use crate::{ arch::{io::PortIOArch, CurrentIrqArch, CurrentPortIOArch, CurrentTimeArch}, driver::acpi::pmtmr::{ACPI_PM_OVERRUN, PMTMR_TICKS_PER_SEC}, exception::InterruptArch, kdebug, kerror, kinfo, kwarn, time::TimeArch, }; use core::{ cmp::{max, min}, intrinsics::unlikely, }; use system_error::SystemError; use super::hpet::hpet_instance; /// The clock frequency of the i8253/i8254 PIT const PIT_TICK_RATE: u64 = 1193182; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct TSCManager; static mut TSC_KHZ: u64 = 0; static mut CPU_KHZ: u64 = 0; impl TSCManager { const DEFAULT_THRESHOLD: u64 = 0x20000; /// 初始化TSC /// /// 目前由于未支持acpi pm timer, 因此调用该函数时,HPET应当完成初始化,否则将无法校准TSC /// /// 参考 pub fn init() -> Result<(), SystemError> { let cpuid = x86::cpuid::CpuId::new(); let feat = cpuid.get_feature_info().ok_or(SystemError::ENODEV)?; if !feat.has_tsc() { kerror!("TSC is not available"); return Err(SystemError::ENODEV); } if unsafe { TSC_KHZ == 0 } { if let Err(e) = Self::determine_cpu_tsc_frequency(false) { kerror!("Failed to determine CPU TSC frequency: {:?}", e); // todo: mark TSC as unstable clock source return Err(e); } } // todo: register TSC as clock source and deal with unstable clock source return Ok(()); } /// 获取TSC和CPU总线的频率 /// /// ## 参数 /// /// - `early`:是否在早期初始化 /// /// 参考 fn determine_cpu_tsc_frequency(early: bool) -> Result<(), SystemError> { if unlikely(Self::cpu_khz() != 0 || Self::tsc_khz() != 0) { kwarn!("TSC and CPU frequency already determined"); } if early { // todo: 先根据cpuid或者读取msr或者pit来测量TSC和CPU总线的频率 todo!("detect TSC and CPU frequency by cpuid or msr or pit"); } else { // 使用pit来测量TSC和CPU总线的频率 Self::set_cpu_khz(Self::calibrate_cpu_by_pit_hpet_ptimer()?); } // 认为非0的TSC频率是可靠的,并且使用它来检查CPU总线的频率 if Self::tsc_khz() == 0 { Self::set_tsc_khz(Self::cpu_khz()); } else if (Self::cpu_khz() as i64 - Self::tsc_khz() as i64).abs() * 10 > Self::cpu_khz() as i64 { // 如果TSC和CPU总线的频率相差太大,那么认为CPU总线的频率是不可靠的,使用TSC的频率 Self::set_cpu_khz(Self::tsc_khz()); } if Self::cpu_khz() == 0 { kerror!("Failed to determine CPU frequency"); return Err(SystemError::ENODEV); } kinfo!( "Detected {}.{} MHz processor", Self::cpu_khz() / 1000, Self::cpu_khz() % 1000 ); kinfo!( "Detected {}.{} MHz TSC", Self::tsc_khz() / 1000, Self::tsc_khz() % 1000 ); return Ok(()); } /// 测量CPU总线的频率 /// /// 使用pit、hpet、ptimer来测量CPU总线的频率 fn calibrate_cpu_by_pit_hpet_ptimer() -> Result { let hpet = hpet_instance().enabled(); kdebug!( "Calibrating TSC with {}", if hpet { "HPET" } else { "PMTIMER" } ); let mut tsc_pit_min = u64::MAX; let mut tsc_ref_min = u64::MAX; // 默认的校准参数 let cal_ms = 10; let cal_latch = PIT_TICK_RATE / (1000 / cal_ms); let cal_pit_loops = 1000; // 如果第一轮校准失败,那么使用这些参数(因为虚拟化平台的问题,第一轮校准可能失败) let cal2_ms = 50; let cal2_latch = PIT_TICK_RATE / (1000 / cal2_ms); let cal2_pit_loops = 5000; let mut latch = cal_latch; let mut loopmin = cal_pit_loops; let mut ms = cal_ms; let mut global_ref1 = 0; let mut global_ref2 = 0; for i in 0..3 { let irq_guard = unsafe { CurrentIrqArch::save_and_disable_irq() }; let (tsc1, ref1) = Self::read_refs(hpet); let tsc_pit_khz = Self::pit_calibrate_tsc(latch, ms, loopmin).unwrap_or(u64::MAX); let (tsc2, ref2) = Self::read_refs(hpet); drop(irq_guard); global_ref1 = ref1; global_ref2 = ref2; // 选用最小的tsc_pit_khz tsc_pit_min = min(tsc_pit_min, tsc_pit_khz); // HPET或者PTIMER可能是不可用的 if ref1 == ref2 { kdebug!("HPET/PMTIMER not available"); continue; } // 检查采样是否被打断 if tsc1 == u64::MAX || tsc2 == u64::MAX { continue; } let mut tsc2 = (tsc2 - tsc1) * 1000000; if hpet { tsc2 = Self::calc_hpet_ref(tsc2, ref1, ref2); } else { tsc2 = Self::calc_pmtimer_ref(tsc2, ref1, ref2); } tsc_ref_min = min(tsc_ref_min, tsc2); // 检查与参考值的误差 let mut delta = tsc_pit_min * 100; delta /= tsc_ref_min; // 如果误差在10%以内,那么认为测量成功 // 返回参考值,因为它是更精确的 if (90..=110).contains(&delta) { kinfo!( "PIT calibration matches {}. {} loops", if hpet { "HPET" } else { "PMTIMER" }, i + 1 ); return Ok(tsc_ref_min); } if i == 1 && tsc_pit_min == u64::MAX { latch = cal2_latch; ms = cal2_ms; loopmin = cal2_pit_loops; } } if tsc_pit_min == u64::MAX { kwarn!