use alloc::{sync::Arc, vec::Vec}; use system_error::SystemError; use crate::{ driver::{ tty::{ console::ConsoleSwitch, virtual_terminal::{ virtual_console::{CursorOperation, ScrollDir, VcCursor, VirtualConsoleData}, Color, }, }, video::fbdev::base::{ CopyAreaData, FbCursor, FbCursorSetMode, FbImage, FbVisual, FillRectData, FillRectROP, FrameBuffer, ScrollMode, FRAME_BUFFER_SET, }, }, libs::{ font::FontDesc, spinlock::{SpinLock, SpinLockGuard}, }, }; use super::{FbConAttr, FrameBufferConsole, FrameBufferConsoleData}; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct BlittingFbConsole { fb: SpinLock>>, fbcon_data: SpinLock, } unsafe impl Send for BlittingFbConsole {} unsafe impl Sync for BlittingFbConsole {} impl BlittingFbConsole { pub fn new() -> Result { Ok(Self { fb: SpinLock::new(None), fbcon_data: SpinLock::new(FrameBufferConsoleData::default()), }) } fn fb(&self) -> Arc { self.fb.lock().clone().unwrap() } fn get_color(&self, vc_data: &VirtualConsoleData, c: u16, is_fg: bool) -> u32 { let fb_info = self.fb(); let mut color = 0; let depth = fb_info.color_depth(); if depth != 1 { if is_fg { let fg_shift = if vc_data.hi_font_mask != 0 { 9 } else { 8 }; color = (c as u32 >> fg_shift) & 0x0f } else { let bg_shift = if vc_data.hi_font_mask != 0 { 13 } else { 12 }; color = (c as u32 >> bg_shift) & 0x0f } } match depth { 1 => { let col = self.mono_color(); let fg; let bg; if fb_info.current_fb_fix().visual != FbVisual::Mono01 { fg = col; bg = 0; } else { fg = 0; bg = col; } color = if is_fg { fg } else { bg }; } 2 => { /* 颜色深度为2,即16色, 将16色的颜色值映射到4色的灰度, 其中颜色0映射为黑色,颜色1到6映射为白色, 颜色7到8映射为灰色,其他颜色映射为强烈的白色。 */ if (1..=6).contains(&color) { // 白色 color = 2; } else if (7..=8).contains(&color) { // 灰色 color = 1; } else { // 强白 color = 3; } } 3 => { /* 颜色深度为3,即256色,仅保留颜色的低3位,即颜色 0 到 7 */ color &= 7; } _ => {} } color } /// ## 计算单色调的函数 fn mono_color(&self) -> u32 { let fb_info = self.fb(); let mut max_len = fb_info .current_fb_var() .green .length .max(fb_info.current_fb_var().red.length); max_len = max_len.max(fb_info.current_fb_var().blue.length); return (!(0xfff << max_len)) & 0xff; } fn bit_put_string( &self, vc_data: &VirtualConsoleData, buf: &[u16], attr: FbConAttr, cnt: u32, cellsize: u32, image: &mut FbImage, ) { let charmask = if vc_data.hi_font_mask != 0 { 0x1ff } else { 0xff }; let mut offset; let image_line_byte = image.width as usize / 8; let byte_width = vc_data.font.width as usize / 8; let font_height = vc_data.font.height as usize; // let mut char_offset = 0; for (char_offset, char_item) in buf.iter().enumerate().take(cnt as usize) { // 在字符表中的index let ch = char_item & charmask; // 计算出在font表中的偏移量 let font_offset = ch as usize * cellsize as usize; let font_offset_end = font_offset + cellsize as usize; // 设置image的data let src = &[font_offset..font_offset_end]; let mut dst = vec![0; src.len()]; dst.copy_from_slice(src); if !attr.is_empty() { attr.update_attr(&mut dst, src, vc_data) } offset = char_offset * byte_width; let mut dst_offset = 0; for _ in 0..font_height { let dst_offset_next = dst_offset + byte_width;[offset..offset + byte_width] .copy_from_slice(&dst[dst_offset..dst_offset_next]); offset += image_line_byte; dst_offset = dst_offset_next; } } self.fb().fb_image_blit(image); } } impl ConsoleSwitch for BlittingFbConsole { fn con_init( &self, vc_data: &mut VirtualConsoleData, init: bool, ) -> Result<(), system_error::SystemError> { let fb_set_guard =; let fb = fb_set_guard.get(vc_data.index); if fb.is_none() { return Err(SystemError::EINVAL); } let fb = fb.unwrap(); if fb.is_none() { panic!