use crate::{ driver::{ serial::serial8250::send_to_default_serial8250_port, tty::{tty_port::tty_port, virtual_terminal::virtual_console::CURRENT_VCNUM}, video::video_refresh_manager, }, kdebug, kinfo, libs::{ lib_ui::font::FONT_8x16, rwlock::RwLock, spinlock::{SpinLock, SpinLockGuard}, }, }; use alloc::{boxed::Box, collections::LinkedList, string::ToString}; use alloc::{sync::Arc, vec::Vec}; use core::{ fmt::Debug, intrinsics::unlikely, ops::{Add, AddAssign, Sub}, ptr::copy_nonoverlapping, sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicI32, AtomicU32, Ordering}, }; use system_error::SystemError; use super::{ screen_manager::{ scm_register, ScmBuffer, ScmBufferInfo, ScmFramworkType, ScmUiFramework, ScmUiFrameworkMetadata, }, textui_no_alloc::no_init_textui_putchar_window, }; /// 声明全局的TEXTUI_FRAMEWORK static mut __TEXTUI_FRAMEWORK: Option> = None; /// 每个字符的宽度和高度(像素) pub const TEXTUI_CHAR_WIDTH: u32 = 8; pub const TEXTUI_CHAR_HEIGHT: u32 = 16; pub static mut TEXTUI_IS_INIT: bool = false; static ENABLE_PUT_TO_WINDOW: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false); /// 启用将文本输出到窗口的功能。 pub fn textui_enable_put_to_window() {, Ordering::SeqCst); } /// 禁用将文本输出到窗口的功能。 pub fn textui_disable_put_to_window() {, Ordering::SeqCst); } /// 检查是否启用了将文本输出到窗口的功能。 /// /// # 返回 /// 如果启用了将文本输出到窗口的功能,则返回 `true`,否则返回 `false`。 pub fn textui_is_enable_put_to_window() -> bool { ENABLE_PUT_TO_WINDOW.load(Ordering::SeqCst) } /// 获取TEXTUI_FRAMEWORK的可变实例 pub fn textui_framework() -> Arc { unsafe { return __TEXTUI_FRAMEWORK .as_ref() .expect("Textui framework has not been initialized yet!") .clone(); } } /// 初始化TEXTUI_FRAMEWORK fn textui_framwork_init() { if unsafe { __TEXTUI_FRAMEWORK.is_none() } { kinfo!("textuiframework init"); let metadata = ScmUiFrameworkMetadata::new("TextUI".to_string(), ScmFramworkType::Text); kdebug!("textui metadata: {:?}", metadata); // 为textui框架生成第一个窗口 let vlines_num = (metadata.buf_info().height() / TEXTUI_CHAR_HEIGHT) as usize; let chars_num = (metadata.buf_info().width() / TEXTUI_CHAR_WIDTH) as usize; let initial_window = TextuiWindow::new( WindowFlag::TEXTUI_CHROMATIC, vlines_num as i32, chars_num as i32, ); let current_window: Arc> = Arc::new(SpinLock::new(initial_window)); let default_window = current_window.clone(); // 生成窗口链表,并把上面窗口添加进textui框架的窗口链表中 let window_list: Arc>>>> = Arc::new(SpinLock::new(LinkedList::new())); window_list.lock().push_back(current_window.clone()); unsafe { __TEXTUI_FRAMEWORK = Some(Arc::new(TextUiFramework::new( metadata, window_list, current_window, default_window, ))) }; scm_register(textui_framework()).expect("register textui framework failed"); kdebug!("textui framework init success"); send_to_default_serial8250_port("\ntext ui initialized\n\0".as_bytes()); unsafe { TEXTUI_IS_INIT = true }; } else { panic!("Try to init TEXTUI_FRAMEWORK twice!"); } } // window标志位 bitflags! { pub struct WindowFlag: u8 { // 采用彩色字符 const TEXTUI_CHROMATIC = 1 << 0; } } /** * @brief 黑白字符对象 * */ #[derive(Clone, Debug)] struct TextuiCharNormal { _data: u8, } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Default)] pub struct LineId(i32); impl LineId { pub fn new(num: i32) -> Self { LineId(num) } pub fn check(&self, max: i32) -> bool { self.0 < max && self.0 >= 0 } pub fn data(&self) -> i32 { self.0 } } impl Add for LineId { type Output = LineId; fn add(self, rhs: i32) -> Self::Output { LineId::new(self.0 + rhs) } } impl Sub for LineId { type