Lines Matching refs:u8

145     class_code: u8,  in get_pci_device_structure_mut()  argument
146 subclass: u8, in get_pci_device_structure_mut() argument
174 class_code: u8, in get_pci_device_structure() argument
175 subclass: u8, in get_pci_device_structure() argument
188 const BAR0_OFFSET: u8 = 0x10;
190 const STATUS_COMMAND_OFFSET: u8 = 0x04;
192 pub const PCI_CAP_ID_VNDR: u8 = 0x09;
193 pub const PCI_CAP_ID_MSI: u8 = 0x05;
194 pub const PCI_CAP_ID_MSIX: u8 = 0x11;
267 Unrecognised(u8),
270 impl From<u8> for HeaderType {
271 fn from(value: u8) -> Self { in from()
382 fn bar_ioremap(&mut self) -> Option<Result<u8, PciError>> { in bar_ioremap() argument
396 fn msix_capability_offset(&self) -> Option<u8> { in msix_capability_offset() argument
405 fn msi_capability_offset(&self) -> Option<u8> { in msi_capability_offset() argument
428 pub revision_id: u8, // 修订ID,指定特定设备的修订标志符
429 pub prog_if: u8, // 编程接口字节,一个只读寄存器,指定设备具有的寄存器级别的编程接口(如果有的话)
430 pub subclass: u8, // 子类。指定设备执行的特定功能的只读寄存器
431 pub class_code: u8, // 类代码,一个只读寄存器,指定设备执行的功能类型
432 …pub cache_line_size: u8, // 缓存线大小:以 32 位为单位指定系统缓存线大小。设备可以限制它可以支持的缓存线大小的数量,如果不支持的值写入该字段,设备将表现得好像写入了…
433 pub latency_timer: u8, // 延迟计时器:以 PCI 总线时钟为单位指定延迟计时器。
434 …pub header_type: u8, // 标头类型 a value of 0x0 specifies a general device, a value of 0x1 specifies a…
435 … pub bist: u8, // Represents that status and allows control of a devices BIST (built-in self test).
455 pub capabilities_pointer: u8,
456 pub reserved0: u8,
459 …pub interrupt_line: u8, // 指定设备的中断引脚连接到系统中断控制器的哪个输入,并由任何使用中断引脚的设备实现。对于 x86 架构,此寄存器对应于 PIC IRQ 编号 0…
460 pub interrupt_pin: u8, // 指定设备使用的中断引脚。其中值为0x1INTA#、0x2INTB#、0x3INTC#、0x4INTD#,0x0表示设备不使用中断引脚。
461 pub min_grant: u8, // 一个只读寄存器,用于指定设备所需的突发周期长度(以 1/4 微秒为单位)(假设时钟速率为 33 MHz)
462 pub max_latency: u8, // 一个只读寄存器,指定设备需要多长时间访问一次 PCI 总线(以 1/4 微秒为单位)。
491 fn bar_ioremap(&mut self) -> Option<Result<u8, PciError>> { in bar_ioremap() argument
524 pub primary_bus_number: u8,
525 pub secondary_bus_number: u8,
526 pub subordinate_bus_number: u8,
527 pub secondary_latency_timer: u8,
528 pub io_base: u8,
529 pub io_limit: u8,
539 pub capability_pointer: u8,
540 pub reserved0: u8,
543 pub interrupt_line: u8,
544 pub interrupt_pin: u8,
582 pub offset_of_capabilities_list: u8,
583 pub reserved: u8,
585 pub pci_bus_number: u8,
586 pub card_bus_bus_number: u8,
587 pub subordinate_bus_number: u8,
588 pub card_bus_latency_timer: u8,
597 pub interrupt_line: u8,
598 pub interrupt_pin: u8,
669 pub fn capabilities_offset(bus_device_function: BusDeviceFunction) -> Option<u8> { in capabilities_offset() argument
673 let cap_pointer = pci_root_0().read_config(bus_device_function, 0x34) as u8 & 0xFC; in capabilities_offset()
698 let revision_id = result as u8; in pci_read_header()
699 let prog_if = (result >> 8) as u8; in pci_read_header()
700 let subclass = (result >> 16) as u8; in pci_read_header()
701 let class_code = (result >> 24) as u8; in pci_read_header()
704 let cache_line_size = result as u8; in pci_read_header()
705 let latency_timer = (result >> 8) as u8; in pci_read_header()
706 let header_type = (result >> 16) as u8; in pci_read_header()
707 let bist = (result >> 24) as u8; in pci_read_header()
