use super::info::{GAddInfo, GDelInfo, GModInfo, PasswdInfo, UAddInfo, UDelInfo, UModInfo}; use crate::{ error::error::{ErrorHandler, ExitStatus}, parser::cmd::{CmdOption, GroupCommand, PasswdCommand, UserCommand}, }; use std::{ collections::{HashMap, HashSet}, fs, io::Write, }; /// useradd命令检查器 #[derive(Debug)] pub struct UAddCheck; impl UAddCheck { /// **校验解析后的useradd命令** /// /// ## 参数 /// - `cmd`: 解析后的useradd命令 /// /// ## 返回 /// - `UAddInfo`: 校验后的信息 pub fn check(cmd: UserCommand) -> UAddInfo { let mut info = UAddInfo::default(); info.username = cmd.username; // 填充信息 for (option, arg) in cmd.options.iter() { match option { CmdOption::Shell => { = arg.clone(); } CmdOption::Comment => { info.comment = arg.clone(); } CmdOption::Uid => { info.uid = arg.clone(); } CmdOption::Group => { = arg.clone(); } CmdOption::Gid => { info.gid = arg.clone(); } CmdOption::Dir => { info.home_dir = arg.clone(); } _ => { let op: &str = option.clone().into(); ErrorHandler::error_handle( format!("Unimplemented option: {}", op), ExitStatus::InvalidCmdSyntax, ); } } } // 完善用户信息 if info.username.is_empty() { ErrorHandler::error_handle("Invalid username".to_string(), ExitStatus::InvalidArg); } if info.uid.is_empty() { ErrorHandler::error_handle("Uid is required".to_string(), ExitStatus::InvalidCmdSyntax); } if info.comment.is_empty() { info.comment = info.username.clone() + ",,,"; } if info.home_dir.is_empty() { let home_dir = format!("/home/{}", info.username.clone()); info.home_dir = home_dir; } if { = "/bin/NovaShell".to_string(); } // 校验终端是否有效 check_shell(&; // 校验是否有重复用户名和用户id scan_passwd( PasswdField { username: Some(info.username.clone()), uid: Some(info.uid.clone()), }, false, ); // 判断group和gid是否有效 Self::check_group_gid(&mut info); info } /// 检查组名、组id是否有效,如果组名不存在,则创建新的用户组 fn check_group_gid(info: &mut UAddInfo) { if && info.gid.is_empty() { ErrorHandler::error_handle( "user must belong to a group".to_string(), ExitStatus::InvalidCmdSyntax, ); } let r = fs::read_to_string("/etc/group"); let mut max_gid: u32 = 0; match r { Ok(content) => { for line in content.lines() { let data: Vec<&str> = line.split(":").collect(); let (groupname, gid) = (data[0].to_string(), data[2].to_string()); if ! && == groupname { if !info.gid.is_empty() && info.gid != gid { ErrorHandler::error_handle( format!("The gid of the group [{}] isn't {}",, info.gid), ExitStatus::InvalidArg, ) } else if info.gid.is_empty() || info.gid == gid { info.gid = gid; return; } } if !info.gid.is_empty() && info.gid == gid { if ! && != groupname { ErrorHandler::error_handle( format!("The gid of the group [{}] isn't {}",, info.gid), ExitStatus::InvalidArg, ) } else if || == groupname { = groupname; return; } } max_gid = max_gid.max(u32::from_str_radix(data[2], 10).unwrap()); } } Err(_) => { ErrorHandler::error_handle( "Can't read file: /etc/group".to_string(), ExitStatus::GroupFile, ); } } // 没有对应的用户组,默认创建新的用户组 let mut groupname = info.username.clone(); let mut gid = (max_gid + 1).to_string(); if ! { groupname =; } else { = groupname.clone(); } if !info.gid.is_empty() { gid = info.gid.clone(); } else { info.gid = gid.clone(); } let mut success = true; let r = std::process::Command::new("/bin/groupadd") .arg("-g") .arg(gid.clone()) .arg(groupname) .status(); if let Ok(exit_status) = r { if exit_status.code() != Some(0) { success = false; } } else { success = false; } if !success { ErrorHandler::error_handle("groupadd failed".to_string(), ExitStatus::GroupaddFail); } } } /// userdel命令检查器 #[derive(Debug)] pub