1 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // <copyright file="htc_api.h" company="Atheros">
3 //    Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Atheros Corporation.  All rights reserved.
4 //
5 //
6 // Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
7 // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
8 // copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
9 //
17 //
18 //
19 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 //==============================================================================
21 // Author(s): ="Atheros"
22 //==============================================================================
23 #ifndef _HTC_API_H_
24 #define _HTC_API_H_
26 #include "htc_packet.h"
27 #include <htc.h>
28 #include <htc_services.h>
30 #ifdef __cplusplus
31 extern "C" {
32 #endif /* __cplusplus */
34 /* TODO.. for BMI */
35 #define ENDPOINT1 0
36 // TODO -remove me, but we have to fix BMI first
37 #define HTC_MAILBOX_NUM_MAX    4
39 /* this is the amount of header room required by users of HTC */
40 #define HTC_HEADER_LEN         HTC_HDR_LENGTH
42 typedef void *HTC_HANDLE;
44 typedef u16 HTC_SERVICE_ID;
46 struct htc_init_info {
47     void   *pContext;           /* context for target failure notification */
48     void   (*TargetFailure)(void *Instance, int Status);
49 };
51 /* per service connection send completion */
52 typedef void   (*HTC_EP_SEND_PKT_COMPLETE)(void *,struct htc_packet *);
53 /* per service connection callback when a plurality of packets have been sent
54  * The struct htc_packet_queue is a temporary queue object (e.g. freed on return from the callback)
55  * to hold a list of completed send packets.
56  * If the handler cannot fully traverse the packet queue before returning, it should
57  * transfer the items of the queue into the caller's private queue using:
59 typedef void   (*HTC_EP_SEND_PKT_COMP_MULTIPLE)(void *,struct htc_packet_queue *);
60 /* per service connection pkt received */
61 typedef void   (*HTC_EP_RECV_PKT)(void *,struct htc_packet *);
62 /* per service connection callback when a plurality of packets are received
63  * The struct htc_packet_queue is a temporary queue object (e.g. freed on return from the callback)
64  * to hold a list of recv packets.
65  * If the handler cannot fully traverse the packet queue before returning, it should
66  * transfer the items of the queue into the caller's private queue using:
68 typedef void   (*HTC_EP_RECV_PKT_MULTIPLE)(void *,struct htc_packet_queue *);
70 /* Optional per service connection receive buffer re-fill callback,
71  * On some OSes (like Linux) packets are allocated from a global pool and indicated up
72  * to the network stack.  The driver never gets the packets back from the OS.  For these OSes
73  * a refill callback can be used to allocate and re-queue buffers into HTC.
74  *
75  * On other OSes, the network stack can call into the driver's OS-specifc "return_packet" handler and
76  * the driver can re-queue these buffers into HTC. In this regard a refill callback is
77  * unnecessary */
78 typedef void   (*HTC_EP_RECV_REFILL)(void *, HTC_ENDPOINT_ID Endpoint);
80 /* Optional per service connection receive buffer allocation callback.
81  * On some systems packet buffers are an extremely limited resource.  Rather than
82  * queue largest-possible-sized buffers to HTC, some systems would rather
83  * allocate a specific size as the packet is received.  The trade off is
84  * slightly more processing (callback invoked for each RX packet)
85  * for the benefit of committing fewer buffer resources into HTC.
86  *
87  * The callback is provided the length of the pending packet to fetch. This includes the
88  * HTC header length plus the length of payload.  The callback can return a pointer to
89  * the allocated HTC packet for immediate use.
90  *
91  * Alternatively a variant of this handler can be used to allocate large receive packets as needed.
92  * For example an application can use the refill mechanism for normal packets and the recv-alloc mechanism to
93  * handle the case where a large packet buffer is required.  This can significantly reduce the
94  * amount of "committed" memory used to receive packets.
