	      /* address of this ccb			*/
301     __u32 cp_dataDMA;	      /* Data Address, if scatter=1		*
302 			       * address of scatter packet		*/
303     __u32 cp_statDMA;	      /* address for Status Packet		*/
304     __u32 cp_reqDMA;	      /* Request Sense Address, used if		*
305 			       * CP command ends with error		*/
306     /* Additional CP info begins here */
307     __u32 timestamp;	      /* Needed to measure command latency	*/
308     __u32 timeout;
309     __u8 sizeindex;
310     __u8 rw_latency;
311     __u8 retries;
312     __u8 status;	      /* status of this queueslot		*/
313     struct scsi_cmnd *cmd;    /* address of cmd				*/
314     struct eata_sg_list *sg_list;
315 };
318 struct eata_sp {
319     __u8 hba_stat:7,	      /* HBA status				*/
320 	      EOC:1;	      /* True if command finished		*/
321     __u8 scsi_stat;	      /* Target SCSI status			*/
322     __u8 reserved[2];
323     __u32  residue_len;	      /* Number of bytes not transferred	*/
324     struct eata_ccb *ccb;     /* Address set in COMMAND PACKET		*/
325     __u8 msg[12];
326 };
328 typedef struct hstd {
329     __u8   vendor[9];
330     __u8   name[18];
331     __u8   revision[6];
332     __u8   EATA_revision;
333     __u32  firmware_revision;
334     __u8   HBA_number;
335     __u8   bustype;		 /* bustype of HBA	       */
336     __u8   channel;		 /* # of avail. scsi channels  */
337     __u8   state;		 /* state of HBA	       */
338     __u8   primary;		 /* true if primary	       */
339     __u8        more_support:1,  /* HBA supports MORE flag     */
340            immediate_support:1,  /* HBA supports IMMEDIATE CMDs*/
341               broken_INQUIRY:1;	 /* This is an EISA HBA with   *
342 				  * broken INQUIRY	       */
343     __u8   do_latency;		 /* Latency measurement flag   */
344     __u32  reads[13];
345     __u32  writes[13];
346     __u32  reads_lat[12][4];
347     __u32  writes_lat[12][4];
348     __u32  all_lat[4];
349     __u8   resetlevel[MAXCHANNEL];
350     __u32  last_ccb;		 /* Last used ccb	       */
351     __u32  cplen;		 /* size of CP in words	       */
352     __u16  cppadlen;		 /* pad length of cp in words  */
353     __u16  queuesize;
354     __u16  sgsize;               /* # of entries in the SG list*/
355     __u16  devflags;		 /* bits set for detected devices */
356     __u8   hostid;		 /* SCSI ID of HBA	       */
357     __u8   moresupport;		 /* HBA supports MORE flag     */
358     struct Scsi_Host *next;
359     struct Scsi_Host *prev;
360     struct pci_dev *pdev;	/* PCI device or NULL for non PCI */
361     struct eata_sp sp;		 /* status packet	       */
362     struct eata_ccb ccb[0];	 /* ccb array begins here      */
363 }hostdata;
365 /* structure for max. 2 emulated drives */
366 struct drive_geom_emul {
367     __u8  trans;		 /* translation flag 1=transl */
368     __u8  channel;		 /* SCSI channel number	      */
369     __u8  HBA;			 /* HBA number (prim/sec)     */
370     __u8  id;			 /* drive id		      */
371     __u8  lun;			 /* drive lun		      */
372     __u32 heads;		 /* number of heads	      */
373     __u32 sectors;		 /* number of sectors	      */
374     __u32 cylinder;		 /* number of cylinders	      */
375 };
377 struct geom_emul {
378     __u8 bios_drives;		 /* number of emulated drives */
379     struct drive_geom_emul drv[2]; /* drive structures	      */
380 };
382 #endif /* _EATA_GENERIC_H */
384 /*
385  * Overrides for Emacs so that we almost follow Linus's tabbing style.
386  * Emacs will notice this stuff at the end of the file and automatically
387  * adjust the settings for this buffer only.  This must remain at the end
388  * of the file.
389  * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
390  * Local variables:
391  * c-indent-level: 4
392  * c-brace-imaginary-offset: 0
393  * c-brace-offset: -4
394  * c-argdecl-indent: 4
395  * c-label-offset: -4
396  * c-continued-statement-offset: 4
397  * c-continued-brace-offset: 0
398  * tab-width: 8
399  * End:
400  */