( "The Framebuffer with FbID {} has not been initialized yet.", vc_data.index ) } let fb = fb.as_ref().unwrap().clone(); if init { // 初始化字体 let var = fb.current_fb_var(); let font = FontDesc::get_default_font(var.xres, var.yres, 0, 0); =; vc_data.font.width = font.width; vc_data.font.height = font.height; vc_data.font.count = font.char_count; } else { kwarn!("The frontend Framebuffer is not implemented"); } vc_data.color_mode = fb.color_depth() != 1; vc_data.complement_mask = if vc_data.color_mode { 0x7700 } else { 0x0800 }; if vc_data.font.count == 256 { // ascii vc_data.hi_font_mask = 0; } else { vc_data.hi_font_mask = 0x100; if vc_data.color_mode { vc_data.complement_mask <<= 1; } } // TODO: 考虑rotate if init { vc_data.cols = (fb.current_fb_var().xres / vc_data.font.width) as usize; vc_data.rows = (fb.current_fb_var().yres / vc_data.font.height) as usize; vc_data.pos = vc_data.state.x + vc_data.state.y * vc_data.cols; let new_size = vc_data.cols * vc_data.rows; vc_data.screen_buf.resize(new_size, 0); } else { unimplemented!("Resize is not supported at the moment!"); } // 初始化fb *self.fb.lock() = Some(fb); Ok(()) } fn con_deinit(&self) -> Result<(), system_error::SystemError> { todo!() } fn con_clear( &self, vc_data: &mut VirtualConsoleData, sy: usize, sx: usize, height: usize, width: usize, ) -> Result<(), system_error::SystemError> { let fb_data = self.fbcon_data(); if height == 0 || width == 0 { return Ok(()); } let y_break = (fb_data.display.virt_rows - fb_data.display.yscroll) as usize; if sy < y_break && sy + height > y_break { // 分两次clear let b = y_break - sy; let _ = self.clear( vc_data, fb_data.display.real_y(sy as u32), sx as u32, b as u32, width as u32, ); let _ = self.clear( vc_data, fb_data.display.real_y((sy + b) as u32), sx as u32, (height - b) as u32, width as u32, ); } else { let _ = self.clear( vc_data, fb_data.display.real_y(sy as u32), sx as u32, height as u32, width as u32, ); } Ok(()) } fn con_putc( &self, vc_data: &VirtualConsoleData, ch: u16, xpos: u32, ypos: u32, ) -> Result<(), system_error::SystemError> { self.con_putcs(vc_data, &[ch], 1, ypos, xpos) } fn con_putcs( &self, vc_data: &VirtualConsoleData, buf: &[u16], count: usize, ypos: u32, xpos: u32, ) -> Result<(), SystemError> { if count == 0 { return Ok(()); } let fbcon_data = self.fbcon_data(); let c = buf[0]; self.put_string( vc_data, buf, count as u32, fbcon_data.display.real_y(ypos), xpos, self.get_color(vc_data, c, true), self.get_color(vc_data, c, false), ) } fn con_getxy( &self, vc_data: &VirtualConsoleData, pos: usize, ) -> Result<(usize, usize, usize), SystemError> { if pos < vc_data.screen_buf.len() { let x = pos % vc_data.cols; let y = pos / vc_data.cols; let mut next_line_start = pos + (vc_data.cols - x); if next_line_start >= vc_data.screen_buf.len() { next_line_start = 0 } return Ok((next_line_start, x, y)); } else { return Ok((0, 0, 0)); } } #[allow(clippy::if_same_then_else)] fn con_cursor( &self, vc_data: &VirtualConsoleData, op: crate::driver::tty::virtual_terminal::virtual_console::CursorOperation, ) { let mut fbcon_data = self.fbcon_data(); let c = vc_data.screen_buf[vc_data.pos]; if vc_data.cursor_type.contains(VcCursor::CUR_SW) { // 取消硬光标Timer,但是现在没有硬光标,先写在这 } else { // 添加硬光标Timer } fbcon_data.cursor_flash = op != CursorOperation::Erase; drop(fbcon_data); self.cursor( vc_data, op, self.get_color(vc_data, c, true), self.get_color(vc_data, c, false), ); } fn con_set_palette( &self, vc_data: &VirtualConsoleData, color_table: &[u8], ) -> Result<(), SystemError> { let fb_info = self.fb(); let depth = fb_info.color_depth(); let mut palette = Vec::new(); palette.resize(16, Color::default()); if depth > 3 { let vc_palette = &vc_data.palette; for i in 0..16 { let idx = color_table[i]; let col = palette.get_mut(idx as usize).unwrap(); = (vc_palette[i].red << 8) | vc_palette[i].red; = (vc_palette[i].green << 8) | vc_palette[i].green; = (vc_palette[i].blue << 8) | vc_palette[i].blue; } } else { todo!() } self.fb().set_color_map(palette)?; Ok(()) } #[inline(never)] fn con_scroll( &self, vc_data: &mut VirtualConsoleData, top: usize, bottom: usize, dir: crate::driver::tty::virtual_terminal::virtual_console::ScrollDir, mut count: usize, ) -> bool { self.con_cursor(vc_data, CursorOperation::Erase); let fbcon_data = self.fbcon_data(); let scroll_mode = fbcon_data.display.scroll_mode; drop(fbcon_data); match dir { ScrollDir::Up => { if count > vc_data.rows { count = vc_data.rows; } match scroll_mode { ScrollMode::Move => { let start = top * vc_data.cols; let end = bottom * vc_data.cols; vc_data.screen_buf[start..end].rotate_left(count * vc_data.cols); let _ = self.bmove( vc_data, top as i32, 0, top as i32 - count as i32, 0, (bottom - top) as u32, vc_data.cols as u32, ); let _ = self.con_clear(vc_data, bottom - count, 0, count, vc_data.cols); let offset = vc_data.cols * (bottom - count); for i in vc_data.screen_buf[offset..(offset + (vc_data.cols * count))].iter_mut() { *i = vc_data.erase_char; } return true; } ScrollMode::PanMove => todo!(), ScrollMode::WrapMove => todo!(), ScrollMode::Redraw => { let start = top * vc_data.cols; let end = bottom * vc_data.cols; vc_data.screen_buf[start..end].rotate_left(count * vc_data.cols); let data = &vc_data.screen_buf[start..(bottom - count) * vc_data.cols]; for line in top..(bottom - count) { let mut start = line * vc_data.cols; let end = start + vc_data.cols; let mut offset = start; let mut attr = 1; let mut x = 0; while offset < end { let c = data[offset]; if attr != c & 0xff00 { // 属性变化,输出完上一个的并且更新属性 attr = c & 0xff00; let count = offset - start; let _ = self.con_putcs( vc_data, &data[start..offset], count, line as u32, x, ); start = offset; x += count as u32; } offset += 1; } let _ = self.con_putcs( vc_data, &data[start..offset], offset - start, line as u32, x, ); } let _ = self.con_clear(vc_data, bottom - count, 0, count, vc_data.cols); let offset = vc_data.cols * (bottom - count); for i in vc_data.screen_buf[offset..(offset + (vc_data.cols * count))].iter_mut() { *i = vc_data.erase_char; } return true; } ScrollMode::PanRedraw => todo!