#![allow(dead_code)] use alloc::sync::Arc; use log::error; use system_error::SystemError; use crate::{ driver::base::block::{block_device::LBA_SIZE, gendisk::GenDisk, SeekFrom}, libs::vec_cursor::VecCursor, }; use super::fs::{Cluster, FATFileSystem}; /// 对于所有的FAT文件系统都适用的Bios Parameter Block结构体 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default)] pub struct BiosParameterBlock { /// 跳转指令 pub jmp_boot: [u8; 3], /// 生产厂商名(表明是哪个操作系统格式化了这个卷) pub oem_name: [u8; 8], /// 每扇区字节数 pub bytes_per_sector: u16, /// 每簇扇区数 pub sector_per_cluster: u8, /// 保留扇区数 pub rsvd_sec_cnt: u16, /// FAT表数量 pub num_fats: u8, /// 根目录下的32字节目录项数量最大值(只对FAT12、FAT16生效) pub root_entries_cnt: u16, /// 当前分区的总扇区数(只对FAT12、FAT16生效) pub total_sectors_16: u16, /// 介质描述符 pub media: u8, /// FAT12/16每FAT扇区数 pub fat_size_16: u16, /// 每磁道扇区数 pub sector_per_track: u16, /// 磁头数 pub num_heads: u16, /// 隐藏扇区数 pub hidden_sectors: u32, /// FAT32的总扇区数 pub total_sectors_32: u32, /// FAT文件系统类型(以及他们的一些私有信息字段) pub fat_type: FATType, /// 引导扇区结束标志0xAA55 pub trail_sig: u16, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] pub enum FATType { FAT12(BiosParameterBlockLegacy), FAT16(BiosParameterBlockLegacy), FAT32(BiosParameterBlockFAT32), } /// @brief FAT12/FAT16文件系统特有的BPB信息字段 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default)] pub struct BiosParameterBlockLegacy { /// int0x13的驱动器号 pub drive_num: u8, /// 保留字段 pub reserved1: u8, /// 扩展引导标记 pub boot_sig: u8, /// 卷号 /// BS_VolID pub volume_id: u32, /// 文件系统类型 pub filesystem_type: u32, } /// @brief FAT32文件系统特有的BPB信息字段 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default)] pub struct BiosParameterBlockFAT32 { /// FAT32每FAT扇区数 /// BPB_FATSz32 pub fat_size_32: u32, /// 扩展标记 /// Bits 0-3 -- Zero based number of active FAT(活跃的FAT表的编号) /// Only valid if mirroring iFAT32s disabled /// Bits 4-6 -- 保留 /// Bit 7 -- 0表示在运行时,所有的FAT表都互为镜像 /// -- 1表示只使用1个FAT表,具体使用的FAT表的编号需要看Bits 0-3 /// Bits 8-15 -- 保留备用 /// BPB_ExtFlags pub ext_flags: u16, /// 文件系统版本号。 /// 高字节表示主版本号,低字节表示次版本号。 /// BPB_FSVer pub fs_version: u16, /// 根目录的簇号 /// BPB_RootClus pub root_cluster: u32, /// FsInfo结构体在分区内的偏移量(单位:扇区) pub fs_info: u16, /// 如果这个值非0,那么它表示备份的引导扇区号。 /// BPB_BkBootSec pub backup_boot_sec: u16, /// 保留备用 /// BPB_Reserved0 pub reserved0: [u8; 12], /// int0x13的驱动器号 /// BS_DrvNum pub drive_num: u8, pub reserved1: u8, /// 引导标记 /// BS_BootSig pub boot_sig: u8, /// 卷号 /// BS_VolID pub volume_id: u32, /// 卷标 /// BS_VolLab pub volume_label: [u8; 11], /// 文件系统类型 /// BS_FilSystype pub filesystem_type: [u8; 8], } impl Default for FATType { fn default() -> Self { return FATType::FAT32(BiosParameterBlockFAT32::default()); } } impl FATType { /// @brief 获取指定的簇对应的FAT表项在分区内的字节偏移量 /// /// @param cluster 要查询的簇 /// @param fat_start_sector FAT表的起始扇区 /// @param bytes_per_sec 文件系统每扇区的字节数 /// /// @return 指定的簇对应的FAT表项在分区内的字节偏移量 #[inline] pub fn