Output = LineId; fn sub(self, rhs: i32) -> Self::Output { LineId::new(self.0 - rhs) } } impl From for i32 { fn from(value: LineId) -> Self { value.0 } } impl From for u32 { fn from(value: LineId) -> Self { value.0 as u32 } } impl From for usize { fn from(value: LineId) -> Self { value.0 as usize } } impl Sub for LineId { type Output = LineId; fn sub(mut self, rhs: LineId) -> Self::Output { self.0 -= rhs.0; return self; } } impl AddAssign for LineId { fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: LineId) { self.0 += rhs.0; } } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Default)] pub struct LineIndex(i32); impl LineIndex { pub fn new(num: i32) -> Self { LineIndex(num) } pub fn check(&self, chars_per_line: i32) -> bool { self.0 < chars_per_line && self.0 >= 0 } } impl Add for LineIndex { type Output = LineIndex; fn add(self, rhs: LineIndex) -> Self::Output { LineIndex::new(self.0 + rhs.0) } } impl Add for LineIndex { // type Output = Self; type Output = LineIndex; fn add(self, rhs: i32) -> Self::Output { LineIndex::new(self.0 + rhs) } } impl Sub for LineIndex { type Output = LineIndex; fn sub(self, rhs: i32) -> Self::Output { LineIndex::new(self.0 - rhs) } } impl From for i32 { fn from(val: LineIndex) -> Self { val.0 } } impl From for u32 { fn from(value: LineIndex) -> Self { value.0 as u32 } } impl From for usize { fn from(value: LineIndex) -> Self { value.0 as usize } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] pub struct FontColor(u32); #[allow(dead_code)] impl FontColor { pub const BLUE: FontColor = FontColor::new(0, 0, 0xff); pub const RED: FontColor = FontColor::new(0xff, 0, 0); pub const GREEN: FontColor = FontColor::new(0, 0xff, 0); pub const WHITE: FontColor = FontColor::new(0xff, 0xff, 0xff); pub const BLACK: FontColor = FontColor::new(0, 0, 0); pub const YELLOW: FontColor = FontColor::new(0xff, 0xff, 0); pub const ORANGE: FontColor = FontColor::new(0xff, 0x80, 0); pub const INDIGO: FontColor = FontColor::new(0x00, 0xff, 0xff); pub const PURPLE: FontColor = FontColor::new(0x80, 0x00, 0xff); pub const fn new(r: u8, g: u8, b: u8) -> Self { let val = ((r as u32) << 16) | ((g as u32) << 8) | (b as u32); return FontColor(val & 0x00ffffff); } } impl From for FontColor { fn from(value: u32) -> Self { return Self(value & 0x00ffffff); } } impl From for usize { fn from(value: FontColor) -> Self { value.0 as usize } } impl From for u32 { fn from(value: FontColor) -> Self { value.0 } } impl From for u16 { fn from(value: FontColor) -> Self { value.0 as u16 } } impl From for u64 { fn from(value: FontColor) -> Self { value.0 as u64 } } /// 彩色字符对象 #[derive(Clone, Debug, Copy)] pub struct TextuiCharChromatic { c: Option, // 前景色 frcolor: FontColor, // rgb // 背景色 bkcolor: FontColor, // rgb } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct TextuiBuf<'a> { buf: Option<&'a mut [u8]>, guard: Option>>, bit_depth: u32, } impl TextuiBuf<'_> { pub fn new(buf: &mut ScmBufferInfo) -> TextuiBuf { let len = buf.buf_size() / 4; let depth = video_refresh_manager().device_buffer().bit_depth(); match &buf.buf { ScmBuffer::DeviceBuffer(vaddr) => { return TextuiBuf { buf: Some(unsafe { core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut( as *mut u8, len) }), guard: None, bit_depth: depth, }; } ScmBuffer::DoubleBuffer(double_buffer) => { let guard: SpinLockGuard<'_, Box<[u8]>> = double_buffer.lock(); return TextuiBuf { buf: None, guard: Some(guard), bit_depth: depth, }; } } } pub fn buf_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] { if let Some(buf) = &mut self.buf { return buf; } else { return self.guard.as_mut().unwrap().as_mut(); } } pub fn put_color_in_pixel(&mut self, color: u32, index: usize) { let index = index as isize; match self.bit_depth { 32 => { let buf = self.buf_mut().as_mut_ptr() as *mut u32; unsafe { *buf.offset(index) = color; } } 24 => { let buf = self.buf_mut().as_mut_ptr(); unsafe { copy_nonoverlapping(&color as *const u32 as *const u8, buf.offset(index * 3), 3) }; } 16 => { let buf = self.buf_mut().as_mut_ptr(); unsafe { copy_nonoverlapping( &color as *const u32 as *const u8, buf.offset(index * 2), 2, ); }; } _ => { panic!("bidepth unsupported!") } } } pub fn get_index_of_next_line(now_index: usize) -> usize { textui_framework() as usize + now_index } pub fn get_index_by_x_y(x: usize, y: usize) -> usize { textui_framework() as usize * y + x } pub fn get_start_index_by_lineid_lineindex(lineid: LineId, lineindex: LineIndex) -> usize { // x 左上角列像素点位置 // y 左上角行像素点位置 let index_x: u32 = lineindex.into(); let x: u32 = index_x * TEXTUI_CHAR_WIDTH; let id_y: u32 = lineid.into(); let y: u32 = id_y * TEXTUI_CHAR_HEIGHT; TextuiBuf::get_index_by_x_y(x as usize, y as usize) } } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)] pub struct Font([u8; 16]); impl Font { #[inline] pub fn get_font(character: char) -> Font { let x = FONT_8x16.char_map(character); let mut data = [0u8; 16]; data.copy_from_slice(x); return Font(data); } pub fn is_frcolor(&self, height: usize, width: usize) -> bool { let w = self.0[height]; let testbit = 1 << (8 - width); w & testbit != 0 } } impl TextuiCharChromatic { pub fn new(c: Option, frcolor: FontColor, bkcolor: FontColor) -> Self { TextuiCharChromatic { c, frcolor, bkcolor, } } /// 将该字符对象输出到缓冲区 /// ## 参数 /// -line_id 要放入的真实行号 /// -index 要放入的真实列号 pub fn textui_refresh_character( &self, lineid: LineId, lineindex: LineIndex, ) -> Result { // 找到要渲染的字符的像素点数据 let font: Font = Font::get_font(self.c.unwrap_or(' ')); let mut count = TextuiBuf::get_start_index_by_lineid_lineindex(lineid, lineindex); let mut _binding = textui_framework(); let mut buf = TextuiBuf::new(&mut _binding); // 在缓冲区画出一个字体,每个字体有TEXTUI_CHAR_HEIGHT行,TEXTUI_CHAR_WIDTH列个像素点 for i in 0..TEXTUI_CHAR_HEIGHT { let start = count; for j in 0..TEXTUI_CHAR_WIDTH { if font.is_frcolor(i as usize, j as usize) { // 字,显示前景色 buf.put_color_in_pixel(self.frcolor.into(), count); } else { // 背景色 buf.put_color_in_pixel(self.bkcolor.into(), count); } count += 1; } count = TextuiBuf::get_index_of_next_line(start); } return Ok(0); } pub fn no_init_textui_render_chromatic(&self, lineid: LineId, lineindex: LineIndex) { // 找到要渲染的字符的像素点数据 let font = Font::get_font(self.c.unwrap_or(' ')); // x 左上角列像素点位置 // y 左上角行像素点位置 let index_x: u32 = lineindex.into(); let x: u32 = index_x * TEXTUI_CHAR_WIDTH; let id_y: u32 = lineid.into(); let y: u32 = id_y * TEXTUI_CHAR_HEIGHT; let buf_depth = video_refresh_manager().device_buffer().bit_depth(); let buf_width = video_refresh_manager().device_buffer().width(); let byte_num_of_depth = (buf_depth / 8) as usize; // 找到输入缓冲区的起始地址位置 let buf_start = if let ScmBuffer::DeviceBuffer(vaddr) = video_refresh_manager().device_buffer().buf { vaddr } else { panic!