struct UDelCheck; impl UDelCheck { /// **校验userdel命令** /// /// ## 参数 /// - `cmd`: userdel命令 /// /// ## 返回 /// - `UDelInfo`: 校验后的用户信息 pub fn check(cmd: UserCommand) -> UDelInfo { let mut info = UDelInfo::default(); info.username = cmd.username; // 检查用户是否存在 scan_passwd( PasswdField { username: Some(info.username.clone()), uid: None, }, true, ); if let Some(_) = cmd.options.get(&CmdOption::Remove) { info.home = Some(Self::home(&info.username)); } info } /// 获取用户家目录 fn home(username: &String) -> String { let mut home = String::new(); match std::fs::read_to_string("/etc/passwd") { Ok(data) => { for line in data.lines() { let data = line.split(':').collect::>(); if data[0] == username { home = data[5].to_string(); break; } } } Err(_) => { ErrorHandler::error_handle( "Can't read file: /etc/passwd".to_string(), ExitStatus::PasswdFile, ); } } home } } /// usermod命令检查器 #[derive(Debug)] pub struct UModCheck; impl UModCheck { /// **校验usermod命令** /// /// ## 参数 /// - `cmd`: usermod命令 /// /// ## 返回 /// - `UModInfo`: 校验后的用户信息 pub fn check(cmd: UserCommand) -> UModInfo { let mut info = Self::parse_options(&cmd.options); info.username = cmd.username; // 校验shell是否有效 if let Some(shell) = &info.new_shell { check_shell(shell); } // 校验new_home是否有效 if let Some(new_home) = &info.new_home { Self::check_home(new_home); } // 校验用户是否存在 scan_passwd( PasswdField { username: Some(info.username.clone()), uid: None, }, true, ); // 校验new_name、new_uid是否有效 scan_passwd( PasswdField { username: info.new_name.clone(), uid: info.new_uid.clone(), }, false, ); // 校验groups、new_gid是否有效 scan_group( GroupField { groups: info.groups.clone(), gid: info.new_gid.clone(), }, true, ); info } /// **校验home目录是否有效** /// /// ## 参数 /// - `home`: home目录路径 fn check_home(home: &String) { if fs::File::open(home).is_ok() { ErrorHandler::error_handle(format!("{} already exists", home), ExitStatus::InvalidArg); } } /// **解析options** /// /// ## 参数 /// - `options`: 命令选项 /// /// ## 返回 /// - `UModInfo`: 用户信息 fn parse_options(options: &HashMap) -> UModInfo { let mut info = UModInfo::default(); for (option, arg) in options { match option { CmdOption::Append => { info.groups = Some(arg.split(",").map(|s| s.to_string()).collect()); } CmdOption::Comment => { info.new_comment = Some(arg.clone()); } CmdOption::Dir => { info.new_home = Some(arg.clone()); } CmdOption::Gid => { info.new_gid = Some(arg.clone()); } CmdOption::Login => { info.new_name = Some(arg.clone()); } CmdOption::Shell => { info.new_shell = Some(arg.clone()); } CmdOption::Uid => { info.new_uid = Some(arg.clone()); } _ => ErrorHandler::error_handle( "Invalid option".to_string(), ExitStatus::InvalidCmdSyntax, ), } } info } } /// passwd命令检查器 #[derive(Debug)] pub struct PasswdCheck; impl PasswdCheck { /// **校验passwd命令** /// /// ## 参数 /// - `cmd`: passwd命令 /// /// ## 返回 /// - `PasswdInfo`: 校验后的信息 pub fn check(cmd: PasswdCommand) -> PasswdInfo { let uid = unsafe { libc::geteuid().to_string() }; let cur_username = Self::cur_username(uid.clone()); let mut to_change_username = String::new(); if let Some(username) = cmd.username { to_change_username = username.clone(); // 不是root用户不能修改别人的密码 if uid != "0" && cur_username != username { ErrorHandler::error_handle( "You can't change password for other users".to_string(), ExitStatus::PermissionDenied, ); } // 检验待修改用户是否存在 scan_passwd( PasswdField { username: Some(username.clone()), uid: None, }, true, ); } let mut new_password = String::new(); match uid.as_str() { "0" => { if to_change_username.is_empty() { to_change_username = cur_username; } print!