95  *
96  * */
97 typedef struct htc_packet *(*HTC_EP_RECV_ALLOC)(void *, HTC_ENDPOINT_ID Endpoint, int Length);
99 typedef enum _HTC_SEND_FULL_ACTION {
100     HTC_SEND_FULL_KEEP = 0,  /* packet that overflowed should be kept in the queue */
101     HTC_SEND_FULL_DROP = 1,  /* packet that overflowed should be dropped */
104 /* Optional per service connection callback when a send queue is full. This can occur if the
105  * host continues queueing up TX packets faster than credits can arrive
106  * To prevent the host (on some Oses like Linux) from continuously queueing packets
107  * and consuming resources, this callback is provided so that that the host
108  * can disable TX in the subsystem (i.e. network stack).
109  * This callback is invoked for each packet that "overflows" the HTC queue. The callback can
110  * determine whether the new packet that overflowed the queue can be kept (HTC_SEND_FULL_KEEP) or
111  * dropped (HTC_SEND_FULL_DROP).  If a packet is dropped, the EpTxComplete handler will be called
112  * and the packet's status field will be set to A_NO_RESOURCE.
113  * Other OSes require a "per-packet" indication for each completed TX packet, this
114  * closed loop mechanism will prevent the network stack from overunning the NIC
115  * The packet to keep or drop is passed for inspection to the registered handler the handler
116  * must ONLY inspect the packet, it may not free or reclaim the packet. */
117 typedef HTC_SEND_FULL_ACTION (*HTC_EP_SEND_QUEUE_FULL)(void *, struct htc_packet *pPacket);
119 struct htc_ep_callbacks {
120     void                     *pContext;     /* context for each callback */
121     HTC_EP_SEND_PKT_COMPLETE EpTxComplete;  /* tx completion callback for connected endpoint */
122     HTC_EP_RECV_PKT          EpRecv;        /* receive callback for connected endpoint */
123     HTC_EP_RECV_REFILL       EpRecvRefill;  /* OPTIONAL receive re-fill callback for connected endpoint */
124     HTC_EP_SEND_QUEUE_FULL   EpSendFull;    /* OPTIONAL send full callback */
125     HTC_EP_RECV_ALLOC        EpRecvAlloc;   /* OPTIONAL recv allocation callback */
126     HTC_EP_RECV_ALLOC        EpRecvAllocThresh;  /* OPTIONAL recv allocation callback based on a threshold */
127     HTC_EP_SEND_PKT_COMP_MULTIPLE EpTxCompleteMultiple; /* OPTIONAL completion handler for multiple complete
128                                                              indications (EpTxComplete must be NULL) */
129     HTC_EP_RECV_PKT_MULTIPLE      EpRecvPktMultiple;      /* OPTIONAL completion handler for multiple
130                                                              recv packet indications (EpRecv must be NULL) */
131     int                      RecvAllocThreshold;    /* if EpRecvAllocThresh is non-NULL, HTC will compare the
132                                                        threshold value to the current recv packet length and invoke
133                                                        the EpRecvAllocThresh callback to acquire a packet buffer */
134     int                      RecvRefillWaterMark;   /* if a EpRecvRefill handler is provided, this value
135                                                        can be used to set a trigger refill callback
136                                                        when the recv queue drops below this value
137                                                        if set to 0, the refill is only called when packets
138                                                        are empty */
139 };
141 /* service connection information */
142 struct htc_service_connect_req {
143     HTC_SERVICE_ID   ServiceID;                 /* service ID to connect to */
144     u16 ConnectionFlags;           /* connection flags, see htc protocol definition */
145     u8 *pMetaData;                 /* ptr to optional service-specific meta-data */
146     u8 MetaDataLength;            /* optional meta data length */
147     struct htc_ep_callbacks EpCallbacks;               /* endpoint callbacks */
148     int              MaxSendQueueDepth;         /* maximum depth of any send queue */
149     u32 LocalConnectionFlags;      /* HTC flags for the host-side (local) connection */
150     unsigned int     MaxSendMsgSize;            /* override max message size in send direction */
