//! PIO的串口驱动 use core::{ hint::spin_loop, sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}, }; use alloc::{ string::ToString, sync::{Arc, Weak}, }; use crate::{ arch::{driver::apic::ioapic::IoApic, io::PortIOArch, CurrentPortIOArch}, driver::{ base::device::{ device_number::{DeviceNumber, Major}, DeviceId, }, serial::{AtomicBaudRate, BaudRate, DivisorFraction, UartPort}, tty::{ console::ConsoleSwitch, kthread::send_to_tty_refresh_thread, termios::WindowSize, tty_core::{TtyCore, TtyCoreData}, tty_driver::{TtyDriver, TtyDriverManager, TtyOperation}, virtual_terminal::{vc_manager, virtual_console::VirtualConsoleData, VirtConsole}, }, video::console::dummycon::dummy_console, }, exception::{ irqdata::IrqHandlerData, irqdesc::{IrqHandleFlags, IrqHandler, IrqReturn}, manage::irq_manager, IrqNumber, }, libs::{rwlock::RwLock, spinlock::SpinLock}, }; use system_error::SystemError; use super::{Serial8250ISADevices, Serial8250ISADriver, Serial8250Manager, Serial8250Port}; static mut PIO_PORTS: [Option; 8] = [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None]; const SERIAL_8250_PIO_IRQ: IrqNumber = IrqNumber::new(IoApic::VECTOR_BASE as u32 + 4); impl Serial8250Manager { #[allow(static_mut_refs)] pub(super) fn bind_pio_ports( &self, uart_driver: &Arc, devs: &Arc, ) { for port in unsafe { &PIO_PORTS }.iter().flatten() { port.set_device(Some(devs)); self.uart_add_one_port(uart_driver, port).ok(); } } } macro_rules! init_port { ($port_num:expr) => { unsafe { let port = Serial8250PIOPort::new( match $port_num { 1 => Serial8250PortBase::COM1, 2 => Serial8250PortBase::COM2, 3 => Serial8250PortBase::COM3, 4 => Serial8250PortBase::COM4, 5 => Serial8250PortBase::COM5, 6 => Serial8250PortBase::COM6, 7 => Serial8250PortBase::COM7, 8 => Serial8250PortBase::COM8, _ => panic!("invalid port number"), }, crate::driver::serial::SERIAL_BAUDRATE, ); if let Ok(port) = port { if port.init().is_ok() { PIO_PORTS[$port_num - 1] = Some(port); true } else { false } } else { false } } }; } /// 在内存管理初始化之前,初始化串口设备 pub(super) fn serial8250_pio_port_early_init() -> Result<(), SystemError> { for i in 1..=8 { init_port!(i); } return Ok(()); } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Serial8250PIOPort { iobase: Serial8250PortBase, baudrate: AtomicBaudRate, initialized: AtomicBool, inner: RwLock, } impl Serial8250PIOPort { const SERIAL8250PIO_MAX_BAUD_RATE: BaudRate = BaudRate::new(115200); pub fn new(iobase: Serial8250PortBase, baudrate: BaudRate) -> Result { let r = Self { iobase, baudrate: AtomicBaudRate::new(baudrate), initialized: AtomicBool::new(false), inner: RwLock::new(Serial8250PIOPortInner::new()), }; r.check_baudrate(&baudrate)?; return Ok(r); } pub fn init(&self) -> Result<(), SystemError> { let r = self .initialized .compare_exchange(false, true, Ordering::SeqCst, Ordering::SeqCst); if r.is_err() { // 已经初始化 return Ok(()); } let port = self.iobase as u16; unsafe { CurrentPortIOArch::out8(port + 1, 0x00); // Disable all interrupts self.set_divisor(self.baudrate.load(Ordering::SeqCst)) .unwrap(); // Set baud rate CurrentPortIOArch::out8(port + 2, 0xC7); // Enable FIFO, clear them, with 14-byte threshold CurrentPortIOArch::out8(port + 4, 0x08); // IRQs enabled, RTS/DSR clear (现代计算机上一般都不需要hardware flow control,因此不需要置位RTS/DSR) CurrentPortIOArch::out8(port + 4, 0x1E); // Set in loopback mode, test the serial chip CurrentPortIOArch::out8(port, 0xAE); // Test serial chip (send byte 0xAE and check if serial returns same byte) // Check if serial is faulty (i.e: not same byte as sent) if CurrentPortIOArch::in8(port) != 0xAE { self.initialized.store(false, Ordering::SeqCst); return Err(SystemError::ENODEV); } // If serial is not