Lines Matching refs:Val
99 Val 00 Constant
100 Val 20 Square
101 Val 21 Triangle
102 Val 22 Sine
103 Val 23 Sawtooth up
104 Val 24 Sawtooth down
105 Val 40 Spring (Force = f(pos))
106 Val 41 Friction (Force = f(velocity)) and Inertia
111 Bits 4-7: Val 2 = effect along one axis. Byte 05 indicates direction
112 Val 4 = X axis only. Byte 05 must contain 5a
113 Val 8 = Y axis only. Byte 05 must contain b4
114 Val c = X and Y axes. Bytes 05 must contain 60
115 Bits 0-3: Val 0 = No trigger
116 Val x+1 = Button x triggers the effect
172 04 Phase. Val 00 = 0 deg, Val 40 = 90 degs.
186 06+07 Dead band (Val 01F4 = 5000 (decimal))
187 08 Positive saturation (Val 0a = 1000 (decimal) Val 64 = 10000 (decimal))
204 Val 00: Stop
205 Val 01: Start and play once.
206 Val 41: Start and play n times (See byte 02 below)
343 Val 00 = 0%
344 Val 40 = 50%
345 Val 80 = 100%