151 };
153 #define HTC_LOCAL_CONN_FLAGS_ENABLE_SEND_BUNDLE_PADDING (1 << 0)  /* enable send bundle padding for this endpoint */
155 /* service connection response information */
156 struct htc_service_connect_resp {
157     u8 *pMetaData;         /* caller supplied buffer to optional meta-data */
158     u8 BufferLength;       /* length of caller supplied buffer */
159     u8 ActualLength;       /* actual length of meta data */
160     HTC_ENDPOINT_ID Endpoint;           /* endpoint to communicate over */
161     unsigned int    MaxMsgLength;       /* max length of all messages over this endpoint */
162     u8 ConnectRespCode;    /* connect response code from target */
163 };
165 /* endpoint distribution structure */
166 struct htc_endpoint_credit_dist {
167     struct htc_endpoint_credit_dist *pNext;
168     struct htc_endpoint_credit_dist *pPrev;
169     HTC_SERVICE_ID      ServiceID;          /* Service ID (set by HTC) */
170     HTC_ENDPOINT_ID     Endpoint;           /* endpoint for this distribution struct (set by HTC) */
171     u32 DistFlags;          /* distribution flags, distribution function can
172                                                set default activity using SET_EP_ACTIVE() macro */
173     int                 TxCreditsNorm;      /* credits for normal operation, anything above this
174                                                indicates the endpoint is over-subscribed, this field
175                                                is only relevant to the credit distribution function */
176     int                 TxCreditsMin;       /* floor for credit distribution, this field is
177                                                only relevant to the credit distribution function */
178     int                 TxCreditsAssigned;  /* number of credits assigned to this EP, this field
179                                                is only relevant to the credit dist function */
180     int                 TxCredits;          /* current credits available, this field is used by
181                                                HTC to determine whether a message can be sent or
182                                                must be queued */
183     int                 TxCreditsToDist;    /* pending credits to distribute on this endpoint, this
184                                                is set by HTC when credit reports arrive.
185                                                The credit distribution functions sets this to zero
186                                                when it distributes the credits */
187     int                 TxCreditsSeek;      /* this is the number of credits that the current pending TX
188                                                packet needs to transmit.  This is set by HTC when
189                                                and endpoint needs credits in order to transmit */
190     int                 TxCreditSize;       /* size in bytes of each credit (set by HTC) */
191     int                 TxCreditsPerMaxMsg; /* credits required for a maximum sized messages (set by HTC) */
192     void                *pHTCReserved;      /* reserved for HTC use */
193     int                 TxQueueDepth;       /* current depth of TX queue , i.e. messages waiting for credits
194                                                This field is valid only when HTC_CREDIT_DIST_ACTIVITY_CHANGE
195                                                or HTC_CREDIT_DIST_SEND_COMPLETE is indicated on an endpoint
196                                                that has non-zero credits to recover
197                                               */
198 };
200 #define HTC_EP_ACTIVE                            ((u32) (1u << 31))
202 /* macro to check if an endpoint has gone active, useful for credit
203  * distributions */
204 #define IS_EP_ACTIVE(epDist)  ((epDist)->DistFlags & HTC_EP_ACTIVE)
205 #define SET_EP_ACTIVE(epDist) (epDist)->DistFlags |= HTC_EP_ACTIVE
207     /* credit distibution code that is passed into the distrbution function,
208      * there are mandatory and optional codes that must be handled */
209 typedef enum _HTC_CREDIT_DIST_REASON {