("Unable to calibrate against PIT"); // 如果没有参考值,那么禁用tsc if (!hpet) && (global_ref1 == 0) && (global_ref2 == 0) { kwarn!("No reference (HPET/PMTIMER) available"); return Err(SystemError::ENODEV); } if tsc_ref_min == u64::MAX { kwarn!("Unable to calibrate against HPET/PMTIMER"); return Err(SystemError::ENODEV); } kinfo!( "Using {} reference calibration", if hpet { "HPET" } else { "PMTIMER" } ); return Ok(tsc_ref_min); } // We don't have an alternative source, use the PIT calibration value if (!hpet) && (global_ref1 == 0) && (global_ref2 == 0) { kinfo!("Using PIT calibration value"); return Ok(tsc_pit_min); } // The alternative source failed, use the PIT calibration value if tsc_ref_min == u64::MAX { kwarn!("Unable to calibrate against HPET/PMTIMER, using PIT calibration value"); return Ok(tsc_pit_min); } // The calibration values differ too much. In doubt, we use // the PIT value as we know that there are PMTIMERs around // running at double speed. At least we let the user know: kwarn!( "PIT calibration deviates from {}: tsc_pit_min={}, tsc_ref_min={}", if hpet { "HPET" } else { "PMTIMER" }, tsc_pit_min, tsc_ref_min ); kinfo!("Using PIT calibration value"); return Ok(tsc_pit_min); } /// 尝试使用PIT来校准tsc时间,并且返回tsc的频率(khz)。 /// 如果失败,那么返回None /// /// 参考 fn pit_calibrate_tsc(latch: u64, ms: u64, loopmin: u64) -> Option { // 当前暂时没写legacy pic的驱动,因此这里直接返回 let has_legacy_pic = false; if !has_legacy_pic { let mut cnt = 10000; while cnt > 0 { cnt -= 1; } return None; } unsafe { // Set the Gate high, disable speaker let d = (CurrentPortIOArch::in8(0x61) & (!0x02)) | 0x01; CurrentPortIOArch::out8(0x61, d); // Setup CTC channel 2* for mode 0, (interrupt on terminal // count mode), binary count. Set the latch register to 50ms // (LSB then MSB) to begin countdown. CurrentPortIOArch::out8(0x43, 0xb0); CurrentPortIOArch::out8(0x42, (latch & 0xff) as u8); CurrentPortIOArch::out8(0x42, ((latch >> 8) & 0xff) as u8); } let mut tsc = CurrentTimeArch::get_cycles() as u64; let t1 = tsc; let mut t2 = tsc; let mut pitcnt = 0u64; let mut tscmax = 0u64; let mut tscmin = u64::MAX; while unsafe { (CurrentPortIOArch::in8(0x61) & 0x20) == 0 } { t2 = CurrentTimeArch::get_cycles() as u64; let delta = t2 - tsc; tsc = t2; tscmin = min(tscmin, delta); tscmax = max(tscmax, delta); pitcnt += 1; } // Sanity checks: // // If we were not able to read the PIT more than loopmin // times, then we have been hit by a massive SMI // // If the maximum is 10 times larger than the minimum, // then we got hit by an SMI as well. if pitcnt < loopmin || tscmax > 10 * tscmin { return None; } let mut delta = t2 - t1; delta /= ms; return Some(delta); } /// 读取tsc和参考值 /// /// ## 参数 /// /// - `hpet_enabled`:是否启用hpet /// /// ## 返回 /// /// - `Ok((tsc, ref))`:tsc和参考值 /// /// 参考 fn read_refs(hpet_enabled: bool) -> (u64, u64) { let thresh = if Self::tsc_khz() == 0 { Self::DEFAULT_THRESHOLD } else { Self::tsc_khz() >> 5 }; let mut ref_ret = 0; for _ in 0..5 { let t1 = CurrentTimeArch::get_cycles() as u64; if hpet_enabled { ref_ret = hpet_instance().main_counter_value(); } else { todo!("read pmtimer") } let t2 = CurrentTimeArch::get_cycles() as u64; if (t2 - t1) < thresh { return (t2, ref_ret); } } kwarn!("TSCManager: Failed to read reference value, tsc delta too high"); return (u64::MAX, ref_ret); } /// 根据HPET的参考值计算tsc的频率 /// /// fn calc_hpet_ref(mut deltatsc: u64, ref1: u64, mut ref2: u64) -> u64 { if ref2 <= ref1 { ref2 += 0x100000000; } ref2 -= ref1; let mut tmp = ref2 * hpet_instance().period(); tmp /= 1000000; deltatsc /= tmp; return deltatsc; } /// 根据PMtimer的参考值计算tsc的频率 fn calc_pmtimer_ref(mut deltatsc: u64, ref1: u64, mut ref2: u64) -> u64 { if unlikely(ref1 == 0 && ref2 == 0) { return u64::MAX; } if ref2 < ref1 { ref2 += ACPI_PM_OVERRUN; } ref2 -= ref1; let mut tmp = ref2 * 1000000000; tmp /= PMTMR_TICKS_PER_SEC; deltatsc /= tmp; return deltatsc; } pub fn tsc_khz() -> u64 { unsafe { TSC_KHZ } } pub fn cpu_khz() -> u64 { unsafe { CPU_KHZ } } fn set_cpu_khz(khz: u64) { unsafe { CPU_KHZ = khz; } } fn set_tsc_khz(khz: u64) { unsafe { TSC_KHZ = khz; } } }