Lines Matching refs:I
20 3. How I mount AppleShare volumes?
28 7. What version of Linux do I need to be running?
34 10. Why can I mount some HFS CDROMs but not others?
38 12. Why do I get a message about a bad or unknown partition table?
40 13. Can I mount multiple HFS partitions from the same Macintosh
43 14. In what ways can I write to HFS filesystems?
48 16. How can I format an HFS filesystem?
50 17. How can I fsck an HFS filesystem?
52 18. Why do I get ``error -50'' messages from my Mac when using
85 33.. HHooww II mmoouunntt AApppplleeSShhaarree vvoolluummeess??
100 Version 0.95 is considered to be ``beta'' software, so I recommend
105 After a suitable period without new bugs the I will consider the
108 …66.. IIss tthheerree aa mmaaiilliinngg lliisstt ffoorr ddiissccuuss…
112 atalk'' and ``hfs-interest'' lists. I will see bug reports sent to
121 …77.. WWhhaatt vveerrssiioonn ooff LLiinnuuxx ddoo II nneeeedd ttoo b…
149 No. There is a port in progress to NetBSD. I know of no other active
151 to another Unix-like operating system, I am interested in providing
152 what guidance I can.
154 …1100.. WWhhyy ccaann II mmoouunntt ssoommee HHFFSS CCDDRROOMMss bbu…
158 systems. I think I have fixed the problem. So, if you encounter this
173 …1122.. WWhhyy ddoo II ggeett aa mmeessssaaggee aabboouutt aa bbaadd …
183 …1133.. CCaann II mmoouunntt mmuullttiippllee HHFFSS ppaarrttiittiio…
190 …1144.. IInn wwhhaatt wwaayyss ccaann II wwrriittee ttoo HHFFSS ffiil…
246 …1166.. HHooww ccaann II ffoorrmmaatt aann HHFFSS ffiilleessyyssttee…
254 1177.. HHooww ccaann II ffsscckk aann HHFFSS ffiilleessyysstteemm??
259 …1188.. WWhhyy ddoo II ggeett ````eerrrroorr --5500'''' mmeessssaagg…