210     HTC_CREDIT_DIST_SEND_COMPLETE = 0,     /* credits available as a result of completed
211                                               send operations (MANDATORY) resulting in credit reports */
212     HTC_CREDIT_DIST_ACTIVITY_CHANGE = 1,   /* a change in endpoint activity occurred (OPTIONAL) */
213     HTC_CREDIT_DIST_SEEK_CREDITS,          /* an endpoint needs to "seek" credits (OPTIONAL) */
214     HTC_DUMP_CREDIT_STATE                  /* for debugging, dump any state information that is kept by
215                                               the distribution function */
218 typedef void (*HTC_CREDIT_DIST_CALLBACK)(void                     *Context,
219                                          struct htc_endpoint_credit_dist *pEPList,
220                                          HTC_CREDIT_DIST_REASON   Reason);
222 typedef void (*HTC_CREDIT_INIT_CALLBACK)(void *Context,
223                                          struct htc_endpoint_credit_dist *pEPList,
224                                          int                      TotalCredits);
226     /* endpoint statistics action */
227 typedef enum _HTC_ENDPOINT_STAT_ACTION {
228     HTC_EP_STAT_SAMPLE = 0,                /* only read statistics */
229     HTC_EP_STAT_SAMPLE_AND_CLEAR = 1,      /* sample and immediately clear statistics */
230     HTC_EP_STAT_CLEAR                      /* clear only */
233     /* endpoint statistics */
234 struct htc_endpoint_stats {
235     u32 TxCreditLowIndications;  /* number of times the host set the credit-low flag in a send message on
236                                         this endpoint */
237     u32 TxIssued;               /* running count of total TX packets issued */
238     u32 TxPacketsBundled;       /* running count of TX packets that were issued in bundles */
239     u32 TxBundles;              /* running count of TX bundles that were issued */
240     u32 TxDropped;              /* tx packets that were dropped */
241     u32 TxCreditRpts;           /* running count of total credit reports received for this endpoint */
242     u32 TxCreditRptsFromRx;     /* credit reports received from this endpoint's RX packets */
243     u32 TxCreditRptsFromOther;  /* credit reports received from RX packets of other endpoints */
244     u32 TxCreditRptsFromEp0;    /* credit reports received from endpoint 0 RX packets */
245     u32 TxCreditsFromRx;        /* count of credits received via Rx packets on this endpoint */
246     u32 TxCreditsFromOther;     /* count of credits received via another endpoint */
247     u32 TxCreditsFromEp0;       /* count of credits received via another endpoint */
248     u32 TxCreditsConsummed;     /* count of consummed credits */
249     u32 TxCreditsReturned;      /* count of credits returned */
250     u32 RxReceived;             /* count of RX packets received */
251     u32 RxLookAheads;           /* count of lookahead records
252                                          found in messages received on this endpoint */
253     u32 RxPacketsBundled;       /* count of recv packets received in a bundle */
254     u32 RxBundleLookAheads;     /* count of number of bundled lookaheads */
255     u32 RxBundleIndFromHdr;     /* count of the number of bundle indications from the HTC header */
256     u32 RxAllocThreshHit;       /* count of the number of times the recv allocation threshold was hit */
257     u32 RxAllocThreshBytes;     /* total number of bytes */
258 };
260 /* ------ Function Prototypes ------ */
261 /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
262   @desc: Create an instance of HTC over the underlying HIF device
263   @function name: HTCCreate
264   @input:  HifDevice - hif device handle,
265            pInfo - initialization information
266   @output:
267   @return: HTC_HANDLE on success, NULL on failure
268   @notes:
269   @example:
270   @see also: HTCDestroy
271 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
272 HTC_HANDLE HTCCreate(void *HifDevice, struct htc_init_info *pInfo);
273 /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
274   @desc: Get the underlying HIF device handle
275   @function name: HTCGetHifDevice
276   @input:  HTCHandle - handle passed into the AddInstance callback
277   @output:
278   @return: opaque HIF device handle usable in HIF API calls.
