use system_error::SystemError; use crate::{ arch::CurrentIrqArch, exception::InterruptArch, kerror, kwarn, mm::VirtAddr, print, process::ProcessManager, smp::core::smp_get_processor_id, }; use super::{ entry::{set_intr_gate, set_system_trap_gate}, TrapFrame, }; extern "C" { fn trap_divide_error(); fn trap_debug(); fn trap_nmi(); fn trap_int3(); fn trap_overflow(); fn trap_bounds(); fn trap_undefined_opcode(); fn trap_dev_not_avaliable(); fn trap_double_fault(); fn trap_coprocessor_segment_overrun(); fn trap_invalid_TSS(); fn trap_segment_not_exists(); fn trap_stack_segment_fault(); fn trap_general_protection(); fn trap_page_fault(); fn trap_x87_FPU_error(); fn trap_alignment_check(); fn trap_machine_check(); fn trap_SIMD_exception(); fn trap_virtualization_exception(); } #[inline(never)] pub fn arch_trap_init() -> Result<(), SystemError> { unsafe { set_intr_gate(0, 0, VirtAddr::new(trap_divide_error as usize)); set_intr_gate(1, 0, VirtAddr::new(trap_debug as usize)); set_intr_gate(2, 0, VirtAddr::new(trap_nmi as usize)); set_system_trap_gate(3, 0, VirtAddr::new(trap_int3 as usize)); set_system_trap_gate(4, 0, VirtAddr::new(trap_overflow as usize)); set_system_trap_gate(5, 0, VirtAddr::new(trap_bounds as usize)); set_intr_gate(6, 0, VirtAddr::new(trap_undefined_opcode as usize)); set_intr_gate(7, 0, VirtAddr::new(trap_dev_not_avaliable as usize)); set_intr_gate(8, 0, VirtAddr::new(trap_double_fault as usize)); set_intr_gate( 9, 0, VirtAddr::new(trap_coprocessor_segment_overrun as usize), ); set_intr_gate(10, 0, VirtAddr::new(trap_invalid_TSS as usize)); set_intr_gate(11, 0, VirtAddr::new(trap_segment_not_exists as usize)); set_intr_gate(12, 0, VirtAddr::new(trap_stack_segment_fault as usize)); set_intr_gate(13, 0, VirtAddr::new(trap_general_protection as usize)); set_intr_gate(14, 0, VirtAddr::new(trap_page_fault as usize)); // 中断号15由Intel保留,不能使用 set_intr_gate(16, 0, VirtAddr::new(trap_x87_FPU_error as usize)); set_intr_gate(17, 0, VirtAddr::new(trap_alignment_check as usize)); set_intr_gate(18, 0, VirtAddr::new(trap_machine_check as usize)); set_intr_gate(19, 0, VirtAddr::new(trap_SIMD_exception as usize)); set_intr_gate(20, 0, VirtAddr::new(trap_virtualization_exception as usize)); } return Ok(()); } /// 处理除法错误 0 #DE #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "C" fn do_divide_error(regs: &'static TrapFrame, error_code: u64) { kerror!( "do_divide_error(0), \tError code: {:#x},\trsp: {:#x},\trip: {:#x},\t CPU: {}, \tpid: {:?}", error_code, regs.rsp,, smp_get_processor_id().data(), ProcessManager::current_pid() ); panic!("Divide Error"); } /// 处理调试异常 1 #DB #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "C" fn do_debug(regs: &'static TrapFrame, error_code: u64) { kerror!( "do_debug(1), \tError code: {:#x},\trsp: {:#x},\trip: {:#x},\t CPU: {}, \tpid: {:?}", error_code, regs.rsp,, smp_get_processor_id().data(), ProcessManager::current_pid() ); panic!("Debug Exception"); } /// 处理NMI中断 2 NMI #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "C" fn do_nmi(regs: &'static TrapFrame, error_code: u64) { kerror!( "do_nmi(2), \tError code: {:#x},\trsp: {:#x},\trip: {:#x},\t CPU: {}, \tpid: {:?}", error_code, regs.rsp,, smp_get_processor_id().data(), ProcessManager::current_pid() ); panic!("NMI Interrupt"); } /// 处理断点异常 3 #BP #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "C" fn do_int3(regs: &'static TrapFrame, error_code: u64) { kerror!( "do_int3(3), \tError code: {:#x},\trsp: {:#x},\trip: {:#x},\t CPU: {}, \tpid: {:?}", error_code, regs.rsp,, smp_get_processor_id().data(), ProcessManager::current_pid() ); panic!("Int3"); } /// 处理溢出异常 4 #OF #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "C" fn do_overflow(regs: &'static TrapFrame, error_code: u64) { kerror!( "do_overflow(4), \tError code: {:#x},\trsp: {:#x},\trip: {:#x},\t CPU: {}, \tpid: {:?