use num_traits::{FromPrimitive, ToPrimitive}; #[repr(i32)] #[derive(Debug, FromPrimitive, ToPrimitive, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)] #[allow(dead_code)] pub enum SystemError { /// 参数列表过长,或者在输出buffer中缺少空间 或者参数比系统内建的最大值要大 Argument list too long. E2BIG = 1, /// 访问被拒绝 Permission denied EACCES = 2, /// 地址正在被使用 Address in use. EADDRINUSE = 3, /// 地址不可用 Address not available. EADDRNOTAVAIL = 4, /// 地址family不支持 Address family not supported. EAFNOSUPPORT = 5, /// 资源不可用,请重试。 Resource unavailable, try again (may be the same value as [EWOULDBLOCK]) EAGAIN = 6, /// 连接已经在处理 Connection already in progress. EALREADY = 7, /// 错误的文件描述符 Bad file descriptor. EBADF = 8, /// 错误的消息 Bad message. EBADMSG = 9, /// 设备或资源忙 Device or resource busy. EBUSY = 10, /// 操作被取消 Operation canceled. ECANCELED = 11, /// 没有子进程 No child processes. ECHILD = 12, /// 连接已断开 Connection aborted. ECONNABORTED = 13, /// 连接被拒绝 Connection refused. ECONNREFUSED = 14, /// 连接被重置 Connection reset. ECONNRESET = 15, /// 资源死锁将要发生 Resource deadlock would occur. EDEADLK = 16, /// 需要目标地址 Destination address required. EDESTADDRREQ = 17, /// 数学参数超出作用域 Mathematics argument out of domain of function. EDOM = 18, /// 保留使用 Reserved EDQUOT = 19, /// 文件已存在 File exists. EEXIST = 20, /// 错误的地址 Bad address EFAULT = 21, /// 文件太大 File too large. EFBIG = 22, /// 主机不可达 Host is unreachable. EHOSTUNREACH = 23, /// 标志符被移除 Identifier removed. EIDRM = 24, /// 不合法的字符序列 Illegal byte sequence. EILSEQ = 25, /// 操作正在处理 Operation in progress. EINPROGRESS = 26, /// 被中断的函数 Interrupted function. EINTR = 27, /// 不可用的参数 Invalid argument. EINVAL = 28, /// I/O错误 I/O error. EIO = 29, /// 套接字已连接 Socket is connected. EISCONN = 30, /// 是一个目录 Is a directory EISDIR = 31, /// 符号链接级别过多 Too many levels of symbolic links. ELOOP = 32, /// 文件描述符的值过大 File descriptor value too large. EMFILE = 33, /// 链接数过多 Too many links. EMLINK = 34, /// 消息过大 Message too large. EMSGSIZE = 35, /// 保留使用 Reserved. EMULTIHOP = 36, /// 文件名过长 Filename too long. ENAMETOOLONG = 37, /// 网络已关闭 Network is down. ENETDOWN = 38, /// 网络连接已断开 Connection aborted by network. ENETRESET = 39, /// 网络不可达 Network unreachable. ENETUNREACH = 40, /// 系统中打开的文件过多 Too many files open in system. ENFILE = 41, /// 缓冲区空间不足 No buffer space available. ENOBUFS = 42, /// 队列头没有可读取的消息 No message is available on the STREAM head read queue. ENODATA = 43, /// 没有指定的设备 No such device. ENODEV = 44, /// 没有指定的文件或目录 No such file or directory. ENOENT = 45, /// 可执行文件格式错误 Executable file format error ENOEXEC = 46, /// 没有可用的锁 No locks available. ENOLCK = 47, /// 保留 Reserved. ENOLINK = 48, /// 没有足够的空间 Not enough space. ENOMEM = 49, /// 没有期待类型的消息 No message of the desired type. ENOMSG = 50, /// 协议不可用 Protocol not available. ENOPROTOOPT = 51, /// 设备上没有空间 No space left on device. ENOSPC = 52, /// 没有STREAM资源 No STREAM resources. ENOSR = 53, /// 不是STREAM Not a STREAM ENOSTR = 54, /// 功能不支持 Function not supported. ENOSYS = 55, /// 套接字未连接 The socket is not connected. ENOTCONN = 56, /// 不是目录 Not a directory. ENOTDIR = 57, /// 目录非空 Directory not empty. ENOTEMPTY = 58, /// 状态不可恢复 State not recoverable. ENOTRECOVERABLE = 59, /// 不是一个套接字 Not a socket. ENOTSOCK = 60, /// 不被支持 Not supported (may be the same value as [EOPNOTSUPP]). ENOTSUP = 61, /// 不正确的I/O控制操作 Inappropriate I/O control operation. ENOTTY = 62, /// 没有这样的设备或地址 No such device or address. ENXIO = 63, /// 套接字不支持该操作 Operation not supported on socket (may be the same value as [ENOTSUP]). EOPNOTSUPP = 64, /// 数值过大,产生溢出 Value too large to be stored in data type. EOVERFLOW = 65, /// 之前的拥有者挂了 Previous owner died. EOWNERDEAD = 66, /// 操作不被允许 Operation not permitted. EPERM = 67, /// 断开的管道 Broken pipe. EPIPE = 68, /// 协议错误 Protocol error. EPROTO = 69, /// 协议不被支持 Protocol not supported. EPROTONOSUPPORT = 70, /// 对于套接字而言,错误的协议 Protocol wrong type for socket. EPROTOTYPE = 71, /// 结果过大 Result too large. ERANGE = 72, /// 只读的文件系统 Read-only file system. EROFS = 73, /// 错误的寻道.当前文件是pipe,不允许seek请求 Invalid seek. ESPIPE = 74, /// 没有这样的进程 No such process. ESRCH = 75, /// 保留 Reserved. ESTALE = 76, /// 流式ioctl()超时 Stream ioctl() timeout ETIME = 77, /// 连接超时 Connection timed out. ETIMEDOUT = 78, /// 文本文件忙 Text file busy. ETXTBSY = 79, /// 操作将被禁止 Operation would block (may be the same value as [EAGAIN]). EWOULDBLOCK = 80, /// 跨设备连接 Cross-device link. EXDEV = 81, } impl SystemError { /// @brief 把posix错误码转换为系统错误枚举类型。 pub fn from_posix_errno(errno: i32) -> Option { // posix 错误码是小于0的 if errno >= 0 { return None; } return ::from_i32(-errno); } /// @brief 把系统错误枚举类型转换为负数posix错误码。 pub fn to_posix_errno(&self) -> i32 { return -::to_i32(self).unwrap(); } }