(), } } ScrollDir::Down => { if count > vc_data.rows { count = vc_data.rows; } match scroll_mode { ScrollMode::Move => { let start = top * vc_data.cols; let end = bottom * vc_data.cols; vc_data.screen_buf[start..end].rotate_right(count * vc_data.cols); let _ = self.bmove( vc_data, top as i32, 0, top as i32 + count as i32, 0, (bottom - top - count) as u32, vc_data.cols as u32, ); let _ = self.con_clear(vc_data, top, 0, count, vc_data.cols); let offset = vc_data.cols * count; for i in vc_data.screen_buf[start..(start + offset)].iter_mut() { *i = vc_data.erase_char; } return true; } ScrollMode::PanMove => todo!(), ScrollMode::WrapMove => todo!(), ScrollMode::Redraw => { // self.scroll_redraw( // vc_data, // bottom - 1, // bottom - top - count, // count * vc_data.cols, // false, // ); let _ = self.con_clear(vc_data, top, 0, count, vc_data.cols); let offset = vc_data.cols * top; for i in vc_data.screen_buf[offset..(offset + (vc_data.cols * count))].iter_mut() { *i = vc_data.erase_char; } return true; } ScrollMode::PanRedraw => todo!(), } } } } } impl FrameBufferConsole for BlittingFbConsole { fn bmove( &self, vc_data: &VirtualConsoleData, sy: i32, sx: i32, dy: i32, dx: i32, height: u32, width: u32, ) -> Result<(), SystemError> { let area = CopyAreaData::new( dx * vc_data.font.width as i32, dy * vc_data.font.height as i32, width * vc_data.font.width, height * vc_data.font.height, sx * vc_data.font.width as i32, sy * vc_data.font.height as i32, ); self.fb().fb_copyarea(area); Ok(()) } fn clear( &self, vc_data: &VirtualConsoleData, sy: u32, sx: u32, height: u32, width: u32, ) -> Result<(), SystemError> { let region = FillRectData::new( sx * vc_data.font.width, sy * vc_data.font.height, width * vc_data.font.width, height * vc_data.font.height, self.get_color(vc_data, vc_data.erase_char, false), FillRectROP::Copy, ); self.fb().fb_fillrect(region)?; Ok(()) } fn put_string( &self, vc_data: &VirtualConsoleData, data: &[u16], mut count: u32, y: u32, x: u32, fg: u32, bg: u32, ) -> Result<(), SystemError> { // 向上取整 let width = (vc_data.font.width + 7) / 8; let cellsize = width * vc_data.font.height; let fb_info = self.fb(); // 一次能输出的最大字数,避免帧缓冲区溢出 let max_cnt = (fb_info.current_fb_var().xres * fb_info.current_fb_var().yres) / cellsize; let attr = FbConAttr::get_attr(data[0], fb_info.color_depth()); let mut image = FbImage { x: x * vc_data.font.width, y: y * vc_data.font.height, width: 0, height: vc_data.font.height, fg, bg, depth: 1, data: Default::default(), }; as usize * count as usize, 0); while count > 0 { let cnt = count.min(max_cnt); image.width = vc_data.font.width * cnt; self.bit_put_string(vc_data, data, attr, cnt, cellsize, &mut image); image.x += cnt * vc_data.font.width; count -= cnt; } Ok(()) } fn fbcon_data(&self) -> SpinLockGuard { self.fbcon_data.lock() } fn cursor(&self, vc_data: &VirtualConsoleData, op: CursorOperation, fg: u32, bg: u32) { let mut fbcon_data = self.fbcon_data(); let fb_info = self.fb(); let mut cursor = FbCursor::default(); let charmask = if vc_data.hi_font_mask != 0 { 0x1ff } else { 0xff }; // 向上取整 let w = (vc_data.font.width + 7) / 8; let y = fbcon_data.display.real_y(vc_data.state.y as u32); let c = vc_data.screen_buf[vc_data.pos]; let attr = FbConAttr::get_attr(c, fb_info.color_depth()); let char_offset = (c as usize & charmask) * ((w * vc_data.font.height) as usize); if !