("device buffer is not init"); }; let mut testbit: u32; // 用来测试特定行的某列是背景还是字体本身 // 在缓冲区画出一个字体,每个字体有TEXTUI_CHAR_HEIGHT行,TEXTUI_CHAR_WIDTH列个像素点 for i in 0..TEXTUI_CHAR_HEIGHT { // 计算出帧缓冲区每一行打印的起始位置的地址(起始位置+(y+i)*缓冲区的宽度+x) let mut addr: *mut u8 = (buf_start + buf_width as usize * byte_num_of_depth * (y as usize + i as usize) + byte_num_of_depth * x as usize) .data() as *mut u8; testbit = 1 << (TEXTUI_CHAR_WIDTH + 1); for _j in 0..TEXTUI_CHAR_WIDTH { //该循环是渲染一行像素 //从左往右逐个测试相应位 testbit >>= 1; if (font.0[i as usize] & testbit as u8) != 0 { let color: u32 = self.frcolor.into(); unsafe { copy_nonoverlapping( &color as *const u32 as *const u8, addr, byte_num_of_depth, ) }; // 字,显示前景色 } else { let color: u32 = self.bkcolor.into(); unsafe { copy_nonoverlapping( &color as *const u32 as *const u8, addr, byte_num_of_depth, ) }; } unsafe { addr = addr.add(byte_num_of_depth); } } } } } /// 单色显示的虚拟行结构体 #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)] pub struct TextuiVlineNormal { _characters: Vec, // 字符对象数组 _index: i16, // 当前操作的位置 } /// 彩色显示的虚拟行结构体 #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)] pub struct TextuiVlineChromatic { chars: Vec, // 字符对象数组 index: LineIndex, // 当前操作的位置 } impl TextuiVlineChromatic { pub fn new(char_num: usize) -> Self { let mut r = TextuiVlineChromatic { chars: Vec::with_capacity(char_num), index: LineIndex::new(0), }; for _ in 0..char_num { r.chars.push(TextuiCharChromatic::new( None, FontColor::BLACK, FontColor::BLACK, )); } return r; } } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub enum TextuiVline { Chromatic(TextuiVlineChromatic), _Normal(TextuiVlineNormal), } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)] pub struct WindowId(u32); impl WindowId { pub fn new() -> Self { static MAX_ID: AtomicU32 = AtomicU32::new(0); return WindowId(MAX_ID.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst)); } } #[allow(dead_code)] #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct TextuiWindow { // 虚拟行是个循环表,头和尾相接 id: WindowId, // 虚拟行总数 vline_sum: i32, // 当前已经使用了的虚拟行总数(即在已经输入到缓冲区(之后显示在屏幕上)的虚拟行数量) vlines_used: i32, // 位于最顶上的那一个虚拟行的行号 top_vline: LineId, // 储存虚拟行的数组 vlines: Vec, // 正在操作的vline vline_operating: LineId, // 每行最大容纳的字符数 chars_per_line: i32, // 窗口flag flags: WindowFlag, } impl TextuiWindow { /// 使用参数初始化window对象 /// ## 参数 /// /// -flags 标志位 /// -vlines_num 虚拟行的总数 /// -chars_num 每行最大的字符数 pub fn new(flags: WindowFlag, vlines_num: i32, chars_num: i32) -> Self { let mut initial_vlines = Vec::new(); for _ in 0..vlines_num { let vline = TextuiVlineChromatic::new(chars_num as usize); initial_vlines.push(TextuiVline::Chromatic(vline)); } TextuiWindow { id: WindowId::new(), flags, vline_sum: vlines_num, vlines_used: 1, top_vline: LineId::new(0), vlines: initial_vlines, vline_operating: LineId::new(0), chars_per_line: chars_num, } } /// 刷新某个窗口的缓冲区的某个虚拟行的连续n个字符对象 /// ## 参数 /// - window 窗口结构体 /// - vline_id 要刷新的虚拟行号 /// - start 起始字符号 /// - count 要刷新的字符数量 fn textui_refresh_characters( &mut self, vline_id: LineId, start: LineIndex, count: i32, ) -> Result<(), SystemError> { let actual_line_sum = textui_framework().actual_line.load(Ordering::SeqCst); // 判断虚拟行参数是否合法 if unlikely( !vline_id.check(self.vline_sum) || (>::into(start) + count) > self.chars_per_line, ) { return Err(SystemError::EINVAL); } // 计算虚拟行对应的真实行(即要渲染的行) let mut actual_line_id = vline_id - self.top_vline; //为正说明虚拟行不在真实行显示的区域上面 if >::into(actual_line_id) < 0 { //真实行数小于虚拟行数,则需要加上真实行数的位置,以便正确计算真实行 actual_line_id = actual_line_id + actual_line_sum; } // 将此窗口的某个虚拟行的连续n个字符对象往缓存区写入 if self.flags.contains(WindowFlag::TEXTUI_CHROMATIC) { let vline = &mut