("New password: "); std::io::stdout().flush().unwrap(); std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut new_password).unwrap(); new_password = new_password.trim().to_string(); let mut check_password = String::new(); print!("\nRe-enter new password: "); std::io::stdout().flush().unwrap(); std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut check_password).unwrap(); check_password = check_password.trim().to_string(); if new_password != check_password { ErrorHandler::error_handle( "\nThe two passwords that you entered do not match.".to_string(), ExitStatus::InvalidArg, ) } } _ => { to_change_username = cur_username.clone(); print!("Old password: "); std::io::stdout().flush().unwrap(); let mut old_password = String::new(); std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut old_password).unwrap(); old_password = old_password.trim().to_string(); Self::check_password(cur_username, old_password); print!("\nNew password: "); std::io::stdout().flush().unwrap(); std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut new_password).unwrap(); new_password = new_password.trim().to_string(); print!("\nRe-enter new password: "); std::io::stdout().flush().unwrap(); let mut check_password = String::new(); std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut check_password).unwrap(); check_password = check_password.trim().to_string(); if new_password != check_password { println!("{}", new_password); ErrorHandler::error_handle( "\nThe two passwords that you entered do not match.".to_string(), ExitStatus::InvalidArg, ) } } }; PasswdInfo { username: to_change_username, new_password, } } /// **获取uid对应的用户名** /// /// ## 参数 /// - `uid`: 用户id /// /// ## 返回 /// 用户名 fn cur_username(uid: String) -> String { let r = fs::read_to_string("/etc/passwd"); let mut cur_username = String::new(); match r { Ok(content) => { for line in content.lines() { let field = line.split(":").collect::>(); if uid == field[2] { cur_username = field[0].to_string(); } } } Err(_) => { ErrorHandler::error_handle( "Can't read /etc/passwd".to_string(), ExitStatus::PasswdFile, ); } } cur_username } /// **校验密码** /// /// ## 参数 /// - `username`: 用户名 /// - `password`: 密码 fn check_password(username: String, password: String) { let r = fs::read_to_string("/etc/shadow"); match r { Ok(content) => { for line in content.lines() { let field = line.split(":").collect::>(); if username == field[0] { if password != field[1] { ErrorHandler::error_handle( "Password error".to_string(), ExitStatus::InvalidArg, ); } else { return; } } } } Err(_) => { ErrorHandler::error_handle( "Can't read /etc/shadow".to_string(), ExitStatus::ShadowFile, ); } } } } /// groupadd命令检查器 #[derive(Debug)] pub struct GAddCheck; impl GAddCheck { /// **校验groupadd命令** /// /// ## 参数 /// - `cmd`: groupadd命令 /// /// ## 返回 /// - `GAddInfo`: 校验后的组信息 pub fn check(cmd: GroupCommand) -> GAddInfo { let mut info = GAddInfo { groupname: cmd.groupname.clone(), gid: String::new(), passwd: None, }; if info.groupname.is_empty() { ErrorHandler::error_handle("groupname is required".to_string(), ExitStatus::InvalidArg); } if let Some(gid) = cmd.options.get(&CmdOption::Gid) { info.gid = gid.clone(); } else { ErrorHandler::error_handle("gid is required".to_string(), ExitStatus::InvalidArg); } if let Some(passwd) = cmd.options.get(&CmdOption::Passwd) { info.passwd = Some(passwd.clone()); } // 检查组名或组id是否已存在 scan_group( GroupField { groups: Some(vec![info.groupname.clone()]), gid: Some(info.gid.clone()), }, false, ); info } } /// groupdel命令检查器 #[derive(Debug)] pub struct GDelCheck; impl GDelCheck { /// **校验groupdel命令** /// /// ## 参数 /// - `cmd`: groupdel命令 /// /// ## 返回 /// - `GDelInfo`: 校验后的组信息 pub fn check(cmd: GroupCommand) -> GDelInfo { if let Some(gid) = check_groupname(cmd.groupname.clone()) { // 检查group是不是某个用户的主组,如果是的话则不能删除 Self::is_main_group(gid); } else { // 用户组不存在 ErrorHandler::error_handle( format!