279   @notes:
280   @example:
281   @see also:
282 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
283 void       *HTCGetHifDevice(HTC_HANDLE HTCHandle);
284 /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
285   @desc: Set credit distribution parameters
286   @function name: HTCSetCreditDistribution
287   @input:  HTCHandle - HTC handle
288            pCreditDistCont - caller supplied context to pass into distribution functions
289            CreditDistFunc - Distribution function callback
290            CreditDistInit - Credit Distribution initialization callback
291            ServicePriorityOrder - Array containing list of service IDs, lowest index is highest
292                                   priority
293            ListLength - number of elements in ServicePriorityOrder
294   @output:
295   @return:
296   @notes:  The user can set a custom credit distribution function to handle special requirements
297            for each endpoint.  A default credit distribution routine can be used by setting
298            CreditInitFunc to NULL.  The default credit distribution is only provided for simple
299            "fair" credit distribution without regard to any prioritization.
301   @example:
302   @see also:
303 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
304 void        HTCSetCreditDistribution(HTC_HANDLE               HTCHandle,
305                                      void                     *pCreditDistContext,
306                                      HTC_CREDIT_DIST_CALLBACK CreditDistFunc,
307                                      HTC_CREDIT_INIT_CALLBACK CreditInitFunc,
308                                      HTC_SERVICE_ID           ServicePriorityOrder[],
309                                      int                      ListLength);
310 /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
311   @desc: Wait for the target to indicate the HTC layer is ready
312   @function name: HTCWaitTarget
313   @input:  HTCHandle - HTC handle
314   @output:
315   @return:
316   @notes:  This API blocks until the target responds with an HTC ready message.
317            The caller should not connect services until the target has indicated it is
318            ready.
319   @example:
320   @see also: HTCConnectService
321 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
322 int    HTCWaitTarget(HTC_HANDLE HTCHandle);
323 /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
324   @desc: Start target service communications
325   @function name: HTCStart
326   @input:  HTCHandle - HTC handle
327   @output:
328   @return:
329   @notes: This API indicates to the target that the service connection phase is complete
330           and the target can freely start all connected services.  This API should only be
331           called AFTER all service connections have been made.  TCStart will issue a
332           SETUP_COMPLETE message to the target to indicate that all service connections
333           have been made and the target can start communicating over the endpoints.
334   @example:
335   @see also: HTCConnectService
336 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
337 int    HTCStart(HTC_HANDLE HTCHandle);
338 /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
339   @desc: Add receive packet to HTC
340   @function name: HTCAddReceivePkt
341   @input:  HTCHandle - HTC handle
342            pPacket - HTC receive packet to add
343   @output:
344   @return: 0 on success
345   @notes:  user must supply HTC packets for capturing incomming HTC frames.  The caller
346            must initialize each HTC packet using the SET_HTC_PACKET_INFO_RX_REFILL()
347            macro.
348   @example:
349   @see also:
350 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
351 int    HTCAddReceivePkt(HTC_HANDLE HTCHandle, struct htc_packet *pPacket);
352 /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
353   @desc: Connect to an HTC service
354   @function name: HTCConnectService
355   @input:  HTCHandle - HTC handle
356            pReq - connection details
357   @output: pResp - connection response
358   @return:
359   @notes:  Service connections must be performed before HTCStart.  User provides callback handlers
360            for various endpoint events.
361   @example:
362   @see also: HTCStart
363 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
364 int    HTCConnectService(HTC_HANDLE HTCHandle,
365                               struct htc_service_connect_req  *pReq,
366                               struct htc_service_connect_resp *pResp);
367 /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
368   @desc: Send an HTC packet
369   @function name: HTCSendPkt
370   @input:  HTCHandle - HTC handle
371            pPacket - packet to send
372   @output:
373   @return: 0
374   @notes:  Caller must initialize packet using SET_HTC_PACKET_INFO_TX() macro.
375            This interface is fully asynchronous.  On error, HTC SendPkt will
376            call the registered Endpoint callback to cleanup the packet.