self.vlines[>::into(vline_id)]; let mut i = 0; let mut index = start; while i < count { if let TextuiVline::Chromatic(vline) = vline { vline.chars[>::into(index)] .textui_refresh_character(actual_line_id, index)?; index = index + 1; } i += 1; } } return Ok(()); } /// 重新渲染某个窗口的某个虚拟行 /// ## 参数 /// - window 窗口结构体 /// - vline_id 虚拟行号 fn textui_refresh_vline(&mut self, vline_id: LineId) -> Result<(), SystemError> { if self.flags.contains(WindowFlag::TEXTUI_CHROMATIC) { return self.textui_refresh_characters( vline_id, LineIndex::new(0), self.chars_per_line, ); } else { //todo支持纯文本字符() todo!(); } } // 刷新某个窗口的start 到start + count行(即将这些行输入到缓冲区) fn textui_refresh_vlines(&mut self, start: LineId, count: i32) -> Result { let mut refresh_count = count; for i in >::into(start) ..(self.vline_sum).min(>::into(start) + count) { self.textui_refresh_vline(LineId::new(i))?; refresh_count -= 1; } //因为虚拟行是循环表 let mut refresh_start = 0; while refresh_count > 0 { self.textui_refresh_vline(LineId::new(refresh_start))?; refresh_start += 1; refresh_count -= 1; } return Ok(0); } /// 往某个窗口的缓冲区的某个虚拟行插入换行 /// ## 参数 /// - window 窗口结构体 /// - vline_id 虚拟行号 fn textui_new_line(&mut self) -> Result { // todo: 支持在两个虚拟行之间插入一个新行 let actual_line_sum = textui_framework().actual_line.load(Ordering::SeqCst); self.vline_operating = self.vline_operating + 1; //如果已经到了最大行数,则重新从0开始 if !self.vline_operating.check(self.vline_sum) { self.vline_operating = LineId::new(0); } if let TextuiVline::Chromatic(vline) = &mut (self.vlines[>::into(self.vline_operating)]) { for i in 0..self.chars_per_line { if let Some(v_char) = vline.chars.get_mut(i as usize) { v_char.c = None; v_char.frcolor = FontColor::BLACK; v_char.bkcolor = FontColor::BLACK; } } vline.index = LineIndex::new(0); } // 当已经使用的虚拟行总数等于真实行总数时,说明窗口中已经显示的文本行数已经达到了窗口的最大容量。这时,如果继续在窗口中添加新的文本,就会导致文本溢出窗口而无法显示。因此,需要往下滚动屏幕来显示更多的文本。 if self.vlines_used == actual_line_sum { self.top_vline = self.top_vline + 1; if !self.top_vline.check(self.vline_sum) { self.top_vline = LineId::new(0); } // 刷新所有行 self.textui_refresh_vlines(self.top_vline, actual_line_sum)?; } else { //换行说明上一行已经在缓冲区中,所以已经使用的虚拟行总数+1 self.vlines_used += 1; } return Ok(0); } /// 真正向窗口的缓冲区上输入字符的函数(位置为window.vline_operating,window.vline_operating.index) /// ## 参数 /// - window /// - character fn true_textui_putchar_window( &mut self, character: char, frcolor: FontColor, bkcolor: FontColor, ) -> Result<(), SystemError> { // 启用彩色字符 if self.flags.contains(WindowFlag::TEXTUI_CHROMATIC) { let mut line_index = LineIndex::new(0); //操作的列号 if let TextuiVline::Chromatic(vline) = &mut (self.vlines[>::into(self.vline_operating)]) { let index = >::into(vline.index); if let Some(v_char) = vline.chars.get_mut(index) { v_char.c = Some(character); v_char.frcolor = frcolor; v_char.bkcolor = bkcolor; } line_index = vline.index; vline.index = vline.index + 1; } self.textui_refresh_characters(self.vline_operating, line_index, 1)?; // 加入光标后,因为会识别光标,所以需超过该行最大字符数才能创建新行 if !line_index.check(self.chars_per_line - 1) { self.textui_new_line()?; } } else { // todo: 支持纯文本字符 todo!