("group:[{}] doesn't exist", cmd.groupname), ExitStatus::GroupNotExist, ); } GDelInfo { groupname: cmd.groupname, } } /// **检查该组是否为某个用户的主用户组** /// /// ## 参数 /// - `gid`: 组id /// /// ## 返回 /// Some(gid): 组id /// None fn is_main_group(gid: String) { // 读取/etc/passwd文件 let r = fs::read_to_string("/etc/passwd"); match r { Ok(content) => { for line in content.lines() { let field = line.split(":").collect::>(); if field[3] == gid { ErrorHandler::error_handle( format!( "groupdel failed: group is main group of user:[{}]", field[0] ), ExitStatus::InvalidArg, ) } } } Err(_) => { ErrorHandler::error_handle( "Can't read file: /etc/passwd".to_string(), ExitStatus::PasswdFile, ); } } } } /// groupmod命令检查器 #[derive(Debug)] pub struct GModCheck; impl GModCheck { /// **校验groupmod命令** /// /// ## 参数 /// - `cmd`: groupmod命令 /// /// ## 返回 /// - `GModInfo`: 校验后的组信息 pub fn check(cmd: GroupCommand) -> GModInfo { let mut info = GModInfo::default(); info.groupname = cmd.groupname; if let Some(new_groupname) = cmd.options.get(&CmdOption::NewGroupName) { info.new_groupname = Some(new_groupname.clone()); } if let Some(new_gid) = cmd.options.get(&CmdOption::Gid) { info.new_gid = Some(new_gid.clone()); } Self::check_group_file(&mut info); info } /// 查看groupname是否存在,同时检测new_gid、new_groupname是否重复 fn check_group_file(info: &mut GModInfo) { let mut is_group_exist = false; let r = fs::read_to_string("/etc/group"); match r { Ok(content) => { for line in content.lines() { let field = line.split(':').collect::>(); if field[0] == info.groupname { is_group_exist = true; info.gid = field[2].to_string(); } if let Some(new_gid) = &info.new_gid { if new_gid == field[2] { ErrorHandler::error_handle( format!("gid:[{}] is already used", new_gid), ExitStatus::InvalidArg, ); } } if let Some(new_groupname) = &info.new_groupname { if new_groupname == field[0] { ErrorHandler::error_handle( format!("groupname:[{}] is already used", new_groupname), ExitStatus::InvalidArg, ); } } } } Err(_) => ErrorHandler::error_handle( "Can't read file: /etc/group".to_string(), ExitStatus::GroupFile, ), } if !is_group_exist { ErrorHandler::error_handle( format!("groupname:[{}] doesn't exist", info.groupname), ExitStatus::GroupNotExist, ); } } } /// passwd文件待校验字段 pub struct PasswdField { username: Option, uid: Option, } /// group文件待校验字段 pub struct GroupField { groups: Option>, gid: Option, } /// **校验uid** /// /// ## 参数 /// - `passwd_field`: passwd文件字段 /// - `should_exist`: 是否应该存在 fn scan_passwd(passwd_field: PasswdField, should_exist: bool) { let mut username_check = false; let mut uid_check = false; match fs::read_to_string("/etc/passwd") { Ok(content) => { for line in content.lines() { let field = line.split(':').collect::>(); if let Some(uid) = &passwd_field.uid { // uid必须是有效的数字 let r = uid.parse::(); if r.is_err() { ErrorHandler::error_handle( format!("Uid {} is invalid", uid), ExitStatus::InvalidArg, ); } if field[2] == uid { uid_check = true; // username如果不用校验或者被校验过了,才可以return if should_exist && (passwd_field.username.is_none() || username_check) { return; } else { ErrorHandler::error_handle( format!