faulty set it in normal operation mode // (not-loopback with IRQs enabled and OUT#1 and OUT#2 bits enabled) CurrentPortIOArch::out8(port + 4, 0x0b); CurrentPortIOArch::out8(port + 1, 0x01); // Enable interrupts } return Ok(()); /* Notice that the initialization code above writes to [PORT + 1] twice with different values. This is once to write to the Divisor register along with [PORT + 0] and once to write to the Interrupt register as detailed in the previous section. The second write to the Line Control register [PORT + 3] clears the DLAB again as well as setting various other bits. */ } const fn check_baudrate(&self, baudrate: &BaudRate) -> Result<(), SystemError> { // 错误的比特率 if baudrate.data() > Self::SERIAL8250PIO_MAX_BAUD_RATE.data() || Self::SERIAL8250PIO_MAX_BAUD_RATE.data() % baudrate.data() != 0 { return Err(SystemError::EINVAL); } return Ok(()); } #[allow(dead_code)] fn serial_received(&self) -> bool { self.serial_in(5) & 1 != 0 } fn is_transmit_empty(&self) -> bool { self.serial_in(5) & 0x20 != 0 } /// 发送字节 /// /// ## 参数 /// /// - `s`:待发送的字节 fn send_bytes(&self, s: &[u8]) { while !self.is_transmit_empty() { spin_loop(); } for c in s { self.serial_out(0, (*c).into()); } } /// 读取一个字节,如果没有数据则返回None fn read_one_byte(&self) -> Option { if !self.serial_received() { return None; } return Some(self.serial_in(0) as u8); } } impl Serial8250Port for Serial8250PIOPort { fn device(&self) -> Option> { self.inner.read().device() } fn set_device(&self, device: Option<&Arc>) { self.inner.write().set_device(device); } } impl UartPort for Serial8250PIOPort { fn serial_in(&self, offset: u32) -> u32 { unsafe { CurrentPortIOArch::in8(self.iobase as u16 + offset as u16).into() } } fn serial_out(&self, offset: u32, value: u32) { // warning: pio的串口只能写入8位,因此这里丢弃高24位 unsafe { CurrentPortIOArch::out8(self.iobase as u16 + offset as u16, value as u8) } } fn divisor(&self, baud: BaudRate) -> (u32, DivisorFraction) { let divisor = Self::SERIAL8250PIO_MAX_BAUD_RATE.data() / baud.data(); return (divisor, DivisorFraction::new(0)); } fn set_divisor(&self, baud: BaudRate) -> Result<(), SystemError> { self.check_baudrate(&baud)?; let port = self.iobase as u16; unsafe { CurrentPortIOArch::out8(port + 3, 0x80); // Enable DLAB (set baud rate divisor) let divisor = self.divisor(baud).0; CurrentPortIOArch::out8(port, (divisor & 0xff) as u8); // Set divisor (lo byte) CurrentPortIOArch::out8(port + 1, ((divisor >> 8) & 0xff) as u8); // (hi byte) CurrentPortIOArch::out8(port + 3, 0x03); // 8 bits, no parity, one stop bit } self.baudrate.store(baud, Ordering::SeqCst); return Ok(()); } fn startup(&self) -> Result<(), SystemError> { todo!("serial8250_pio::startup") } fn shutdown(&self) { todo!("serial8250_pio::shutdown") } fn baud_rate(&self) -> Option { Some(self.baudrate.load(Ordering::SeqCst)) } fn handle_irq(&self) -> Result<(), SystemError> { let mut buf = [0; 8]; let mut index = 0; // Read up to the size of the buffer while index < buf.len() { if let Some(c) = self.read_one_byte() { buf[index] = c; index += 1; } else { break; // No more bytes to read } } send_to_tty_refresh_thread(&buf[0..index]); Ok(()) } fn iobase(&self) -> Option { Some(self.iobase as usize) } } #[derive(Debug)] struct Serial8250PIOPortInner { /// 当前端口绑定的设备 /// /// ps: 存储weak以避免循环引用 device: Option>, } impl Serial8250PIOPortInner { pub const fn new() -> Self { Self { device: None } } #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn device(&self) -> Option> { if let Some(device) = self.device.as_ref() { return device.upgrade(); } return None; } fn set_device(&mut self, device: Option<&Arc>) { self.device = device.map(Arc::downgrade); } } #[allow(dead_code)] #[repr(u16)] #[derive(Clone, Debug, Copy)] pub