(); } return Ok(()); } /// 根据输入的一个字符在窗口上输出 /// ## 参数 /// - window 窗口 /// - character 字符 /// - FRcolor 前景色(RGB) /// - BKcolor 背景色(RGB) fn textui_putchar_window( &mut self, character: char, frcolor: FontColor, bkcolor: FontColor, is_enable_window: bool, ) -> Result<(), SystemError> { let actual_line_sum = textui_framework().actual_line.load(Ordering::SeqCst); //字符'\0'代表ASCII码表中的空字符,表示字符串的结尾 if unlikely(character == '\0') { return Ok(()); } if unlikely(character == '\r') { return Ok(()); } // 暂不支持纯文本窗口 if !self.flags.contains(WindowFlag::TEXTUI_CHROMATIC) { return Ok(()); } send_to_default_serial8250_port(&[character as u8]); //进行换行操作 if character == '\n' { // 换行时还需要输出\r send_to_default_serial8250_port(&[b'\r']); if is_enable_window { self.textui_new_line()?; } return Ok(()); } // 输出制表符 else if character == '\t' { if is_enable_window { if let TextuiVline::Chromatic(vline) = &self.vlines[>::into(self.vline_operating)] { //打印的空格数(注意将每行分成一个个表格,每个表格为8个字符) let mut space_to_print = 8 - >::into(vline.index) % 8; while space_to_print > 0 { self.true_textui_putchar_window(' ', frcolor, bkcolor)?; space_to_print -= 1; } } } } // 字符 '\x08' 代表 ASCII 码中的退格字符。它在输出中的作用是将光标向左移动一个位置,并在该位置上输出后续的字符,从而实现字符的删除或替换。 else if character == '\x08' { if is_enable_window { let mut tmp = LineIndex(0); if let TextuiVline::Chromatic(vline) = &mut self.vlines[>::into(self.vline_operating)] { vline.index = vline.index - 1; tmp = vline.index; } if >::into(tmp) >= 0 { if let TextuiVline::Chromatic(vline) = &mut self.vlines[>::into(self.vline_operating)] { if let Some(v_char) = vline.chars.get_mut(>::into(tmp)) { v_char.c = Some(' '); v_char.bkcolor = bkcolor; } } return self.textui_refresh_characters(self.vline_operating, tmp, 1); } // 需要向上缩一行 if >::into(tmp) < 0 { // 当前行为空,需要重新刷新 if let TextuiVline::Chromatic(vline) = &mut self.vlines[>::into(self.vline_operating)] { vline.index = LineIndex::new(0); for i in 0..self.chars_per_line { if let Some(v_char) = vline.chars.get_mut(i as usize) { v_char.c = None; v_char.frcolor = FontColor::BLACK; v_char.bkcolor = FontColor::BLACK; } } } // 上缩一行 self.vline_operating = self.vline_operating - 1; if < 0 { self.vline_operating = LineId(self.vline_sum - 1); } // 考虑是否向上滚动(在top_vline上退格) if self.vlines_used > actual_line_sum { self.top_vline = self.top_vline - 1; if >::into(self.top_vline) < 0 { self.top_vline = LineId(self.vline_sum - 1); } } //因为上缩一行所以显示在屏幕中的虚拟行少一 self.vlines_used -= 1; self.textui_refresh_vlines(self.top_vline, actual_line_sum)?; } } } else if is_enable_window { if let TextuiVline::Chromatic(vline) = &self.vlines[>::into(self.vline_operating)] { if !vline.index.check(self.chars_per_line) { self.textui_new_line()?; } return self.true_textui_putchar_window(character, frcolor, bkcolor); } } return Ok(()); } } impl Default for TextuiWindow { fn default() -> Self { TextuiWindow { id: WindowId(0), flags: WindowFlag::TEXTUI_CHROMATIC, vline_sum: 0, vlines_used: 1, top_vline: LineId::new(0), vlines: Vec::new(), vline_operating: LineId::new(0), chars_per_line: 0, } } } #[allow(dead_code)] #[derive(Debug)] pub struct TextUiFramework { metadata: RwLock, window_list: Arc>>>>, actual_line: AtomicI32, // 真实行的数量(textui的帧缓冲区能容纳的内容的行数) current_window: Arc>, // 当前的主窗口 default_window: Arc>, // 默认print到的窗口 } impl TextUiFramework { pub fn new( metadata: ScmUiFrameworkMetadata, window_list: Arc>>>>, current_window: Arc>, default_window: Arc>, ) -> Self { let actual_line = AtomicI32::new((metadata.buf_info().height() / TEXTUI_CHAR_HEIGHT) as i32); let inner = TextUiFramework { metadata: RwLock::new(metadata), window_list, actual_line, current_window, default_window, }; return inner; } } impl ScmUiFramework for TextUiFramework { // 安装ui框架的回调函数 fn install(&self) -> Result { send_to_default_serial8250_port("\ntextui_install_handler\n\0".as_bytes()); return Ok(0); } // 卸载ui框架的回调函数 fn uninstall(&self) -> Result { return Ok(0); } // 启用ui框架的回调函数 fn enable(&self) -> Result { textui_enable_put_to_window(); return Ok(0); } // 禁用ui框架的回调函数 fn disable(&self) -> Result { textui_disable_put_to_window(); return Ok(0); } // 改变ui框架的帧缓冲区的回调函数 fn change(&self, buf_info: ScmBufferInfo) -> Result { let old_buf = textui_framework(); textui_framework().metadata.write().set_buf_info(buf_info); let mut new_buf = textui_framework(); new_buf.copy_from_nonoverlapping(&old_buf); kdebug!