Lines Matching refs:an
48 16. How can I format an HFS filesystem?
50 17. How can I fsck an HFS filesystem?
88 an experimental afpfs by Ben Hekster available from
154 …1100.. WWhhyy ccaann II mmoouunntt ssoommee HHFFSS CCDDRROOMMss bbu…
162 …haarr bblloocckkss iimmpplleemmeenntteedd ((551122))'''' mmeeaann??
164 This message comes from the kernel and indicates that an attempt was
183 …1133.. CCaann II mmoouunntt mmuullttiippllee HHFFSS ppaarrttiittiio…
190 …1144.. IInn wwhhaatt wwaayyss ccaann II wwrriittee ttoo HHFFSS ffiil…
195 You ccaann:
201 +o Run Linux executables or shared libraries on an HFS disk if they
214 You ccaannnnoott:
221 +o Run Linux executables or shared libraries on an HFS disk if they
246 …1166.. HHooww ccaann II ffoorrmmaatt aann HHFFSS ffiilleessyyssttee…
254 1177.. HHooww ccaann II ffsscckk aann HHFFSS ffiilleessyysstteemm??
257 Leslie is working on an fsck for HFS filesystems.
270 …hh sshhooww ggeenneerriicc aapppplliiccaattiioonn aanndd ddooccuumm…
274 is not made available to Netatalk's afpd. Because of this mounting an
286 …2200.. HHooww oowwnnss aallll tthhee ccooppyyrriigghhttss aanndd tt…
308 inclusion of an obvious reference to the source document in the new