=[char_offset..] || fbcon_data.cursor_reset { =[char_offset..].to_vec(); cursor.set_mode.insert(FbCursorSetMode::FB_CUR_SETIMAGE); } if !attr.is_empty() { fbcon_data .cursor_data .resize(w as usize * vc_data.font.height as usize, 0); attr.update_attr( &mut fbcon_data.cursor_data, &[char_offset..], vc_data, ); } if fbcon_data.cursor_state.image.fg != fg || != bg || fbcon_data.cursor_reset { fbcon_data.cursor_state.image.fg = fg; = bg; cursor.set_mode.insert(FbCursorSetMode::FB_CUR_SETCMAP); } if fbcon_data.cursor_state.image.x != (vc_data.font.width * vc_data.state.x as u32) || fbcon_data.cursor_state.image.y != (vc_data.font.height * y) || fbcon_data.cursor_reset { fbcon_data.cursor_state.image.x = vc_data.font.width * vc_data.state.x as u32; fbcon_data.cursor_state.image.y = vc_data.font.height * y; cursor.set_mode.insert(FbCursorSetMode::FB_CUR_SETPOS); } if fbcon_data.cursor_state.image.height != vc_data.font.height || fbcon_data.cursor_state.image.width != vc_data.font.width || fbcon_data.cursor_reset { fbcon_data.cursor_state.image.height = vc_data.font.height; fbcon_data.cursor_state.image.width = vc_data.font.width; cursor.set_mode.insert(FbCursorSetMode::FB_CUR_SETSIZE); } if fbcon_data.cursor_state.hot_x > 0 || fbcon_data.cursor_state.hot_y > 0 || fbcon_data.cursor_reset { fbcon_data.cursor_state.hot_x = 0; cursor.hot_y = 0; cursor.set_mode.insert(FbCursorSetMode::FB_CUR_SETHOT); } if cursor.set_mode.contains(FbCursorSetMode::FB_CUR_SETSIZE) || vc_data.cursor_type != fbcon_data.display.cursor_shape || fbcon_data.cursor_state.mask.is_empty() || fbcon_data.cursor_reset { fbcon_data.display.cursor_shape = vc_data.cursor_type; cursor.set_mode.insert(FbCursorSetMode::FB_CUR_SETSHAPE); let cur_height; match fbcon_data.display.cursor_shape.cursor_size() { VcCursor::CUR_NONE => { cur_height = 0; } VcCursor::CUR_UNDERLINE => { if vc_data.font.height < 10 { cur_height = 1; } else { cur_height = 2; } } VcCursor::CUR_LOWER_THIRD => { cur_height = vc_data.font.height / 3; } VcCursor::CUR_LOWER_HALF => { cur_height = vc_data.font.height >> 1; } VcCursor::CUR_TWO_THIRDS => { cur_height = (vc_data.font.height << 1) / 3; } _ => { cur_height = vc_data.font.height; } } // 表示空白部分 let mut size = (vc_data.font.height - cur_height) * w; while size > 0 { size -= 1; fbcon_data.cursor_state.mask.push(0x00); } size = cur_height * w; // 表示光标显示部分 while size > 0 { size -= 1; fbcon_data.cursor_state.mask.push(0xff); } } match op { CursorOperation::Erase => { fbcon_data.cursor_state.enable = false; } _ => { fbcon_data.cursor_state.enable = !vc_data.cursor_type.contains(VcCursor::CUR_SW); } } if !attr.is_empty() { = fbcon_data.cursor_data.clone(); } else { = [char_offset..char_offset + (w as usize * vc_data.font.height as usize)] .to_vec(); } cursor.image.fg = fbcon_data.cursor_state.image.fg; =; cursor.image.x = fbcon_data.cursor_state.image.x; cursor.image.y = fbcon_data.cursor_state.image.y; cursor.image.height = fbcon_data.cursor_state.image.height; cursor.image.width = fbcon_data.cursor_state.image.width; cursor.hot_x = fbcon_data.cursor_state.hot_x; cursor.hot_y = fbcon_data.cursor_state.hot_y; cursor.mask = fbcon_data.cursor_state.mask.clone(); cursor.enable = fbcon_data.cursor_state.enable; cursor.image.depth = 1; cursor.rop = true; if fb_info.fb_cursor(&cursor).is_err() { let _ = fb_info.soft_cursor(cursor); } fbcon_data.cursor_reset = false; } }