get_fat_bytes_offset( &self, cluster: Cluster, fat_start_sector: u64, bytes_per_sec: u64, ) -> u64 { let current_cluster = cluster.cluster_num; // 要查询的簇,在FAT表中的字节偏移量 let fat_bytes_offset = match self { FATType::FAT12(_) => current_cluster + (current_cluster / 2), FATType::FAT16(_) => current_cluster * 2, FATType::FAT32(_) => current_cluster * 4, }; let fat_sec_number = fat_start_sector + (fat_bytes_offset / bytes_per_sec); let fat_ent_offset = fat_bytes_offset % bytes_per_sec; return fat_sec_number * bytes_per_sec + fat_ent_offset; } } impl BiosParameterBlockLegacy { /// @brief 验证FAT12/16 BPB的信息是否合法 fn validate(&self, _bpb: &BiosParameterBlock) -> Result<(), SystemError> { return Ok(()); } } impl BiosParameterBlockFAT32 { /// @brief 验证BPB32的信息是否合法 fn validate(&self, bpb: &BiosParameterBlock) -> Result<(), SystemError> { if bpb.fat_size_16 != 0 { error!("Invalid fat_size_16 value in BPB (should be zero for FAT32)"); return Err(SystemError::EINVAL); } if bpb.root_entries_cnt != 0 { error!("Invalid root_entries value in BPB (should be zero for FAT32)"); return Err(SystemError::EINVAL); } if bpb.total_sectors_16 != 0 { error!("Invalid total_sectors_16 value in BPB (should be zero for FAT32)"); return Err(SystemError::EINVAL); } if self.fat_size_32 == 0 { error!("Invalid fat_size_32 value in BPB (should be non-zero for FAT32)"); return Err(SystemError::EINVAL); } if self.fs_version != 0 { error!("Unknown FAT FS version"); return Err(SystemError::EINVAL); } return Ok(()); } } impl BiosParameterBlock { pub fn new(gendisk: &Arc) -> Result { let mut v = vec![0; LBA_SIZE]; // 读取分区的引导扇区 gendisk.read_at(&mut v, 0)?; // 获取指针对象 let mut cursor = VecCursor::new(v); let mut bpb = BiosParameterBlock::default(); cursor.read_exact(&mut bpb.jmp_boot)?; cursor.read_exact(&mut bpb.oem_name)?; bpb.bytes_per_sector = cursor.read_u16()?; bpb.sector_per_cluster = cursor.read_u8()?; bpb.rsvd_sec_cnt = cursor.read_u16()?; bpb.num_fats = cursor.read_u8()?; bpb.root_entries_cnt = cursor.read_u16()?; bpb.total_sectors_16 = cursor.read_u16()?; bpb.media = cursor.read_u8()?; bpb.fat_size_16 = cursor.read_u16()?; bpb.sector_per_track = cursor.read_u16()?; bpb.num_heads = cursor.read_u16()?; bpb.hidden_sectors = cursor.read_u32()?; bpb.total_sectors_32 = cursor.read_u32()?; let mut bpb32 = BiosParameterBlockFAT32 { fat_size_32: cursor.read_u32()?, ext_flags: cursor.read_u16()?, fs_version: cursor.read_u16()?, root_cluster: cursor.read_u32()?, fs_info: cursor.read_u16()?, backup_boot_sec: cursor.read_u16()?, drive_num: cursor.read_u8()?, reserved1: cursor.read_u8()?, boot_sig: cursor.read_u8()?, volume_id: cursor.read_u32()?, ..Default::default() }; cursor.read_exact(&mut bpb32.reserved0)?; cursor.read_exact(&mut bpb32.volume_label)?; cursor.read_exact(&mut bpb32.filesystem_type)?; // 跳过启动代码 cursor.seek(SeekFrom::SeekCurrent(420))?; // 