785 let capabilities_pointer = result as u8; in pci_read_general_device_header()
786 let reserved0 = (result >> 8) as u8; in pci_read_general_device_header()
792 let interrupt_line = result as u8; in pci_read_general_device_header()
793 let interrupt_pin = (result >> 8) as u8; in pci_read_general_device_header()
794 let min_grant = (result >> 16) as u8; in pci_read_general_device_header()
795 let max_latency = (result >> 24) as u8; in pci_read_general_device_header()
830 let primary_bus_number = result as u8; in pci_read_pci_to_pci_bridge_header()
831 let secondary_bus_number = (result >> 8) as u8; in pci_read_pci_to_pci_bridge_header()
832 let subordinate_bus_number = (result >> 16) as u8; in pci_read_pci_to_pci_bridge_header()
833 let secondary_latency_timer = (result >> 24) as u8; in pci_read_pci_to_pci_bridge_header()
836 let io_base = result as u8; in pci_read_pci_to_pci_bridge_header()
837 let io_limit = (result >> 8) as u8; in pci_read_pci_to_pci_bridge_header()
856 let capability_pointer = result as u8; in pci_read_pci_to_pci_bridge_header()
857 let reserved0 = (result >> 8) as u8; in pci_read_pci_to_pci_bridge_header()
863 let interrupt_line = result as u8; in pci_read_pci_to_pci_bridge_header()
864 let interrupt_pin = (result >> 8) as u8; in pci_read_pci_to_pci_bridge_header()
909 let offset_of_capabilities_list = result as u8; in pci_read_pci_to_cardbus_bridge_header()
910 let reserved = (result >> 8) as u8; in pci_read_pci_to_cardbus_bridge_header()
914 let pci_bus_number = result as u8; in pci_read_pci_to_cardbus_bridge_header()
915 let card_bus_bus_number = (result >> 8) as u8; in pci_read_pci_to_cardbus_bridge_header()
916 let subordinate_bus_number = (result >> 16) as u8; in pci_read_pci_to_cardbus_bridge_header()
917 let card_bus_latency_timer = (result >> 24) as u8; in pci_read_pci_to_cardbus_bridge_header()
929 let interrupt_line = result as u8; in pci_read_pci_to_cardbus_bridge_header()
930 let interrupt_pin = (result >> 8) as u8; in pci_read_pci_to_cardbus_bridge_header()
968 fn pci_check_all_buses() -> Result<u8, PciError> { in pci_check_all_buses()
987 fn pci_check_function(busdevicefunction: BusDeviceFunction) -> Result<u8, PciError> { in pci_check_function() argument
1013 fn pci_check_device(bus: u8, device: u8) -> Result<u8, PciError> { in pci_check_device() argument
1051 fn pci_check_bus(bus: u8) -> Result<u8, PciError> { in pci_check_bus() argument
1112 pub bus: u8,
1114 pub device: u8,
1116 pub function: u8,
1163 impl From<MemoryBarType> for u8 { implementation
1173 impl TryFrom<u8> for MemoryBarType {
1175 fn try_from(value: u8) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> { in try_from()
1279 pub fn get_bar(&self, bar_index: u8) -> Result<&BarInfo, PciError> { in get_bar()
1322 let mut bar_index_ignore: u8 = 255; in pci_bar_init()
1358 let address_type = MemoryBarType::try_from(((bar_orig & 0x00000006) >> 1) as u8)?; in pci_bar_init()
1425 pub offset: u8,
1427 pub id: u8,
1437 pub next_capability_offset: Option<u8>,
1447 let id = capability_header as u8; in next()
1448 let next_offset = (capability_header >> 8) as u8; in next()
1477 pub capability_version: u8,
1497 let capability_version = ((capability_header >> 16) & 0xf) as u8; in next()