377   @example:
378   @see also: HTCFlushEndpoint
379 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
380 int    HTCSendPkt(HTC_HANDLE HTCHandle, struct htc_packet *pPacket);
381 /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
382   @desc: Stop HTC service communications
383   @function name: HTCStop
384   @input:  HTCHandle - HTC handle
385   @output:
386   @return:
387   @notes: HTC communications is halted.  All receive and pending TX packets will
388           be flushed.
389   @example:
390   @see also:
391 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
392 void        HTCStop(HTC_HANDLE HTCHandle);
393 /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
394   @desc: Destroy HTC service
395   @function name: HTCDestroy
396   @input: HTCHandle
397   @output:
398   @return:
399   @notes:  This cleans up all resources allocated by HTCCreate().
400   @example:
401   @see also: HTCCreate
402 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
403 void        HTCDestroy(HTC_HANDLE HTCHandle);
404 /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
405   @desc: Flush pending TX packets
406   @function name: HTCFlushEndpoint
407   @input:  HTCHandle - HTC handle
408            Endpoint - Endpoint to flush
409            Tag - flush tag
410   @output:
411   @return:
412   @notes:  The Tag parameter is used to selectively flush packets with matching tags.
413            The value of 0 forces all packets to be flush regardless of tag.
414   @example:
415   @see also: HTCSendPkt
416 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
417 void        HTCFlushEndpoint(HTC_HANDLE HTCHandle, HTC_ENDPOINT_ID Endpoint, HTC_TX_TAG Tag);
418 /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
419   @desc: Dump credit distribution state
420   @function name: HTCDumpCreditStates
421   @input:  HTCHandle - HTC handle
422   @output:
423   @return:
424   @notes:  This dumps all credit distribution information to the debugger
425   @example:
426   @see also:
427 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
428 void        HTCDumpCreditStates(HTC_HANDLE HTCHandle);
429 /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
430   @desc: Indicate a traffic activity change on an endpoint
431   @function name: HTCIndicateActivityChange
432   @input:  HTCHandle - HTC handle
433            Endpoint - endpoint in which activity has changed
434            Active - true if active, false if it has become inactive
435   @output:
436   @return:
437   @notes:  This triggers the registered credit distribution function to
438            re-adjust credits for active/inactive endpoints.
439   @example:
440   @see also:
441 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
442 void        HTCIndicateActivityChange(HTC_HANDLE      HTCHandle,
443                                       HTC_ENDPOINT_ID Endpoint,
444                                       bool          Active);
446 /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
447   @desc: Get endpoint statistics
448   @function name: HTCGetEndpointStatistics
449   @input:  HTCHandle - HTC handle
450            Endpoint - Endpoint identifier
451            Action - action to take with statistics
452   @output:
453            pStats - statistics that were sampled (can be NULL if Action is HTC_EP_STAT_CLEAR)
455   @return: true if statistics profiling is enabled, otherwise false.
457   @notes:  Statistics is a compile-time option and this function may return false
458            if HTC is not compiled with profiling.
460            The caller can specify the statistic "action" to take when sampling
461            the statistics.  This includes:
463            HTC_EP_STAT_SAMPLE: The pStats structure is filled with the current values.
464            HTC_EP_STAT_SAMPLE_AND_CLEAR: The structure is filled and the current statistics
465                              are cleared.
466            HTC_EP_STAT_CLEA : the statistics are cleared, the called can pass a NULL value for
467                    pStats
469   @example:
470   @see also:
471 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
472 bool       HTCGetEndpointStatistics(HTC_HANDLE               HTCHandle,
473                                       HTC_ENDPOINT_ID          Endpoint,
474                                       HTC_ENDPOINT_STAT_ACTION Action,
475                                       struct htc_endpoint_stats       *pStats);
477 /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
478   @desc: Unblock HTC message reception
479   @function name: HTCUnblockRecv
480   @input:  HTCHandle - HTC handle
481   @output:
482   @return:
483   @notes:
484            HTC will block the receiver if the EpRecvAlloc callback fails to provide a packet.
485            The caller can use this API to indicate to HTC when resources (buffers) are available
486            such that the  receiver can be unblocked and HTC may re-attempt fetching the pending message.