("textui change buf_info: old: {:?}", old_buf); kdebug!("textui change buf_info: new: {:?}", new_buf); return Ok(0); } /// 获取ScmUiFramework的元数据 /// ## 返回值 /// /// -成功:Ok(ScmUiFramework的元数据) /// -失败:Err(错误码) fn metadata(&self) -> Result { let metadata =; return Ok(metadata); } } /// Mapping from characters to glyph indices. pub trait GlyphMapping: Sync { /// Maps a character to a glyph index. /// /// If `c` isn't included in the font the index of a suitable replacement glyph is returned. fn index(&self, c: char) -> usize; } impl GlyphMapping for F where F: Sync + Fn(char) -> usize, { fn index(&self, c: char) -> usize { self(c) } } /// 在默认窗口上输出一个字符 /// ## 参数 /// - character 字符 /// - FRcolor 前景色(RGB) /// - BKcolor 背景色(RGB) #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn rs_textui_putchar(character: u8, fr_color: u32, bk_color: u32) -> i32 { let current_vcnum = CURRENT_VCNUM.load(Ordering::SeqCst); if current_vcnum != -1 { // tty已经初始化了之后才输出到屏幕 let fr = (fr_color & 0x00ff0000) >> 16; let fg = (fr_color & 0x0000ff00) >> 8; let fb = fr_color & 0x000000ff; let br = (bk_color & 0x00ff0000) >> 16; let bg = (bk_color & 0x0000ff00) >> 8; let bb = bk_color & 0x000000ff; let buf = format!( "\x1B[38;2;{fr};{fg};{fb};48;2;{br};{bg};{bb}m{}\x1B[0m", character as char ); let port = tty_port(current_vcnum as usize); let tty = port.port_data().internal_tty(); if let Some(tty) = tty { send_to_default_serial8250_port(&[character]); return tty .write_without_serial(buf.as_bytes(), buf.len()) .map(|_| 0) .unwrap_or_else(|e| e.to_posix_errno()); } } return textui_putchar( character as char, FontColor::from(fr_color), FontColor::from(bk_color), ) .map(|_| 0) .unwrap_or_else(|e| e.to_posix_errno()); } pub fn textui_putchar( character: char, fr_color: FontColor, bk_color: FontColor, ) -> Result<(), SystemError> { if unsafe { TEXTUI_IS_INIT } { return textui_framework() .current_window .lock_irqsave() .textui_putchar_window( character, fr_color, bk_color, textui_is_enable_put_to_window(), ); } else { //未初始化暴力输出 return no_init_textui_putchar_window( character, fr_color, bk_color, textui_is_enable_put_to_window(), ); } } /// 向默认窗口输出一个字符串 pub fn textui_putstr( string: &str, fr_color: FontColor, bk_color: FontColor, ) -> Result<(), SystemError> { let window = if unsafe { TEXTUI_IS_INIT } { let fw = textui_framework(); let w = fw.current_window.clone(); Some(w) } else { None }; let mut guard = window.as_ref().map(|w| w.lock_irqsave()); for character in string.chars() { if unsafe { TEXTUI_IS_INIT } { guard.as_mut().unwrap().textui_putchar_window( character, fr_color, bk_color, textui_is_enable_put_to_window(), )?; } else { no_init_textui_putchar_window( character, fr_color, bk_color, textui_is_enable_put_to_window(), )?; } } return Ok(()); } /// 初始化text ui框架 #[inline(never)] pub fn textui_init() -> Result { #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] textui_framwork_init(); return Ok(0); }