enum Serial8250PortBase { COM1 = 0x3f8, COM2 = 0x2f8, COM3 = 0x3e8, COM4 = 0x2e8, COM5 = 0x5f8, COM6 = 0x4f8, COM7 = 0x5e8, COM8 = 0x4e8, } /// 临时函数,用于向COM1发送数据 pub fn send_to_default_serial8250_pio_port(s: &[u8]) { if let Some(port) = unsafe { PIO_PORTS[0].as_ref() } { port.send_bytes(s); } } #[derive(Debug)] pub(super) struct Serial8250PIOTtyDriverInner; impl Serial8250PIOTtyDriverInner { pub fn new() -> Self { Self } fn do_install( &self, driver: Arc, tty: Arc, vc: Arc, ) -> Result<(), SystemError> { driver.standard_install(tty.clone())?; vc.port().setup_internal_tty(Arc::downgrade(&tty)); tty.set_port(vc.port()); vc.devfs_setup()?; Ok(()) } } impl TtyOperation for Serial8250PIOTtyDriverInner { fn open(&self, _tty: &TtyCoreData) -> Result<(), SystemError> { Ok(()) } fn write(&self, tty: &TtyCoreData, buf: &[u8], nr: usize) -> Result { let index = tty.index(); if tty.index() >= unsafe { PIO_PORTS.len() } { return Err(SystemError::ENODEV); } let pio_port = unsafe { PIO_PORTS[index].as_ref() }.ok_or(SystemError::ENODEV)?; pio_port.send_bytes(&buf[..nr]); Ok(nr) } fn flush_chars(&self, _tty: &TtyCoreData) {} fn put_char(&self, tty: &TtyCoreData, ch: u8) -> Result<(), SystemError> { self.write(tty, &[ch], 1).map(|_| ()) } fn ioctl(&self, _tty: Arc, _cmd: u32, _arg: usize) -> Result<(), SystemError> { Err(SystemError::ENOIOCTLCMD) } fn close(&self, _tty: Arc) -> Result<(), SystemError> { Ok(()) } fn resize(&self, tty: Arc, winsize: WindowSize) -> Result<(), SystemError> { *tty.core().window_size_write() = winsize; Ok(()) } fn install(&self, driver: Arc, tty: Arc) -> Result<(), SystemError> { if tty.core().index() >= unsafe { PIO_PORTS.len() } { return Err(SystemError::ENODEV); } *tty.core().window_size_write() = WindowSize::DEFAULT; let vc_data = Arc::new(SpinLock::new(VirtualConsoleData::new(usize::MAX))); let mut vc_data_guard = vc_data.lock_irqsave(); vc_data_guard.set_driver_funcs(Arc::downgrade(&dummy_console()) as Weak); vc_data_guard.init( Some(tty.core().window_size().row.into()), Some(tty.core().window_size().col.into()), true, ); drop(vc_data_guard); let vc = VirtConsole::new(Some(vc_data)); let vc_index = vc_manager().alloc(vc.clone()).ok_or(SystemError::EBUSY)?; self.do_install(driver, tty, vc.clone()).inspect_err(|_| { vc_manager().free(vc_index); })?; Ok(()) } } pub(super) fn serial_8250_pio_register_tty_devices() -> Result<(), SystemError> { let (_, driver) = TtyDriverManager::lookup_tty_driver(DeviceNumber::new( Major::TTY_MAJOR, Serial8250Manager::TTY_SERIAL_MINOR_START, )) .ok_or(SystemError::ENODEV)?; for (i, port) in unsafe { PIO_PORTS.iter() }.enumerate() { if let Some(port) = port { let core = driver.init_tty_device(Some(i)).inspect_err(|_| { log::error!( "failed to init tty device for serial 8250 pio port {}, port iobase: {:?}", i, port.iobase ); })?; core.resize( core.clone(), WindowSize::DEFAULT) .inspect_err(|_| { log::error!( "failed to resize tty device for serial 8250 pio port {}, port iobase: {:?}", i, port.iobase ); })?; } } irq_manager() .request_irq( SERIAL_8250_PIO_IRQ, "serial8250_pio".to_string(), &Serial8250IrqHandler, IrqHandleFlags::IRQF_SHARED | IrqHandleFlags::IRQF_TRIGGER_RISING, Some(DeviceId::new(Some("serial8250_pio"), None).unwrap()), ) .inspect_err(|e| { log::error!("failed to request irq for serial 8250 pio: {:?}", e); })?; Ok(()) } #[derive(Debug)] struct Serial8250IrqHandler; impl IrqHandler for Serial8250IrqHandler { fn handle( &self, _irq: IrqNumber, _static_data: Option<&dyn IrqHandlerData>, _dynamic_data: Option>, ) -> Result { for port in unsafe { PIO_PORTS.iter() }.flatten() { port.handle_irq()?; } Ok(IrqReturn::Handled) } }