use core::sync::atomic::Ordering; use atomic_enum::atomic_enum; use system_error::SystemError; use x86::{apic::Icr, msr::IA32_APIC_BASE}; use crate::{ arch::{ driver::apic::{hw_irq::ApicId, x2apic::X2Apic, xapic::XApic}, io::PortIOArch, CurrentPortIOArch, }, kdebug, kinfo, mm::PhysAddr, smp::core::smp_get_processor_id, }; use self::{ apic_timer::LocalApicTimerMode, xapic::{current_xapic_instance, XApicOffset}, }; pub mod apic_timer; mod c_adapter; pub mod hw_irq; pub mod ioapic; pub mod lapic_vector; pub mod x2apic; pub mod xapic; /// 当前启用的APIC类型 #[atomic_enum] #[derive(PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum LocalApicEnableType { XApic, X2Apic, } static LOCAL_APIC_ENABLE_TYPE: AtomicLocalApicEnableType = AtomicLocalApicEnableType::new(LocalApicEnableType::XApic); pub trait LocalAPIC { /// @brief 判断当前处理器是否支持这个类型的apic /// /// @return true 当前处理器支持这个类型的apic /// @return false 当前处理器不支持这个类型的apic fn support() -> bool; /// @brief 为当前处理器初始化local apic /// /// @return true 初始化成功 /// @return false 初始化失败 fn init_current_cpu(&mut self) -> bool; /// @brief 发送EOI信号(End of interrupt) fn send_eoi(&self); /// @brief 获取APIC版本号 fn version(&self) -> u8; /// @brief 判断当前处理器是否支持EOI广播抑制 fn support_eoi_broadcast_suppression(&self) -> bool; /// 获取最多支持的LVT寄存器数量 fn max_lvt_entry(&self) -> u8; /// @brief 获取当前处理器的APIC ID fn id(&self) -> ApicId; /// @brief 设置LVT寄存器 /// /// @param register 寄存器 /// @param lvt 要被设置成的值 fn set_lvt(&mut self, lvt: LVT); /// 读取LVT寄存器 fn read_lvt(&self, reg: LVTRegister) -> LVT; fn mask_all_lvt(&mut self); /// 写入ICR寄存器 fn write_icr(&self, icr: Icr); } /// @brief 所有LVT寄存器的枚举类型 #[allow(dead_code)] #[repr(u32)] #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] pub enum LVTRegister { /// CMCI寄存器 /// /// 如果支持CMCI功能,那么,当修正的机器错误超过阈值时,Local APIC通过CMCI寄存器的配置, /// 向处理器核心投递中断消息 CMCI = 0x82f, /// 定时器寄存器 /// /// 当APIC定时器产生中断信号时,Local APIC通过定时器寄存器的设置,向处理器投递中断消息 Timer = 0x832, /// 温度传感器寄存器 /// /// 当处理器内部的温度传感器产生中断请求信号时,Local APIC会通过温度传感器寄存器的设置, /// 向处理器投递中断消息。 Thermal = 0x833, /// 性能监控计数器寄存器 /// /// 当性能检测计数器寄存器溢出,产生中断请求时,Local APIC将会根据这个寄存器的配置, /// 向处理器投递中断消息 PerformanceMonitor = 0x834, /// 当处理器的LINT0引脚接收到中断请求信号时,Local APIC会根据这个寄存器的配置, /// 向处理器投递中断消息 LINT0 = 0x835, /// 当处理器的LINT0引脚接收到中断请求信号时,Local APIC会根据这个寄存器的配置, /// 向处理器投递中断消息 LINT1 = 0x836, /// 错误寄存器 /// /// 当APIC检测到内部错误而产生中断请求信号时,它将会通过错误寄存器的设置,向处理器投递中断消息 ErrorReg = 0x837, } impl From for u32 { fn from(val: LVTRegister) -> Self { val as u32 } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct LVT { register: LVTRegister, data: u32, } impl LVT { /// 当第16位为1时,表示屏蔽中断 pub const MASKED: u32 = 1 << 16; pub fn new(register: LVTRegister, data: u32) -> Option { // vector: u8, mode: DeliveryMode, status: DeliveryStatus let mut result = Self { register, data: 0 }; result.set_vector((data & 0xFF) as u8); match result.register { LVTRegister::Timer | LVTRegister::ErrorReg => {} _ => { result .set_delivery_mode(DeliveryMode::try_from(((data >> 8) & 0b111) as u8).ok()?) .ok()?; } } if let LVTRegister::LINT0 | LVTRegister::LINT1 = result.register { result.set_interrupt_input_pin_polarity((data & (1 << 13)) == 0); if data & (1 << 15) != 0 { result.set_trigger_mode(TriggerMode::Level).ok()?; } else { result.set_trigger_mode(TriggerMode::Edge).ok()?; } } result.set_mask((data & (1 << 16)) != 0); if let LVTRegister::Timer = result.register { result .set_timer_mode(LocalApicTimerMode::try_from(((data >> 17) & 0b11) as u8).ok()?) .ok()?; } return Some(result); } /// 获取LVT寄存器的原始值 #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn data(&self) -> u32 { return; } pub fn register(&self) -> LVTRegister { return self.register; } pub fn set_vector(&mut self, vector: u8) { &= !((1 << 8) - 1); |= vector as u32; } /// 获取中断向量号 #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn vector(&self) -> u8 { return ( & 0xFF) as u8; } /// 设置中断投递模式 /// /// Timer、ErrorReg寄存器不支持这个功能 /// /// ## 参数 /// /// - `mode`:投递模式 pub fn set_delivery_mode(&mut self, mode: DeliveryMode) -> Result<(), SystemError> { match self.register { LVTRegister::Timer | LVTRegister::ErrorReg => { return Err(SystemError::EINVAL); } _ => {} } &= 0xFFFF_F8FF; |= ((mode as u32) & 0x7) << 8; return Ok(()); } /// 获取中断投递模式 /// Timer、ErrorReg寄存器不支持这个功能 #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn delivery_mode(&self) -> Option { if let LVTRegister::Timer | LVTRegister::ErrorReg = self.register { return None; } return DeliveryMode::try_from((( >> 8) & 0b111) as u8).ok(); } /// Get the delivery status of the interrupt #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn delivery_status(&self) -> DeliveryStatus { return DeliveryStatus::from(; } /// 设置中断输入引脚的极性 /// /// ## 参数 /// /// - `high`:true表示高电平有效,false表示低电平有效 pub fn set_interrupt_input_pin_polarity(&mut self, high: bool) { &= 0xFFFF_DFFF; // 0表示高电平有效,1表示低电平有效 if !high { |= 1 << 13; } } /// 获取中断输入引脚的极性 /// /// true表示高电平有效,false表示低电平有效 #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn interrupt_input_pin_polarity(&self) -> bool { return ( & (1 << 13)) == 0; } /// 设置中断输入引脚的触发模式 /// /// 只有LINT0和LINT1寄存器支持这个功能 /// /// ## 参数 /// /// - `trigger_mode`:触发模式 pub fn set_trigger_mode(&mut self, trigger_mode: TriggerMode) -> Result<(), SystemError> { match self.register { LVTRegister::LINT0 | LVTRegister::LINT1 => { &= 0xFFFF_7FFF; if trigger_mode == TriggerMode::Level { |= 1 << 15; } return Ok(()); } _ => { return Err(SystemError::EINVAL); } } } /// 获取中断输入引脚的触发模式 /// /// 只有LINT0和LINT1寄存器支持这个功能 #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn trigger_mode(&self) -> Option { match self.register { LVTRegister::LINT0 | LVTRegister::LINT1 => { if & (1 << 15) != 0 { return Some(TriggerMode::Level); } else { return Some(TriggerMode::Edge); } } _ => { return None; } } } /// 设置是否屏蔽中断 /// /// ## 参数 /// /// - `mask`:true表示屏蔽中断,false表示不屏蔽中断 pub fn set_mask(&mut self, mask: bool) { &= 0xFFFE_FFFF; if mask { |= 1 << 16; } } /// Check if the interrupt is masked /// /// true表示屏蔽中断,false表示不屏蔽中断 #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn mask(&self) -> bool { return ( & (1 << 16)) != 0; } /// 设置定时器模式 pub fn set_timer_mode(&mut self, mode: LocalApicTimerMode) -> Result<(), SystemError> { match self.register { LVTRegister::Timer => { &= 0xFFF9_FFFF; match mode { LocalApicTimerMode::Oneshot => { |= 0b00 << 17; } LocalApicTimerMode::Periodic => { |= 0b01 << 17; } LocalApicTimerMode::Deadline => { |= 0b10 << 17; } } return Ok(()); } _ => { return Err(SystemError::EINVAL); } } } /// 获取定时器模式 #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn timer_mode(&self) -> Option { if let LVTRegister::Timer = self.register { let mode = ( >> 17) & 0b11; match mode { 0b00 => { return Some(LocalApicTimerMode::Oneshot); } 0b01 => { return Some(LocalApicTimerMode::Periodic); } 0b10 => { return Some(LocalApicTimerMode::Deadline); } _ => { return None; } } } return None; } } /// @brief #[allow(dead_code)] #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum DeliveryMode { /// 由LVT寄存器的向量号区域指定中断向量号 Fixed = 0b000, /// 通过处理器的SMI信号线,向处理器投递SMI中断请求。 /// 由于兼容性的原因,使用此投递模式时,LVT的中断向量号区域必须设置为0。 SMI = 0b010, /// 向处理器投递不可屏蔽中断,并忽略向量号区域 NMI = 0b100, /// 向处理器投递INIT中断请求,处理器会执行初始化的过程。 /// 由于兼容性的原因,使用此投递模式时,LVT的中断向量号区域必须设置为0。 /// CMCI、温度传感器、性能监控计数器等寄存器均不支持INIT投递模式 INIT = 0b101, /// 向目标处理器投递Start-Up IPI。 /// /// 这个向量通常由多核引导模块调用(请参阅Intel开发手册Volume3 Section 8.4, /// Multiple-Processor (MP) Initialization)。 /// 如果源APIC无法投递这个IPI,它不会自动重发。如果Start-Up IPI未成功投递, /// 则交由软件决定是否在必要时重新投递SIPI StartUp = 0b110, /// ExtINT模式可以将类8259A中断控制器产生的中断请求投递到处理器,并接收类 /// 8259A中断控制器提供的中断向量号。 /// CMCI、温度传感器、性能监控计数器等寄存器均不支持ExtINT投递模式 ExtINT = 0b111, } impl TryFrom for DeliveryMode { type Error = SystemError; fn try_from(value: u8) -> Result { match value { 0b000 => { return Ok(DeliveryMode::Fixed); } 0b010 => { return Ok(DeliveryMode::SMI); } 0b100 => { return Ok(DeliveryMode::NMI); } 0b101 => { return Ok(DeliveryMode::INIT); } 0b110 => { return Ok(DeliveryMode::StartUp); } 0b111 => { return Ok(DeliveryMode::ExtINT); } _ => { return Err(SystemError::EINVAL); } } } } /// @brief 投递状态 #[derive(Debug)] #[allow(dead_code)] pub enum DeliveryStatus { /// 空闲态。 /// 此状态表明,当前中断源未产生中断,或者产生的中断已经投递到处理器,并被处理器处理。 Idle = 0, /// 发送挂起状态。 /// 此状态表明,中断源产生的请求已经投递至处理器,但尚未被处理器处理。 SendPending = 1, } impl DeliveryStatus { pub fn from(data: u32) -> Self { if data & (1 << 12) == 0 { return DeliveryStatus::Idle; } else { return DeliveryStatus::SendPending; } } } /// IPI Trigger Mode #[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] #[repr(u64)] pub enum TriggerMode { Edge = 0, Level = 1, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct CurrentApic; impl CurrentApic { /// x2apic是否启用 pub fn x2apic_enabled(&self) -> bool { return LOCAL_APIC_ENABLE_TYPE.load(Ordering::SeqCst) == LocalApicEnableType::X2Apic; } pub(self) unsafe fn write_xapic_register(&self, reg: XApicOffset, value: u32) { if let Some(xapic) = current_xapic_instance().borrow_mut().as_mut() { xapic.write(reg, value); } } /// 屏蔽类8259A芯片 unsafe fn mask8259a(&self) { CurrentPortIOArch::out8(0x21, 0xff); CurrentPortIOArch::out8(0xa1, 0xff); // 写入8259A pic的EOI位 CurrentPortIOArch::out8(0x20, 0x20); CurrentPortIOArch::out8(0xa0, 0x20); kdebug!("8259A Masked."); // enable IMCR CurrentPortIOArch::out8(0x22, 0x70); CurrentPortIOArch::out8(0x23, 0x01); } } impl LocalAPIC for CurrentApic { fn support() -> bool { true } fn init_current_cpu(&mut self) -> bool { let cpu_id = smp_get_processor_id(); if == 0 { unsafe { self.mask8259a(); } } kinfo!