# stdio.h ## 简介: 向标准输入输出里操作 ## 函数列表: ``int64_t put_string(char *str, uint64_t front_color, uint64_t bg_color)`` 输出字符串(带有前景色,背景色) ``int printf(const char *fmt, ...)`` 就是正常的 ``printf`` ``int sprintf(char *buf,const char *fmt,...)``` 就是正常的 ``sprintf`` ``int vsprintf(char *buf,const char *fmt,va_list args)`` 格式化,不建议调用,请用 printf 或 sprintf 替代。 ## 宏定义 ### 字体颜色的宏定义 ``#define COLOR_WHITE 0x00ffffff //白`` ``#define COLOR_BLACK 0x00000000 //黑`` ``#define COLOR_RED 0x00ff0000 //红`` ``#define COLOR_ORANGE 0x00ff8000 //橙`` ``#define COLOR_YELLOW 0x00ffff00 //黄`` ``#define COLOR_GREEN 0x0000ff00 //绿`` ``#define COLOR_BLUE 0x000000ff //蓝`` ``#define COLOR_INDIGO 0x0000ffff //靛`` ``#define COLOR_PURPLE 0x008000ff //紫`` ### 无需使用 ``#define SEEK_SET 0 /* Seek relative to start-of-file */`` ``#define SEEK_CUR 1 /* Seek relative to current position */`` ``#define SEEK_END 2 /* Seek relative to end-of-file */`` ``#define SEEK_MAX 3``