use core::{ arch::asm, hint::spin_loop, sync::atomic::{compiler_fence, AtomicBool, Ordering}, }; use kdepends::memoffset::offset_of; use system_error::SystemError; use crate::{ arch::process::table::TSSManager, exception::InterruptArch, include::bindings::bindings::{cpu_core_info, smp_init}, kdebug, libs::rwlock::RwLock, mm::percpu::PerCpu, process::ProcessManager, smp::{core::smp_get_processor_id, SMPArch}, }; use super::{acpi::early_acpi_boot_init, CurrentIrqArch}; extern "C" { fn smp_ap_start_stage2(); } pub(super) static X86_64_SMP_MANAGER: X86_64SmpManager = X86_64SmpManager::new(); #[repr(C)] struct ApStartStackInfo { vaddr: usize, } /// AP处理器启动时执行 #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "C" fn smp_ap_start() -> ! { CurrentIrqArch::interrupt_disable(); let vaddr = cpu_core_info[smp_get_processor_id() as usize].stack_start as usize; compiler_fence(core::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst); let v = ApStartStackInfo { vaddr }; smp_init_switch_stack(&v); } #[naked] unsafe extern "sysv64" fn smp_init_switch_stack(st: &ApStartStackInfo) -> ! { asm!(concat!(" mov rsp, [rdi + {off_rsp}] mov rbp, [rdi + {off_rsp}] jmp {stage1} "), off_rsp = const(offset_of!(ApStartStackInfo, vaddr)), stage1 = sym smp_ap_start_stage1, options(noreturn)); } unsafe extern "C" fn smp_ap_start_stage1() -> ! { let id = smp_get_processor_id(); kdebug!("smp_ap_start_stage1: id: {}\n", id); let current_idle = ProcessManager::idle_pcb()[smp_get_processor_id() as usize].clone(); let tss = TSSManager::current_tss(); tss.set_rsp( x86::Ring::Ring0, current_idle.kernel_stack().stack_max_address().data() as u64, ); TSSManager::load_tr(); smp_ap_start_stage2(); loop { spin_loop(); } } /// 多核的数据 #[derive(Debug)] pub struct SmpBootData { initialized: AtomicBool, cpu_count: usize, /// CPU的物理ID(指的是Local APIC ID) /// /// 这里必须保证第0项的是bsp的物理ID phys_id: [usize; PerCpu::MAX_CPU_NUM], } #[allow(dead_code)] impl SmpBootData { pub fn cpu_count(&self) -> usize { self.cpu_count } /// 获取CPU的物理ID pub fn phys_id(&self, cpu_id: usize) -> usize { self.phys_id[cpu_id] } /// 获取BSP的物理ID pub fn bsp_phys_id(&self) -> usize { self.phys_id[0] } pub unsafe fn set_cpu_count(&self, cpu_count: usize) { if self.initialized.load(Ordering::SeqCst) == false { let p = self as *const SmpBootData as *mut SmpBootData; (*p).cpu_count = cpu_count; } } pub unsafe fn set_phys_id(&self, cpu_id: usize, phys_id: usize) { if self.initialized.load(Ordering::SeqCst) == false { let p = self as *const SmpBootData as *mut SmpBootData; (*p).phys_id[cpu_id] = phys_id; } } /// 标记boot data结构体已经初始化完成 pub fn mark_initialized(&self) {, Ordering::SeqCst); } } pub(super) static SMP_BOOT_DATA: SmpBootData = SmpBootData { initialized: AtomicBool::new(false), cpu_count: 0, phys_id: [0; PerCpu::MAX_CPU_NUM], }; #[allow(dead_code)] #[derive(Debug)] pub struct X86_64SmpManager { ia64_cpu_to_sapicid: RwLock<[Option; PerCpu::MAX_CPU_NUM]>, } impl X86_64SmpManager { pub const fn new() -> Self { return Self { ia64_cpu_to_sapicid: RwLock::new([None; PerCpu::MAX_CPU_NUM]), }; } /// initialize the logical cpu number to APIC ID mapping pub fn build_cpu_map(&self) -> Result<(), SystemError> { // 参考: // todo!("build_cpu_map") return Ok(()); } } pub struct X86_64SMPArch; impl SMPArch for X86_64SMPArch { #[inline(never)] fn prepare_cpus() -> Result<(), SystemError> { early_acpi_boot_init()?; X86_64_SMP_MANAGER.build_cpu_map()?; return Ok(()); } #[inline(never)] fn init() -> Result<(), SystemError> { x86::fence::mfence(); unsafe { smp_init() }; x86::fence::mfence(); return Ok(()); } }