("UID {} already exists", uid), ExitStatus::UidInUse, ); } } } if let Some(username) = &passwd_field.username { if field[0] == username { username_check = true; // uid如果不用校验或者被校验过了,才可以return if should_exist && (passwd_field.uid.is_none() || uid_check) { return; } else { ErrorHandler::error_handle( format!("Username {} already exists", username), ExitStatus::UsernameInUse, ); } } } } if should_exist { if let Some(uid) = &passwd_field.uid { if !uid_check { ErrorHandler::error_handle( format!("UID {} doesn't exist", uid), ExitStatus::InvalidArg, ); } } if let Some(username) = &passwd_field.username { if !username_check { ErrorHandler::error_handle( format!("User {} doesn't exist", username), ExitStatus::InvalidArg, ); } } } } Err(_) => ErrorHandler::error_handle( "Can't read file: /etc/passwd".to_string(), ExitStatus::PasswdFile, ), } } /// **校验gid** /// /// ## 参数 /// - `group_field`: group文件字段 /// - `should_exist`: 是否应该存在 fn scan_group(group_field: GroupField, should_exist: bool) { let mut gid_check = false; let mut set1 = HashSet::new(); let mut set2 = HashSet::new(); if let Some(groups) = group_field.groups.clone() { set2.extend(groups.into_iter()); } match fs::read_to_string("/etc/group") { Ok(content) => { for line in content.lines() { let field = line.split(':').collect::>(); if let Some(gid) = &group_field.gid { // gid必须是有效的数字 let r = gid.parse::(); if r.is_err() { ErrorHandler::error_handle( format!("Gid {} is invalid", gid), ExitStatus::InvalidArg, ); } if field[2] == gid { gid_check = true; if should_exist && group_field.groups.is_none() { return; } else { ErrorHandler::error_handle( format!("GID {} already exists", gid), ExitStatus::InvalidArg, ); } } } // 统计所有组 set1.insert(field[0].to_string()); } if should_exist { if let Some(gid) = &group_field.gid { if !gid_check { ErrorHandler::error_handle( format!("GID {} doesn't exist", gid), ExitStatus::InvalidArg, ); } } if group_field.groups.is_some() { let mut non_exist_group = Vec::new(); for group in set2.iter() { if !set1.contains(group) { non_exist_group.push(group.clone()); } } if non_exist_group.len() > 0 { ErrorHandler::error_handle( format!("group: {} doesn't exist", non_exist_group.join(",")), ExitStatus::GroupNotExist, ); } } } } Err(_) => ErrorHandler::error_handle( "Can't read file: /etc/group".to_string(), ExitStatus::GroupFile, ), } } /// **校验shell是否有效** /// /// ## 参数 /// - `shell`: shell路径 fn check_shell(shell: &String) { if let Ok(file) = fs::File::open(shell.clone()) { if !file.metadata().unwrap().is_file() { ErrorHandler::error_handle(format!("{} is not a file", shell), ExitStatus::InvalidArg); } } else { ErrorHandler::error_handle(format!("{} doesn't exist", shell), ExitStatus::InvalidArg); } } /// **校验组名,判断该用户组是否存在,以及成员是否为空** /// /// ## 参数 /// - `groupname`: 组名 /// /// ## 返回 /// Some(gid): 组id /// None fn check_groupname(groupname: String) -> Option { let r = fs::read_to_string("/etc/group"); match r { Ok(content) => { for line in content.lines() { let field = line.split(":").collect::>(); let users = field[3].split(",").collect::>(); let filter_users = users .iter() .filter(|&x| !x.is_empty()) .collect::>(); if field[0] == groupname { if filter_users.is_empty() { return Some(field[2].to_string()); } else { ErrorHandler::error_handle( format!("group:[{}] is not empty, unable to delete", groupname), ExitStatus::InvalidArg, ) } } } } Err(_) => { ErrorHandler::error_handle( "Can't read file: /etc/group".to_string(), ExitStatus::GroupFile, ); } } None }