读取尾部的启动扇区标志 bpb.trail_sig = cursor.read_u16()?; // 计算根目录项占用的空间(单位:字节) let root_sectors = ((bpb.root_entries_cnt as u32 * 32) + (bpb.bytes_per_sector as u32 - 1)) / (bpb.bytes_per_sector as u32); // 每FAT扇区数 let fat_size = if bpb.fat_size_16 != 0 { bpb.fat_size_16 as u32 } else { bpb32.fat_size_32 }; // 当前分区总扇区数 let total_sectors = if bpb.total_sectors_16 != 0 { bpb.total_sectors_16 as u32 } else { bpb.total_sectors_32 }; // 数据区扇区数 let data_sectors = total_sectors - ((bpb.rsvd_sec_cnt as u32) + (bpb.num_fats as u32) * fat_size + root_sectors); // 总的数据簇数量(向下对齐) let count_clusters = data_sectors / (bpb.sector_per_cluster as u32); // 设置FAT类型 bpb.fat_type = if count_clusters < FATFileSystem::FAT12_MAX_CLUSTER { FATType::FAT12(BiosParameterBlockLegacy::default()) } else if count_clusters <= FATFileSystem::FAT16_MAX_CLUSTER { FATType::FAT16(BiosParameterBlockLegacy::default()) } else if count_clusters < FATFileSystem::FAT32_MAX_CLUSTER { FATType::FAT32(bpb32) } else { // 都不符合条件,报错 return Err(SystemError::EINVAL); }; // 验证BPB的信息是否合法 bpb.validate()?; return Ok(bpb); } /// @brief 验证BPB的信息是否合法 pub fn validate(&self) -> Result<(), SystemError> { // 校验每扇区字节数是否合法 if self.bytes_per_sector.count_ones() != 1 { error!("Invalid bytes per sector(not a power of 2)"); return Err(SystemError::EINVAL); } else if self.bytes_per_sector < 512 { error!("Invalid bytes per sector (value < 512)"); return Err(SystemError::EINVAL); } else if self.bytes_per_sector > 4096 { error!("Invalid bytes per sector (value > 4096)"); return Err(SystemError::EINVAL); } if self.rsvd_sec_cnt < 1 { error!("Invalid rsvd_sec_cnt value in BPB"); return Err(SystemError::EINVAL); } if self.num_fats == 0 { error!("Invalid fats value in BPB"); return Err(SystemError::EINVAL); } if (self.total_sectors_16 == 0) && (self.total_sectors_32 == 0) { error!("Invalid BPB (total_sectors_16 or total_sectors_32 should be non-zero)"); return Err(SystemError::EINVAL); } let fat_size = match self.fat_type { FATType::FAT32(bpb32) => { bpb32.validate(self)?; bpb32.fat_size_32 } FATType::FAT16(bpb_legacy) | FATType::FAT12(bpb_legacy) => { bpb_legacy.validate(self)?; self.fat_size_16 as u32 } }; let root_sectors = ((self.root_entries_cnt as u32 * 32) + (self.bytes_per_sector as u32 - 1)) / (self.bytes_per_sector as u32); // 当前分区总扇区数 let total_sectors = if self.total_sectors_16 != 0 { self.total_sectors_16 as u32 } else { self.total_sectors_32 }; let first_data_sector = (self.rsvd_sec_cnt as u32) + (self.num_fats as u32) * fat_size + root_sectors; // 总扇区数应当大于第一个数据扇区的扇区号 if total_sectors <= first_data_sector { error!("Total sectors lesser than first data sector"); return Err(SystemError::EINVAL); } return Ok(()); } pub fn get_volume_id(&self) -> u32 { match self.fat_type { FATType::FAT12(f) | FATType::FAT16(f) => { return f.volume_id; } FATType::FAT32(f) => { return f.volume_id; } } } }