}", error_code, regs.rsp,, smp_get_processor_id().data(), ProcessManager::current_pid() ); panic!("Overflow Exception"); } /// 处理BOUND指令检查异常 5 #BR #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "C" fn do_bounds(regs: &'static TrapFrame, error_code: u64) { kerror!( "do_bounds(5), \tError code: {:#x},\trsp: {:#x},\trip: {:#x},\t CPU: {}, \tpid: {:?}", error_code, regs.rsp,, smp_get_processor_id().data(), ProcessManager::current_pid() ); panic!("Bounds Check"); } /// 处理未定义操作码异常 6 #UD #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "C" fn do_undefined_opcode(regs: &'static TrapFrame, error_code: u64) { kerror!( "do_undefined_opcode(6), \tError code: {:#x},\trsp: {:#x},\trip: {:#x},\t CPU: {}, \tpid: {:?}", error_code, regs.rsp,, smp_get_processor_id().data(), ProcessManager::current_pid() ); panic!("Undefined Opcode"); } /// 处理设备不可用异常(FPU不存在) 7 #NM #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "C" fn do_dev_not_avaliable(regs: &'static TrapFrame, error_code: u64) { kerror!( "do_dev_not_avaliable(7), \tError code: {:#x},\trsp: {:#x},\trip: {:#x},\t CPU: {}, \tpid: {:?}", error_code, regs.rsp,, smp_get_processor_id().data(), ProcessManager::current_pid() ); panic!("Device Not Available"); } /// 处理双重错误 8 #DF #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "C" fn do_double_fault(regs: &'static TrapFrame, error_code: u64) { kerror!( "do_double_fault(8), \tError code: {:#x},\trsp: {:#x},\trip: {:#x},\t CPU: {}, \tpid: {:?}", error_code, regs.rsp,, smp_get_processor_id().data(), ProcessManager::current_pid() ); panic!("Double Fault"); } /// 处理协处理器段越界 9 #MF #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "C" fn do_coprocessor_segment_overrun(regs: &'static TrapFrame, error_code: u64) { kerror!( "do_coprocessor_segment_overrun(9), \tError code: {:#x},\trsp: {:#x},\trip: {:#x},\t CPU: {}, \tpid: {:?}", error_code, regs.rsp,, smp_get_processor_id().data(), ProcessManager::current_pid() ); panic!("Coprocessor Segment Overrun"); } /// 处理无效TSS 10 #TS #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "C" fn do_invalid_TSS(regs: &'static TrapFrame, error_code: u64) { const ERR_MSG_1: &str = "The exception occurred during delivery of an event external to the program.\n"; const ERR_MSG_2: &str = "Refers to a descriptor in the IDT.\n"; const ERR_MSG_3: &str = "Refers to a descriptor in the current LDT.\n"; const ERR_MSG_4: &str = "Refers to a descriptor in the GDT.\n"; let msg1: &str; if (error_code & 0x1) != 0 { msg1 = ERR_MSG_1; } else { msg1 = ""; } let msg2: &str; if (error_code & 0x02) != 0 { msg2 = ERR_MSG_2; } else { if (error_code & 0x04) != 0 { msg2 = ERR_MSG_3; } else { msg2 = ERR_MSG_4; } } kerror!( "do_invalid_TSS(10), \tError code: {:#x},\trsp: {:#x},\trip: {:#x},\t CPU: {}, \tpid: {:?}\n{}{}", error_code, regs.rsp,, smp_get_processor_id().data(), ProcessManager::current_pid(), msg1, msg2 ); panic!("Invalid TSS"); } /// 处理段不存在 11 #NP #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "C" fn do_segment_not_exists(regs: &'static TrapFrame, error_code: u64) { kerror!( "do_segment_not_exists(11), \tError code: {:#x},\trsp: {:#x},\trip: {:#x},\t CPU: {}, \tpid: {:?}", error_code, regs.rsp,, smp_get_processor_id().data(), ProcessManager::current_pid() ); panic!("Segment Not Exists"); } /// 处理栈段错误 12 #SS #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "C" fn do_stack_segment_fault(regs: &'static TrapFrame, error_code: u64) { kerror!( "do_stack_segment_fault(12), \tError code: {:#x},\trsp: {:#x},\trip: {:#x},\t CPU: {}, \tpid: {:?}", error_code, regs.rsp,, smp_get_processor_id().data(), ProcessManager::current_pid() ); panic!