488            This API is not required if the user uses the EpRecvRefill callback or uses the HTCAddReceivePacket()
489            API to recycle or provide receive packets to HTC.
491   @example:
492   @see also:
493 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
494 void HTCUnblockRecv(HTC_HANDLE HTCHandle);
496 /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
497   @desc: send a series of HTC packets
498   @function name: HTCSendPktsMultiple
499   @input:  HTCHandle - HTC handle
500            pPktQueue - local queue holding packets to send
501   @output:
502   @return: 0
503   @notes:  Caller must initialize each packet using SET_HTC_PACKET_INFO_TX() macro.
504            The queue must only contain packets directed at the same endpoint.
505            Caller supplies a pointer to an struct htc_packet_queue structure holding the TX packets in FIFO order.
506            This API will remove the packets from the pkt queue and place them into the HTC Tx Queue
507            and bundle messages where possible.
508            The caller may allocate the pkt queue on the stack to hold the packets.
509            This interface is fully asynchronous.  On error, HTCSendPkts will
510            call the registered Endpoint callback to cleanup the packet.
511   @example:
512   @see also: HTCFlushEndpoint
513 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
514 int    HTCSendPktsMultiple(HTC_HANDLE HTCHandle, struct htc_packet_queue *pPktQueue);
516 /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
517   @desc: Add multiple receive packets to HTC
518   @function name: HTCAddReceivePktMultiple
519   @input:  HTCHandle - HTC handle
520            pPktQueue - HTC receive packet queue holding packets to add
521   @output:
522   @return: 0 on success
523   @notes:  user must supply HTC packets for capturing incomming HTC frames.  The caller
524            must initialize each HTC packet using the SET_HTC_PACKET_INFO_RX_REFILL()
525            macro. The queue must only contain recv packets for the same endpoint.
526            Caller supplies a pointer to an struct htc_packet_queue structure holding the recv packet.
527            This API will remove the packets from the pkt queue and place them into internal
528            recv packet list.
529            The caller may allocate the pkt queue on the stack to hold the packets.
530   @example:
531   @see also:
532 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
533 int    HTCAddReceivePktMultiple(HTC_HANDLE HTCHandle, struct htc_packet_queue *pPktQueue);
535 /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
536   @desc: Check if an endpoint is marked active
537   @function name: HTCIsEndpointActive
538   @input:  HTCHandle - HTC handle
539            Endpoint - endpoint to check for active state
540   @output:
541   @return: returns true if Endpoint is Active
542   @notes:
543   @example:
544   @see also:
545 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
546 bool      HTCIsEndpointActive(HTC_HANDLE      HTCHandle,
547                                 HTC_ENDPOINT_ID Endpoint);
550 /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
551   @desc: Get the number of recv buffers currently queued into an HTC endpoint
552   @function name: HTCGetNumRecvBuffers
553   @input:  HTCHandle - HTC handle
554            Endpoint - endpoint to check
555   @output:
556   @return: returns number of buffers in queue
557   @notes:
558   @example:
559   @see also:
560 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
561 int         HTCGetNumRecvBuffers(HTC_HANDLE      HTCHandle,
562                                  HTC_ENDPOINT_ID Endpoint);
564 /* internally used functions for testing... */
565 void HTCEnableRecv(HTC_HANDLE HTCHandle);
566 void HTCDisableRecv(HTC_HANDLE HTCHandle);
567 int HTCWaitForPendingRecv(HTC_HANDLE   HTCHandle,
568                                u32 TimeoutInMs,
569                                bool      *pbIsRecvPending);
571 #ifdef __cplusplus
572 }
573 #endif
575 #endif /* _HTC_API_H_ */