("Initializing apic for cpu {:?}", cpu_id); if X2Apic::support() && X2Apic.init_current_cpu() { if == 0 {, Ordering::SeqCst); } kinfo!("x2APIC initialized for cpu {:?}", cpu_id); } else { kinfo!("x2APIC not supported or failed to initialize, fallback to xAPIC."); if == 0 {, Ordering::SeqCst); } let apic_base = PhysAddr::new(unsafe { x86::msr::rdmsr(IA32_APIC_BASE) as usize & 0xFFFF_0000 }); let xapic_instance = unsafe { XApic::new(apic_base) }; let mut cur = current_xapic_instance().borrow_mut(); if cur.is_none() { *cur = Some(xapic_instance); } else { panic!("xapic instance already initialized."); } if let Some(xapic) = cur.as_mut() { xapic.init_current_cpu(); } kinfo!("xAPIC initialized for cpu {:?}", cpu_id); } kinfo!("Apic initialized."); return true; } fn send_eoi(&self) { if LOCAL_APIC_ENABLE_TYPE.load(Ordering::SeqCst) == LocalApicEnableType::X2Apic { X2Apic.send_eoi(); } else if let Some(xapic) = current_xapic_instance().borrow().as_ref() { xapic.send_eoi(); } } fn version(&self) -> u8 { if LOCAL_APIC_ENABLE_TYPE.load(Ordering::SeqCst) == LocalApicEnableType::X2Apic { return X2Apic.version(); } else { return current_xapic_instance() .borrow() .as_ref() .map(|xapic| xapic.version()) .unwrap_or(0); } } fn support_eoi_broadcast_suppression(&self) -> bool { if LOCAL_APIC_ENABLE_TYPE.load(Ordering::SeqCst) == LocalApicEnableType::X2Apic { return X2Apic.support_eoi_broadcast_suppression(); } else { return current_xapic_instance() .borrow() .as_ref() .map(|xapic| xapic.support_eoi_broadcast_suppression()) .unwrap_or(false); } } fn max_lvt_entry(&self) -> u8 { if LOCAL_APIC_ENABLE_TYPE.load(Ordering::SeqCst) == LocalApicEnableType::X2Apic { return X2Apic.max_lvt_entry(); } else { return current_xapic_instance() .borrow() .as_ref() .map(|xapic| xapic.max_lvt_entry()) .unwrap_or(0); } } fn id(&self) -> ApicId { if LOCAL_APIC_ENABLE_TYPE.load(Ordering::SeqCst) == LocalApicEnableType::X2Apic { return; } else { return current_xapic_instance() .borrow() .as_ref() .map(|xapic| .unwrap_or(ApicId::new(0)); } } fn set_lvt(&mut self, lvt: LVT) { if LOCAL_APIC_ENABLE_TYPE.load(Ordering::SeqCst) == LocalApicEnableType::X2Apic { X2Apic.set_lvt(lvt); } else if let Some(xapic) = current_xapic_instance().borrow_mut().as_mut() { xapic.set_lvt(lvt); } } fn read_lvt(&self, reg: LVTRegister) -> LVT { if LOCAL_APIC_ENABLE_TYPE.load(Ordering::SeqCst) == LocalApicEnableType::X2Apic { return X2Apic.read_lvt(reg); } else { return current_xapic_instance() .borrow() .as_ref() .map(|xapic| xapic.read_lvt(reg)) .expect("xapic instance not initialized."); } } fn mask_all_lvt(&mut self) { if LOCAL_APIC_ENABLE_TYPE.load(Ordering::SeqCst) == LocalApicEnableType::X2Apic { X2Apic.mask_all_lvt(); } else if let Some(xapic) = current_xapic_instance().borrow_mut().as_mut() { xapic.mask_all_lvt(); } } fn write_icr(&self, icr: Icr) { if LOCAL_APIC_ENABLE_TYPE.load(Ordering::SeqCst) == LocalApicEnableType::X2Apic { X2Apic.write_icr(icr); } else if let Some(xapic) = current_xapic_instance().borrow().as_ref() { xapic.write_icr(icr); } } }