("Stack Segment Fault"); } /// 处理一般保护异常 13 #GP #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "C" fn do_general_protection(regs: &'static TrapFrame, error_code: u64) { const ERR_MSG_1: &str = "The exception occurred during delivery of an event external to the program, such as an interrupt or an earlier exception."; const ERR_MSG_2: &str = "Refers to a gate descriptor in the IDT;\n"; const ERR_MSG_3: &str = "Refers to a descriptor in the GDT or the current LDT;\n"; const ERR_MSG_4: &str = "Refers to a segment or gate descriptor in the LDT;\n"; const ERR_MSG_5: &str = "Refers to a descriptor in the current GDT;\n"; let msg1: &str; if (error_code & 0x1) != 0 { msg1 = ERR_MSG_1; } else { msg1 = ""; } let msg2: &str; if (error_code & 0x02) != 0 { msg2 = ERR_MSG_2; } else { msg2 = ERR_MSG_3; } let msg3: &str; if (error_code & 0x02) == 0 { if (error_code & 0x04) != 0 { msg3 = ERR_MSG_4; } else { msg3 = ERR_MSG_5; } } else { msg3 = ""; } kerror!( "do_general_protection(13), \tError code: {:#x},\trsp: {:#x},\trip: {:#x},\t CPU: {}, \tpid: {:?} {}{}{} Segment Selector Index: {:#x}\n ", error_code, regs.rsp,, smp_get_processor_id().data(), ProcessManager::current_pid(), msg1, msg2, msg3, error_code & 0xfff8 ); panic!("General Protection"); } /// 处理页错误 14 #PF #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "C" fn do_page_fault(regs: &'static TrapFrame, error_code: u64) { kerror!( "do_page_fault(14), \tError code: {:#x},\trsp: {:#x},\trip: {:#x},\t CPU: {}, \tpid: {:?}, \nFault Address: {:#x}", error_code, regs.rsp,, smp_get_processor_id().data(), ProcessManager::current_pid(), x86::controlregs::cr2() ); if (error_code & 0x01) == 0 { print!("Page Not Present,\t"); } if (error_code & 0x02) != 0 { print!("Write Access,\t"); } else { print!("Read Access,\t"); } if (error_code & 0x04) != 0 { print!("Fault in user(3),\t"); } else { print!("Fault in supervisor(0,1,2),\t"); } if (error_code & 0x08) != 0 { print!("Reserved bit violation cause fault,\t"); } if (error_code & 0x10) != 0 { print!("Instruction fetch cause fault,\t"); } print!("\n"); CurrentIrqArch::interrupt_enable(); panic!("Page Fault"); } /// 处理x87 FPU错误 16 #MF #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "C" fn do_x87_FPU_error(regs: &'static TrapFrame, error_code: u64) { kerror!( "do_x87_FPU_error(16), \tError code: {:#x},\trsp: {:#x},\trip: {:#x},\t CPU: {}, \tpid: {:?}", error_code, regs.rsp,, smp_get_processor_id().data(), ProcessManager::current_pid() ); panic!("x87 FPU Error"); } /// 处理对齐检查 17 #AC #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "C" fn do_alignment_check(regs: &'static TrapFrame, error_code: u64) { kerror!( "do_alignment_check(17), \tError code: {:#x},\trsp: {:#x},\trip: {:#x},\t CPU: {}, \tpid: {:?}", error_code, regs.rsp,, smp_get_processor_id().data(), ProcessManager::current_pid() ); panic!("Alignment Check"); } /// 处理机器检查 18 #MC #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "C" fn do_machine_check(regs: &'static TrapFrame, error_code: u64) { kerror!( "do_machine_check(18), \tError code: {:#x},\trsp: {:#x},\trip: {:#x},\t CPU: {}, \tpid: {:?}", error_code, regs.rsp,, smp_get_processor_id().data(), ProcessManager::current_pid() ); panic!("Machine Check"); } /// 处理SIMD异常 19 #XM #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "C" fn do_SIMD_exception(regs: &'static TrapFrame, error_code: u64) { kerror!( "do_SIMD_exception(19), \tError code: {:#x},\trsp: {:#x},\trip: {:#x},\t CPU: {}, \tpid: {:?}", error_code, regs.rsp,, smp_get_processor_id().data(), ProcessManager::current_pid() ); panic!("SIMD Exception"); } /// 处理虚拟化异常 20 #VE #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "C" fn do_virtualization_exception(regs: &'static TrapFrame, error_code: u64) { kerror!( "do_virtualization_exception(20), \tError code: {:#x},\trsp: {:#x},\trip: {:#x},\t CPU: {}, \tpid: {:?}", error_code, regs.rsp,, smp_get_processor_id().data(), ProcessManager::current_pid() ); panic!("Virtualization Exception"); } #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "C" fn ignore_int_handler(_regs: &'static TrapFrame, _error_code: u64) { kwarn!("Unknown interrupt."); }